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Jul 9, 2021

Hubble Captures Two Gargantuan Galaxies in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster

Posted by in category: space

Two things capture your attention in this spectacular Picture of the Week, which was taken using Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3): the two enormous galaxies that flank the left and right sides of the image. The galaxy on the left is a lenticular galaxy, which rejoices in the name of 2MASX J03193743+4137580. The side-on spiral galaxy on the right is more simply named UGC 2665. Both galaxies lie approximately 350 million light-years from Earth, and they both form part of the enormous Perseus galaxy cluster.

Perseus is an important figure in Greek mythology, renowned for slaying Medusa the Gorgon — who is herself famous for the unhappy reason that she was cursed to have living snakes for hair. Given Perseus’s impressive credentials, it seems appropriate that the eponymous galaxy cluster is one of the biggest objects in the known Universe, consisting of thousands of galaxies, only a few of which are visible in this image.

The wonderful detail in the image is thanks to the WFC3’s powerful resolution and high sensitivity. The WFC3 is sensitive to both visible and infrared light, so those are the wavelengths that are captured in this image. The Perseus supercluster looks very different at other wavelengths. Whilst in this image the spaces between the galaxies appear dark and peaceful, when the X-ray emission is observed the Perseus cluster appears to be burning with bright intense light.

Jul 9, 2021

Stumble-proof robot adapts to challenging terrain in real time

Posted by in categories: policy, robotics/AI

Robots have a hard time improvising, and encountering an unusual surface or obstacle usually means an abrupt stop or hard fall. But researchers have created a new model for robotic locomotion that adapts in real time to any terrain it encounters, changing its gait on the fly to keep trucking when it hits sand, rocks, stairs and other sudden changes.

Although robotic movement can be versatile and exact, and robots can “learn” to climb steps, cross broken terrain and so on, these behaviors are more like individual trained skills that the robot switches between. Although robots like Spot famously can spring back from being pushed or kicked, the system is really just working to correct a physical anomaly while pursuing an unchanged policy of walking. There are some adaptive movement models, but some are very specific (for instance this one based on real insect movements) and others take long enough to work that the robot will certainly have fallen by the time they take effect.

The team, from Facebook AI, UC Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon University, call it Rapid Motor Adaptation. It came from the fact that humans and other animals are able to quickly, effectively and unconsciously change the way they walk to fit different circumstances.

Jul 9, 2021

Evidence for a particle that is its own antiparticle

Posted by in category: particle physics

Circa 2017 angel particle still found.

New evidence by Stanford and University of California researchers supports a 1937 theory that some particles can be their own antiparticles.

Jul 9, 2021

China’s new Quantum tech is 100 trillion times faster than Google’s

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, supercomputing

Circa 2020 o.o…

Google’s Sycamore used to be the world’s fastest quantum computer on the planet, with 54 cubits of quantum computational power. Google declared Quantum Supremacy with Sycamore in October 2019 by running a calculation in 200s that would have taken the world’s fastest supercomputer 10000 years the execute. (in case you’re wondering; Quantum Supremacy is when a quantum computer can complete a task that no supercomputer could achieve.)

The research team at the University of Science and Technology of China ran a similar simulated comparison to its quantum calculation. China’s top quantum computer, dubbed Jiuzhang, completed a calculation in 3 minutes that would have taken TaihuLight, the country’s fastest supercomputer, and third fastest in the world, 2 billion years to complete.

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Jul 9, 2021

Off-Patent Osteoporosis Drug Also Found to Extend Lifespan

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Zoledronate is a biophosphonate, a drug used to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis-related bone fractures. It is well-absorbed into the bones, so it only needs to be administered through infusion once a year.

A 2010 study had found that people who were given zoledronate after experiencing hip fractures showed slightly reduced all-cause mortality compared to a control group. Patients who took the drug were at significantly lower risk for heart arrhythmias and pneumonia.

As this is a drug that is already being given to people, the choice to go back to genetically modified fruit flies, a much simpler model of aging, may seem counterintuitive. The team chose to test these insects for two principal reasons. The first is that Drosophila flies are a common subject of studies on basic aging pathways, which the researchers wished to explore. The second is simpler: Drosophila flies lack bones, making the bone-affecting properties of zoledronate irrelevant to the study.

Jul 9, 2021

Australia’s First Fully Automated Smart Farm Will Use Only Robots For Field Work

Posted by in categories: food, robotics/AI, sustainability

The smart farm: To show just how much these technologies could help farmers, CSU and Food Agility have partnered to create the Global Digital Farm (GDF).

The smart farm will be built at CSU’s Wagga Wagga campus, and it will feature autonomous tractors, harvesters, and other farming robots, as well as AI programs designed to help with farm management and more.

Teachable moments: The plan isn’t for the GDF to simply demonstrate what a smart farm can look like — CSU and Food Agility want to use it to teach Australia’s farmers how to take advantage of all the tech that will be on display.

Jul 9, 2021

Quantum laser turns energy loss into gain

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

Scientists at KAIST have fabricated a laser system that generates highly interactive quantum particles at room temperature. Their findings, published in the journal Nature Photonics, could lead to a single microcavity laser system that requires lower threshold energy as its energy loss increases.

The system, developed by KAIST physicist Yong-Hoon Cho and colleagues, involves shining through a single hexagonal-shaped microcavity treated with a loss-modulated silicon nitride substrate. The system design leads to the generation of a polariton at , which is exciting because this usually requires cryogenic temperatures.

The researchers found another unique and counter-intuitive feature of this design. Normally, energy is lost during laser operation. But in this system, as energy loss increased, the amount of energy needed to induce lasing decreased. Exploiting this phenomenon could lead to the development of high efficiency, low threshold lasers for future quantum optical devices.

Jul 9, 2021

Meet the ‘zombie frog,’ a new species found in the Amazon

Posted by in category: futurism

The spooky-looking amphibian is less scary than it appears to be. But it might already be endangered, as deforestation rates continue to go up.

Jul 9, 2021

Facebook teaches AI-powered robot to adapt while walking

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Researchers tested a four-legged robot on sand, oil, rocks and other tricky surfaces.

Jul 9, 2021

Match matters: The right combination of parents can turn a gene off indefinitely

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Evidence suggests that what happens in one generation—diet, toxin exposure, trauma, fear—can have lasting effects on future generations. Scientists believe these effects result from epigenetic changes that occur in response to the environment and turn genes on or off without altering the genome or DNA sequence.

But how these changes are passed down through generations has not been understood, in part, because scientists have not had a simple way to study the phenomenon. A new study by researchers at the University of Maryland provides a potential tool for unraveling the mystery of how experiences can cause inheritable changes to an animal’s biology. By mating nematode worms, they produced permanent epigenetic changes that lasted for more than 300 generations. The research was published on July 9, 2021, in the journal Nature Communications.

“There’s a lot of interest in heritable epigenetics,” said Antony Jose, associate professor of cell biology and molecular genetics at UMD and senior author of the study. “But getting clear answers is difficult. For instance, if I’m on some diet today, how does that affect my children and grandchildren and so on? No one knows, because so many different variables are involved. But we’ve found this very simple method, through mating, to turn off a for multiple generations. And that gives us a huge opportunity to study how these stable epigenetic changes occur.”