
Archive for the ‘satellites’ category

Jul 21, 2024

Maxar Intelligence unveils first images from next-generation WorldView Legion satellites

Posted by in category: satellites

WASHINGTON — Maxar Intelligence, a provider of geospatial intelligence and Earth observation services, on July 18 released the first images from its WorldView Legion satellites. The inaugural pair of these advanced Earth observation satellites were launched on May 2 from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

WorldView Legion is Maxar’s latest constellation of high-resolution Earth imaging satellites, designed to increase the company’s imaging capacity and revisit rates. These satellites are capable of collecting 30 cm-class imagery, providing detailed views of the Earth’s surface for a wide range of applications, from defense and intelligence to urban planning and disaster response.

Maxar said the commissioning and calibration process for the first two WorldView Legion satellites is still under way.

Jul 17, 2024

Space radiation can damage satellites − my team discovered that a next-generation material could self-heal when exposed to cosmic rays

Posted by in categories: materials, satellites

The space environment is harsh and full of extreme radiation. Scientists designing spacecraft and satellites need materials that can withstand these conditions.

In a paper published in January 2024, my team of materials researchers demonstrated that a next-generation semiconductor material called metal-halide perovskite can actually recover and heal itself from radiation damage.

Jul 10, 2024

SpaceX set to launch Falcon 9 rocket on Wednesday. Here’s how to see it in Arizona

Posted by in categories: internet, satellites

SpaceX will launch a Falcon 9 rocket containing 20 Starlink satellites from California. Here’s how to watch the rocket launch from Arizona.

Jul 10, 2024

No GPS, no problem: Researchers are making quantum sensing tools more compact and accurate to replace GPS

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, satellites

Fundamental physics—let alone quantum physics—might sound complicated to many, but it can actually be applied to solve everyday problems.

Imagine navigating to an unfamiliar place. Most people would suggest using GPS, but what if you were stuck in an underground tunnel where radio signals from satellites were not able to penetrate? That’s where quantum sensing tools come in.

USC Viterbi Information Sciences Institute researchers Jonathan Habif and Justin Brown, both from ISI’s new Laboratory for Quantum-Limited Information, are working at making sensing instruments like atomic accelerometers smaller and more accurate so they can be used to navigate when GPS is down.

Jul 9, 2024

Europe’s Ariane 6 rocket succeeds in debut flight

Posted by in category: satellites

The European Space Agency’s member countries have endured a space access predicament as they have waited to have a functioning rocket in their toolbox.

But a new rocket, dubbed Ariane 6, just launched on its maiden mission after years of delays and hang-ups in the development process.

If successful, the space agency hopes that the Ariane 6 rocket system may go on to make the space agency more self-reliant and perhaps challenge SpaceX’s dominance in the global market for launching satellites.

Jul 8, 2024

Beyond Borders: Applying Modern Conflict Laws as Framework for Outer Space Governance

Posted by in categories: energy, finance, governance, law, military, satellites, surveillance

Moreover, the concept of limitation, which dictates that the means and methods of warfare are not unlimited, can help prevent the escalation of conflicts in space by imposing restrictions on the use of certain weapons or tactics that could cause indiscriminate harm or result in long-term consequences for space exploration and utilization. Given a growing number of distinct weapons systems in orbit – from missile defense systems with kinetic anti-satellite capabilities, electronic warfare counter-space capabilities, and directed energy weapons to GPS jammers, space situational awareness, surveillance, and intelligence gathering capabilities – legal clarity rather than strategic ambiguity are crucial for ensuring the responsible and peaceful use of outer space.

Additionally, the principle of humanity underscores the importance of treating all individuals with dignity and respect, including astronauts, cosmonauts, and civilians who may be affected by conflicts in space. By upholding this principle, outer space law can ensure that human rights are protected and preserved, particularly in the profoundly challenging environment of outer space. Moreover, with civilians on the ground increasingly tethered to space technologies for communication, navigation, banking, leisure, and other essential services, the protection of their rights becomes a fundamental imperative.

The modern laws of armed conflict (LOAC) offer a valuable blueprint for developing a robust legal framework for governing activities in outer space. By integrating complementary principles of LOAC or international humanitarian law with the UN Charter into outer space law, policymakers can promote the peaceful and responsible use of outer space while mitigating the risks associated with potential conflicts in this increasingly contested domain.

Jul 8, 2024

Planned SpaceX launch from Florida to carry first satellite built entirely in Turkey

Posted by in category: satellites

July 8 (UPI) — SpaceX is targeting a Monday afternoon launch at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station of a Falcon 9 rocket carrying aloft Turkey’s first home-grown communications satellite.

The launch at 5:21 p.m. EDT can be viewed online.

Turkey has had satellites launched before but this is the first one to be entirely built in the Middle East nation. Turkey is just the 11th country capable of manufacturing its own communications satellites.

Jul 8, 2024

To guard against cyberattacks in space, researchers ask “what if?”

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, satellites

A hack on satellites could cripple much of our digital infrastructure.

Jul 7, 2024

SpaceX Falcon 9 to deploy Turkish satellite. When, where to see it in Daytona, New Smyrna

Posted by in category: satellites

Though SpaceX has yet to announce this mission, the Federal Aviation Administration and Space Coast Office of Tourism now report the Türksat 6A satellite will launch Monday afternoon — though the target date has bounced around the past couple days.

Mission: A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will deploy Turkey’s first domestically manufactured geostationary communications satellite, the Space Coast Office of Tourism reports.

Jul 5, 2024

Satellite company spots ‘significant deformation’ at Lake Livingston Dam

Posted by in category: satellites

Value. Space uses satellites to assess risks to infrastructure.

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