
Archive for the ‘space’ category: Page 117

Dec 6, 2023

NASA To Commemorate 25 Years of ISS on December 6th

Posted by in category: space

NASA to celebrate ISS’s 25th anniversary on December 6th.

Dec 6, 2023

Elon Musk’s AI startup — X.AI — files to raise $1 billion in fresh capital

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, internet, robotics/AI, space

X.AI, Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence startup, has filed with the SEC to raise up to $1 billion in an equity offering. The company has raised nearly $135 million from four investors, with the first sale occurring on Nov. 29, according to the filing. The AI startup, which Musk announced in July,…

X.AI, an artificial intelligence startup founded by Elon Musk, has filed with the SEC to raise up to $1 billion in an equity offering.

The company has already brought in nearly $135 million from four investors, with the first sale occurring on Nov. 29, and has a “binding and enforceable agreement” for the purchase of the remaining shares, the filing says.

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Dec 6, 2023

Jeff Bezos goes to Elon Musk for a helping hand

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space

The two billionaires are teaming up to further Amazon’s efforts in space.

Dec 6, 2023

‘Space Rescue Service’ needed for coming space tourism era, report argues

Posted by in category: space

The more people who fly in space, the higher the likelihood of something going wrong.

Dec 5, 2023

Our Galaxy Appears to Be in a Huge Empty Void

Posted by in category: space

Researchers have come up with a solution to the “Hubble tension,” arguing that Einstein didn’t consider we’re in the middle of a cosmic void.

Dec 5, 2023

Hydrogen Detected in Lunar Samples, points to Resource Availability for Space Exploration

Posted by in categories: government, space

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) researchers have discovered solar-wind hydrogen in lunar samples, which indicates that water on the surface of the Moon may provide a vital resource for future lunar bases and longer-range space exploration. Space-based resource identification is a key factor in planning for civilian-and government-led space exploration.

“Hydrogen has the potential to be a resource that can be used directly on the lunar surface when there are more regular or permanent installations there,” said Dr. Katherine D. Burgess, geologist in NRL’s Materials Science and Technology Division.

“Locating resources and understanding how to collect them prior to getting to the Moon is going to be incredibly valuable for space exploration.”

Dec 5, 2023

Scientists Find Evidence for Large Unknown Objects in Distant Solar System

Posted by in category: space

The potential detection of objects lying beyond the Kuiper Belt’s limits may upend our understanding of what encircles our solar system.

Dec 5, 2023

Astronomers Discover Rare Solar System Where Planets Orbit in Mathematical Harmony

Posted by in categories: mathematics, space

The ‘resonant’ planets could provide insight about how such systems form and evolve—and why our own solar system is not synced up.

Dec 4, 2023

Massive Planet Challenges Current Planet Formation Theories

Posted by in category: space

“This discovery really drives home the point of just how little we know about the universe,” said Dr. Suvrath Mahadevan. “We wouldn’t expect a planet this heavy around such a low-mass star to exist.”

A recent study published in Science examines exoplanet LHS 3154b that orbits its parent star in just 3.7 days but is 13.2 times as massive as the Earth wit | Space.

Dec 4, 2023

Zhurong rover detects mysterious polygons beneath the surface of Mars

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

China’s Zhurong rover was equipped with a ground-penetrating radar system, allowing it to peer beneath Mars’s surface. Researchers have announced new results from the scans of Zhurong’s landing site in Utopia Planitia, saying they identified irregular polygonal wedges located at a depth of about 35 meters all along the robot’s journey.

The objects measure from centimeters to tens of meters across. The scientists believe the buried polygons resulted from on Mars billions of years ago, but they could also be volcanic, from cooling lava flows.

The Zhurong rover landed on Mars on May 15, 2021, making China the second country ever to successfully land a rover on Mars. The cute rover, named after a Chinese god of fire, explored its , sent back pictures—including a selfie with its lander, taken by a remote camera—studied the topography of Mars, and conducted measurements with its ground penetrating radar (GPR) instrument.

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