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Apr 22, 2018

Why robots could replace teachers as soon as 2027

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, employment, finance, robotics/AI

Will they teach humanities?

Some experts have suggested that autonomous systems will replace us in jobs for which humans are unsuited anyway — those that are dull, dirty, and dangerous. That’s already happening. Robots clean nuclear disaster sites and work construction jobs. Desk jobs aren’t immune to the robot takeover, however — machines are replacing finance experts, outperforming doctors, and competing with advertising masterminds.

The unique demands placed on primary and secondary school teachers make this position different from many other jobs at risk of automation. Students all learn differently, and a good teacher must attempt to deliver lessons in a way that resonates with every child in the classroom. Some students may have behavioral or psychological problems that inhibit or complicate that process. Others may have parents who are too involved, or not involved enough, in their education. Effective teachers must be able to navigate these many hurdles while satisfying often-changing curriculum requirements.

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Apr 22, 2018

The future of farming is moving indoors. Here’s why

Posted by in categories: food, futurism

It’s what’s inside that counts.

What happens when you bring agriculture, technology and architecture together?

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Apr 22, 2018

Product launch: a trip to the Taco Bell Space Station

Posted by in category: space

Putting the commercial in commercial space.

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Apr 22, 2018

Calorie restriction is the most reasonable anti-ageing intervention: a meta-analysis of survival curves

Posted by in categories: genetics, life extension

We found that Caloric Restricción CR and Genetic manipulations.


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Apr 22, 2018

Scientists Implanted Tiny Human Brains Into Mice

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

The mice helped the tiny organoids get nutrients, oxygen, and even start developing human neurons.

Getty Images

Scientists at the Salk Institute implanted lentil-sized human brain organoids into the heads of mice, then closed it with a transparent window. The mice looked and behaved like ordinary mice, while supplying blood and nutrients to keep human brains developing for months.

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Apr 22, 2018

Newt Gingrich: A glimpse of America’s future in space in 2024

Posted by in categories: innovation, space travel

Two historic events happened this past week that will lay the groundwork for the future of American space exploration.

First, after a close vote in the Senate, Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla. – a former Navy combat pilot – was confirmed as the new head of NASA. I am confident he will be a strong leader in space exploration as we begin a new era of innovation, technological advancement and limitless exploration.

Second, Vice President Mike Pence laid out a bold vision for America’s future in space exploration during his opening remarks at the Space Foundation’s 34th Annual Space Symposium in Colorado. The vice president showed the Trump administration’s commitment to restoring American leadership in space, rightly pointing out that “we stand at the dawn of a new era of human activity in space; a turning point that will bring new opportunities and new challenges.”

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Apr 22, 2018

Metadata Society

Posted by in category: futurism


Keyword entry for the Posthuman Glossary edited by Braidotti and Hlavajova.

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Apr 22, 2018

Natural Causes

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

“Old age isn’t a battle,” she says, quoting Philip Roth, “old age is a massacre.” In the past few years, she has given up on screenings and scans. Not that she is lazy or suicidal. But at 76, she considers herself old enough to die. All the self-help books aimed at her age group tell her otherwise; they talk of “active ageing”, “productive ageing”, “anti-ageing”, even “reverse-ageing”, with a long life promised to anyone who makes an effort, regardless of factors such as genetics or poverty. But to her, ageing is “an accumulation of disabilities”, which no amount of physical activity or rigorous self-denial can prevent. If she has symptoms, she’ll have them investigated. But when a doctor tells her there could be an undetected problem of some kind, she won’t play along.

A great iconoclast has written a polemic about ageing that sends up New Age platitudes and is full of scepticism of the wellness industry.

Blake Morrison

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Apr 21, 2018

Did You Know the Earth Has a Second Magnetic Field? Its Oceans

Posted by in category: climatology

Beyond this, another aim of the mission is to increase our knowledge of atmospheric processes and ocean circulation patterns that affect climate and weather. The ocean is also an important subject of study to the Swarm mission because of the small ways in which it contributes to Earth’s magnetic field. Basically, as the ocean’s salty water flows through Earth’s magnetic field, it generates an electric current that induces a magnetic signal.

Because this field is so small, it is extremely difficult to measure. However, the Swarm mission has managed to do just that in remarkable detail. These results, which were presented at the EGU 2018 meeting, were turned into an animation (shown below), which shows how the tidal magnetic signal changes over a 24 hour period.

As you can see, the animation shows temperature changes in the Earth’s oceans over the course of the day, shifting from north to south and ranging from deeper depths to shallower, coastal regions. These changes have a minute effect on Earth’s magnetic field, ranging from 2.5 to −2.5 microtesla. As Nils Olsen, from the Technical University of Denmark, explained in a ESA press release:

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Apr 21, 2018

Amazon’s Running a Big Sale On 23andMe’s New and Improved DNA Testing Kits

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, privacy

If you aren’t freaked out by privacy concerns of DNA testing kits (basically, they may sell anonymized genetic data, but not personally identifiable data), the tests are getting better, and 23andMe’s are on sale today.

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