
Archive for the ‘space’ category: Page 106

Dec 25, 2023

Cosmic Oddity Explained: Astrophysicists Discover Why Our Supergalactic Plane Lacks Spiral Galaxies

Posted by in categories: physics, space, supercomputing

Astrophysicists have discovered why spiral galaxies like the Milky Way are rare in the Supergalactic Plane, a dense region in our Local Universe. The research, led by Durham University and the University of Helsinki, used the SIBELIUS supercomputer simulation to show that galaxies in dense clusters on the Plane often merge, transforming spiral galaxies into elliptical ones. This finding, which aligns with telescope observations and supports the standard model of the Universe, helps explain a long-standing cosmic anomaly about galaxy distribution.

Astrophysicists say they have found an answer to why spiral galaxies like our own Milky Way are largely missing from a part of our Local Universe called the Supergalactic Plane.

The Supergalactic Plane is an enormous, flattened structure extending nearly a billion light years across in which our own Milky Way galaxy is embedded.

Dec 25, 2023

This Multi-Purpose Moon Habitat Looks Cool as Hell

Posted by in categories: habitats, space

It’s especially relevant these days considering that America’s NASA is planning to get boots on the ground as soon as late 2025 as part of its Artemis program, with the construction of a permanent habitat following sometime in the 2030s — that is, if everything goes according to plan.

And while we’ve seen plenty of early mockups and renders, we may finally be honing in on some actual designs of what such a future fixture on the Moon could look like.

Last week, Thales Alenia Space announced it had signed a contract with the ASI to build the “first permanent outpost on the Moon” — and the news has us giddy with excitement.

Dec 24, 2023

To win the new space race, NASA and the DoD need to shift their collaboration into high gear

Posted by in categories: military, space

Military leaders argue that the Department of Defense must be more involved if the US is to win the new space race for a lunar outpost.

Dec 24, 2023

Galactic Mysteries Unraveled: Dwarf Galaxies Revealed As Unexpected Star-Forming Powerhouses

Posted by in category: space

If you gaze at the vast galaxies filled with countless stars, it’s easy to assume they are star factories, churning out brilliant balls of gas. However, it’s the less evolved dwarf galaxies dwarf galaxies have bigger regions of star factories, with higher rates of star formation.

Recent findings by researchers from the University of Michigan shed light on this phenomenon: Dwarf galaxies experience a delay of about 10 million years before they expel the gas congesting their space. This delay allows star-forming regions in these galaxies to retain their gas and dust longer, fostering the formation and development of more stars.

Dec 24, 2023

Detecting FTL travel with LIGO

Posted by in categories: materials, space

TL;DR: a warp trip will show up on a gravitational detector because the space ship’s mass instantly disappears and later re-appears somewhere else.

There is some interesting foundational research [ALC] into faster than light [FTL] travel, but by everything these theories tell us, the ingredients for such modes of transportation aren’t available in the universe. FTL should be possible because the universe expands [EXP] at speeds greater than that of light, as [EXP] eloquently states: “galaxies that are farther than the Hubble radius, approximately 4.5 gigaparsecs or 14.7 billion light-years, away from us have a recession speed that is faster than the speed of light”

Since it is unclear whether the material needed for an FTL drive will ever be available, funding research in that direction could be a waste of resources, unless synergies emerge. In the spirit of respecting taxpayer’s money, I think FTL research should try to exploit – and generate – synergies with other fields of research.

Dec 24, 2023

Discovery of new material is ‘giant leap’ towards clean energy production and colonisation of Mars

Posted by in categories: energy, nanotechnology, space, sustainability

Scientists have developed a new material from a mineral abundant on Mars that they claim could open the door to sustainable habitation on the red planet.

Researchers assessed the potential of a type of nanomaterials – ultrasmall components thousands of times smaller than a human hair – for clean energy production and building materials on Mars.

The study, published in the journal Advanced Functional Materials, found that a material typically considered a waste product by NASA can be altered to provide clean energy and sustainable electronics.

Dec 24, 2023

The Mystery of the Paulding Light: Unveiled by Science

Posted by in categories: engineering, science, space

The Paulding Light, a perplexing glow in the Michigan sky, has fueled folklore with its eerie nightly appearances since the 1960s. What was once thought to be a ghostly signal has turned into a case study for scientific inquiry. A team of Michigan Tech students, led by Jeremy Bos, a PhD candidate in electrical engineering, undertook a methodical investigation to expose the truth behind the spectral luminance that intrigued both locals and visitors in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

Their rigorous scientific approach involved telescopes, spectrographs, and atmospheric modeling, which demystified the paranormal claims. By observing the phenomenon through a telescope, the researchers identified the lights as nothing more than the headlights and taillights of vehicles on a distant stretch of US Highway 45. This was further supported by spectral analysis, confirming the automotive origin of the lights. The team’s findings pointed to atmospheric conditions and the geography of the Paulding area, which caused the vehicle lights to refract and create the illusion of the unexplained Paulding Light.

Despite the logical explanations provided by these dedicated students, the Paulding Light’s allure remains undiminished. The legend continues to attract those drawn to the supernatural, demonstrating the human fascination with mystery over the mundane. The Paulding Light stands as a symbol of our enduring attraction to the unexplained, a reminder that sometimes, even when the truth is revealed, the legend never dies.

Dec 24, 2023

NASA Has a Slew of Fascinating Space Missions on the Horizon

Posted by in category: space

The year 2023 proved to be an important one for space missions, with NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission…JBNopD%24″ rel=“nofollow”> returning a sample from an asteroid and India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission…sYef5A%24″ rel=“nofollow”> exploring the lunar south pole, and 2024 is shaping up to be another exciting year for space exploration.

Several new missions under NASA’s;!!LsXw!R0aklfNlteeO…SEcWZi%24″ rel=“nofollow”> Artemis plan and;!!…V7gEoS%24″ rel=“nofollow”> Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative will target the Moon.

The latter half of the year will feature several exciting launches, with the launch of the Martian Moons eXploration mission in September, Europa Clipper and Hera in October and Artemis II and VIPER to the Moon in November—if everything goes as planned.

Dec 24, 2023

How the songs of stars can help perfect Gaia’s sweeping map of our galaxy

Posted by in categories: media & arts, space

We listened to the ‘music’ of a vast number of stars — some of them 15,000 light-years away!

Dec 23, 2023

New clues emerge toward possible life on Enceladus

Posted by in category: space

“Searching for compounds in the plume is a bit like putting the pieces of a puzzle back together,” says lead author Jonah Peter, “in that we look for the right combination of molecules that reproduce the observed data. Information theory allows us to determine how much detail we can extract from the data without missing important features or overfitting to statistical noise.”

Water, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and methane had previously been found in analyses of INMS data, but this study found additional compounds and molecules, including acetylene, propylene, ethane, methanol, molecular oxygen, and hydrogen cyanide. These add to the various hints that Enceladus, despite its frigid perch in the outer solar system, harbors an environment conducive to life deep within its oceans.

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