
Archive for the ‘security’ category: Page 130

Feb 15, 2016

Governance challenges at the intersection of space and cyber security

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, economics, governance, military, security, space

See even Space gets it — the importance of great Cyber Security is needed now.

The disruption of capabilities that space assets provide would have immediate, far-reaching and devastating economic, political, and geostrategic consequences. Over the past two decades, space vulnerabilities have grown dramatically in a manner commensurate with terrestrial dependency on space-based capabilities and enablers. This is true for both civilian and military activities. Purposeful interference with space systems could rather easily trigger a retaliatory spiral of actions that could compromise a safe and secure operating environment in space. Accordingly, having available a range of measures to prevent or preempt an incident, or even full-up conflict, is of rapidly growing importance to an increasing number of countries.

The interruption of space services through a cyber attack could involve large, and possibly very complex, knock-on effects. As the space and cyberspace domains are linked operationally—space cannot exist without cyber and cyber, in some cases, without space—and they permeate all other warfighting domains (i.e. land, air, and sea), cyber-related vulnerabilities of space assets are a major concern. Global effects would be virtually instantaneous.

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Feb 15, 2016

82 Percent of Energy Sector IT Pros Say a Cyber Attack Could Cause Physical Damage

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nuclear energy, security

82% of Energy Industry (power grids, nuclear, solar, gas, etc.) say that a Cyber Attack Could Cause Physical Damage — and they didn’t highlight those on some sort of life support or machine to help patients, etc. to live.

According to the results of a recent Tripwire survey of more than 150 IT professionals in the energy, utilities, and oil and gas industries, 82 percent of respondents said a cyber attack on operational technology (OT) in their organization could cause physical damage.

The survey, conducted in November 2015 by Dimensional Research, also found that almost 60 percent of respondents said they aren’t able to track all the threats targeting their OT networks, either because they don’t have the visibility necessary to track all threats (16.2 percent), because they only track threats that directly target their department (8.1 percent) or because there are just too many threats (35.4 percent).

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Feb 15, 2016

$100 Billion Later, Feds Fumble on Cybersecurity

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, robotics/AI, security

Are you feeling confident about those robots and other AI machines and apps connected to the cloud environments self managing themselves?

The latest round of embarrassing federal data breaches struck the very agencies charged with protecting Americans, evidence one leading member of Congress believes is proof that throwing money at a problem doesn’t solve much unless there’s accountability to go with it.

Last week, the personal data of some 20,000 FBI employees and more than 9,000 Department of Homeland Security workers was released.

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Feb 15, 2016

New HIPAA Guidance For Mobile Apps, Health Info Exchange

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, health, mobile phones, robotics/AI, security

I was waiting for this HIPAA’s new guidelines for mobile apps (focuses a lot on IAM); this is only the first wave. We will see more when more AI is launched.

Federal regulators have issued new guidance, including material to clarify for healthcare entities and software developers various scenarios where HIPAA regulations might apply to mobile health applications, including situations when patients use smartphones to collect or transmit personal health data.

See Also: 2015 Breach Preparedness and Response Study: The Results

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Feb 15, 2016

Where Artificial Intelligence Is Now and What’s Just Around the Corner

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biological, cybercrime/malcode, internet, robotics/AI, security, virtual reality

I believe that AI holds a lot of promise and many great things; however, we have to correct some very critical issues 1st before compound a huge issue that we have today. And, that is Cyber Security and re-establish trust with our consumers and customers. Without these 2 being fully addressed; you will compound these two challenges with AI plus run the risk of having an IoT that most people will not wish to use due to hackers, bad data, etc. Not to mention lawsuits for Wi-Fi connected robotics that were hacked and injured or worse some innocent person.

I believe need to ensure priorities are in order before we make things worse.

Unexpected convergent consequences…this is what happens when eight different exponential technologies all explode onto the scene at once.

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Feb 15, 2016

Hackers Demand $3.6 Million from Hollywood Hospital Following Cyber-Attack

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, robotics/AI, security

Lack of good Cyber Security across the net, will continue to be a key reason why AI in general will not deliver the return on new AI tech products and robots / devices. $3+ million in ranson may not be that large to mid size and large tech companies; however, it is everything to small businesses and small businesses and consumers is what keeps tech in business.

Hospital staff severely impeded in their day-to-day work.

Read more

Feb 14, 2016

Bringing Innovation into Cyberdefense Technologies

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, internet, security

Nice article; something that I agree very much with is the perspective that both Cyber Security is intertwined with technology innovation and adoption. Tech and other companies creating products or even services that leverages the net, can easily see their revenue potentials impacted due to poor Cyber Security. Example, Hello (Wi-Fi) Barbie by Mattel; when it was announced that the doll was indeed hackable; many buying consumers buying for their children left her on the shelf.

Hackers use innovative thinking when breaching systems, why can’t government?

by Larry Karisny

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Feb 14, 2016

Top CEOs Focusing on Cognitive Computing

Posted by in categories: business, cybercrime/malcode, internet, neuroscience, robotics/AI, security

I believe it is wonderful to think about cognitive computing. However, as a fellow CIO & CTO, I would suggest a key priority has to be focused on Cyber Security until it is resolved; or in a better position to proactively blocker would be intruders. Without a solid Cyber Security plan and model in place and operational; your cognitive computing capabilities will be worth nothing in the end once hackers are helping themselves to your IP and other information as well as your AI machines.

The news comes from the recent IBM Institute for Business Value study, “Redefining Competition: Insights from the Global C-suite Study — The CEO perspective.” Researchers interviewed more than 5,000 C-level executives worldwide about their perspectives on a variety of technology issues, including the importance of mobile solutions, cloud Relevant Products/Services computing, and the Internet of Things.

Torchbearers and Market Followers.

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Feb 14, 2016

Chinese cyber strategy-building deterrence

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, military, security, space

China’s public report on their own Cyber Security Strategy — don’t get too excited; it is a “public” version of their plan (mean nothing in depth).

New cyber warfare unit

While China was assessed to have cyber warfare capabilities for quite some time, the declaration by its Central Military Council of the formation of a new military branch focussed on digital battleground technically called Strategic Support Force on 1st Jan. 2016 confirmed this. This new force is mainly aimed at providing resources capable of protecting China’s cyber and space security. On this occasion Xi pointed out that this force is central to achieving the “Chinese Dream” suggesting its importance.

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Feb 14, 2016

Clueless In Cyber-Security Land

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, neuroscience, robotics/AI, security

Very good read; and hints at something that I have been highlighting for a while around AI, NextGen transformation and adoption, etc. One very large brick wall that I highlighted in my latest posts around 5 areas that need to be address for AI to be adopted more broadly is Cyber Security.

If we do not get Cyber Security address soon around hackers, cloud, etc. AI (including robotics), brain interfaces, etc. will be either rejected or very limited in its adoption. It is just that simple.

What are CISO’s (Chief Information Security Officers) worrying about in 2016?

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