
Archive for the ‘transportation’ category: Page 542

Apr 19, 2016

General Motors to double size of Israel R&D center

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, quantum physics, robotics/AI, transportation

Regulation is not the immediate problem with autonomous cars. Example, is Google car has been deemed approved by existing regs. However, the issue is the broader public’s trust due to the various reports of hacking of connected cars such as the Nissan Leaf, etc. Until we put in place a more resilient net infrastructure such as Quantum; slow down will happen. I suggest GM to read the news more because everything that I stated has been well communicated in the news and research for the past 4 months.

GM Ventures president Lauckner believes regulation will not halt the advance of the autonomous car.

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Apr 19, 2016

New 3D Printing Technique Makes Tougher Ceramics

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, transportation


A new way of making these tough materials could be a key step in producing better airplane engines and long-lasting machine parts.

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Apr 17, 2016

Science as Our Only Hope For Centrifugal Advancement — The Survival of our Species

Posted by in categories: energy, lifeboat, science, space, transportation

Been a while since I’ve written a new article. Include my love for the Lifeboat Foundation in it!

Are we alone in the universe? Are we the first to witness the stellar bursts amongst the skies of old? Is it foretold that we were the ones destined for the stars, beginning at the Moon and then Mars? Once driving cars, do we venture far, beyond the horizon of antiquated liveliness, a surreal vibrancy-but-a-tranquillity to the origins of chaos? Without science, these imaginary realities are but dreams shuttered away in the subconscious mind. But, with this magical and logical element of human society, we are gifted with the power to envision the sleeping mind’s abstract impossibilities, transforming them into possible realities… So that we may morph the series of footsteps in waking life.

Like evolution is the guardian of change, time dictates discovery. We advance, and the nuances past become more prevalent; a new precedent set forth in every dedicated shard of time engulfed in the sublime, and rhythmic confines, of the mind. Interlinked by their commonality, the totality of the world’s abilities lays not in the futility of complacency, but in the eulogy of peaceful unity. Once we as species see the far reaches of harnessing all pieces of this puzzle [that is the international intellect], each passing day will become more perfect.

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Apr 16, 2016

How bots will change the Web, according to a bot we built to answer that question

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, business, cybercrime/malcode, finance, internet, robotics/AI, transportation

I am still not convinced that everyone fully understands how bot technology is about to change IoT and its impact to online business industry. Let me share a few ideas: Financial Auditing and accounting. Bots will be able to do a more thorough job in managing, tracking, reporting financials that many finance back office controls can be performed by bots and requiring a sign off by CFO/ Lead Controller. And, Accounting & Audit firms can easily leverage the technology to perform audits on companies remotely without having to send teams of auditors to a client’s site.

Here’s another one; I decide to set up a few 3D printers to make some unique seals for aircraft manufactures for their jets/ planes; and I need a call center plus online sales teams taking and processing orders. With bot technology my whole operation is automated and no need for sales people, call center folks, or operators. All I need is myself and couple of techies to manage the bot operations; and more profit for me and my team.

However, we still have to keep a tight oversight on hacking which is still a risk; however, we should see more micro-size companies spin up as a result of online bots and 3D printers in our immediate future.

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Apr 16, 2016

This Singapore public bus service is now offering WiFi-On-The-Go

Posted by in categories: internet, transportation

This Singapore public bus service is now offering WiFi-On-The-Go.

As part of the Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) Trials, commuters can now connect to WiFi on selected SMRT Service 176 buses.

By Yon Heong Tung
12 Apr, 2016.

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Apr 15, 2016

Mercedes Self Driving Car Real Roads Demo Full Journey 2015 Video Driverless S Class W222 CARJAM TV

Posted by in categories: computing, robotics/AI, transportation

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Mercedes S Class Driverless Car Is Here 2015 Commercial Self Driving Mercedes S Class W222. As the inventor of the automobile, Mercedes-Benz natural assumes a pioneering role where autonomous driving is concerned. The declared aim is to develop the automobile further, from a self-moving (“automobile”) vehicle to an independent (“autonomous”) vehicle. In its research and development activities, Mercedes-Benz goes well beyond purely technical realisation of automated driving and anticipates various scenarios.

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Apr 14, 2016

Someone’s made an actual, working hoverboard

Posted by in category: transportation

Introducing… the ZR Flyboard.

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Apr 14, 2016

Apple Car Spy Video

Posted by in category: transportation

First ever leaked footage of Apple’s secret electric car project.

Apple Car prototype testing at ‘Project Titan’ secret indoor facility. Recorded by unknown employee. This is the first ever leaked footage of Apple’s secret electric car.

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Apr 13, 2016

Pitch black: Ford’s autonomous cars don’t care whether it’s day or night

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, transportation

Night testing in the desert goes surprisingly well, the company says.

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Apr 12, 2016

HRL to develop inertial sensor tech for DARPA

Posted by in categories: electronics, transportation

Could this sensor technology revolutionize how auto and other navigation technology looks in the future?

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded HRL Laboratories $4.3 million to develop vibration- and shock-tolerant inertial sensor technology that enables future system accuracy needs without utilizing GPS.

While GPS provides sub-meter accuracy in optimal conditions, the signal is often lost or degraded due to natural interference or malicious jamming.

HRL Laboratories, based in Malibu, California, is a corporate research-and-development laboratory owned by The Boeing Company and General Motors specializing in research into sensors and materials, information and systems sciences, applied electromagnetics and microelectronics.

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