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Sep 27, 2014
Getting Apple, Microsoft and Fortune-500s to Uninterruptedly Buy From You!
Posted by Andres Agostini in categories: business, computing, disruptive technology, economics, education, electronics, engineering, ethics, information science, science, scientific freedom
Getting Apple, Microsoft and Fortune-500s to Uninterruptedly Buy From You!
Apple, Berkshire Hathaway Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors, Honda, Daimler-Chrysler’s Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company, Google, Xerox, Exxon-Mobil, Boeing, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, NASA and DARPA, Lockheed Martin, RAND Corporation and HUDSON Institute, Northrop Grumman Corporation, GEICO, Microsoft, etc.
You are going to need to prepare thyself breathtakingly. You will need a Brioni suit and a silk tie and understand, later on below this material, how to get lucky via Rampant Rocket Science.
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FUTURISM UPDATE (September 27, 2014)
ENGADGET: Google’s data-transferring tool gets a shiny new interface
BLOOMBERG: Ford Due for Ratings Boost as Profit Returns to 1999 Level: Cars…
Sep 26, 2014
Review: When Google Met WikiLeaks (2014) by Julian Assange
Posted by Harry J. Bentham in categories: big data, bitcoin, computing, encryption, ethics, events, futurism, geopolitics, government, hacking, internet, journalism, law, law enforcement, media & arts, military, transhumanism, transparency
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Sep 26, 2014
Hundreds of floating robots could soon surveil the oceans
Posted by Seb in category: robotics/AI
by Daniel Terdiman — C/Net
Boeing and Liquid Robotics today announced a partnership to make water-borne robots that can handle a variety of surveillance jobs, ranging from hunts for submarines to the detection of drug traffickers.
Silicon Valley’s Liquid Robotics is the manufacturer of the Wave Glider SV3, a $300,000 self-powered, seafaring data center that offers customers — until now, mostly researchers and marine industry companies — tools for investigating the open seas for months at a time. SV3s have a hybrid propulsion system that can drive the robot with either solar or wave power. Boeing is the world’s second-largest defense contractor.
Sep 25, 2014
Question: A Counterpoint to the Technological Singularity?
Posted by Andres Agostini in categories: defense, disruptive technology, economics, education, environmental, ethics, existential risks, finance, futurism, lifeboat, policy, posthumanism, science, scientific freedom
Question: A Counterpoint to the Technological Singularity?
Douglas Hofstadter, a professor of cognitive science at Indiana University, indicated about The Singularity is Near Book (ISBN: 978–0143037880),
“ … A very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and good with ideas that are crazy. It’s as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can’t possibly figure out what’s good or bad …”
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Sep 25, 2014
‘Person of Interest’ Season 4 Will Tackle Big Questions About Artificial Intelligence
Posted by Seb in categories: entertainment, robotics/AI
For three seasons, CBS’s Person of Interest has tried to raise questions about who’s watching us. But starting Tuesday, the show will shine a light on a subject producers think no one is keeping an eye on quite enough: artificial intelligence.
“Since the show initially premiered [in 2011], we used to get a lot of questions about [surveillance] and whether it was a real thing or not, and I think what initially seemed like a science fiction concept became factual and something people know is pervasive,” said executive producer Greg Plageman, referring largely to the 2013 Edward Snowden leaks.
Sep 25, 2014
Litmus-Testing Your Corporate Into For-Cash Strategy!
Posted by Andres Agostini in categories: business, complex systems, disruptive technology, driverless cars, economics, education, engineering, futurism, innovation, science, scientific freedom
Litmus-Testing Your Corporate Into For-Cash Strategy By Mr. Andres Agostini at
Berkshire Hathaway Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors, Honda, Daimler-Chrysler’s Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company, Google, Xerox, Exxon-Mobil, Boeing, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, NASA and DARPA, Lockheed Martin, RAND Corporation and HUDSON Institute, Northrop Grumman Corporation, GEICO, etc.
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FUTURISM UPDATE (September 25, 2014)
LINKEDIN: “Litmus-Testing Your Corporate Strategy Into For-Cash Victory!” by…sh-victory
FAST COMPANY: DHL Will Begin Testing Drones (Flying Robots) Deliveries On Friday…-on-friday
by Charlie Osborne - c/net
Bitcoin, the best known form of virtual currency, faces numerous obstacles to widespread acceptance and adoption, but a new group called Coin Center has added a voice of support.
The organization is led by Jerry Brito, a law professor and a former research fellow at George Mason’s Mercatus Center. In an announcement made Thursday, Brito said Coin Center is a “new non-profit research and advocacy center focused on the public policy issues facing cryptocurrency technologies.” Bitcoin was the first and still the best known virtual currency or crytocurrency, which means that cryptography is used for its transactions and its creation.