
Archive for the ‘singularity’ category: Page 73

Nov 25, 2015

Ray Kurzweil — The Future of Medicine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, computing, health, life extension, nanotechnology, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity, transhumanism

Ray Kurzweil:

Raymond “Ray” Kurzweil is an American author, computer scientist, inventor and futurist. Aside from futurology, he is involved in fields such as optical character recognition (OCR), text-to-speech synthesis, speech recognition technology, and electronic keyboard instruments. He has written books on health, artificial intelligence (AI), transhumanism, the technological singularity, and futurism. Kurzweil is a public advocate for the futurist and transhumanist movements, and gives public talks to share his optimistic outlook on life extension technologies and the future of nanotechnology, robotics, and biotechnology.

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Nov 13, 2015

What Happens When Technology Zooms Off the Chart?: Singularity and its Meanings — By Alex Steffan | Whole Earth Catalog

Posted by in category: singularity


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Oct 31, 2015

Robots, Bioprinting, and the Future of Food [Video]

Posted by in categories: drones, energy, food, health, robotics/AI, singularity

Emerging technologies are shaking up how we grow food, distribute it, and even what we’re eating. We are seemingly on the cusp of a food revolution and undoubtedly, technologies including artificial intelligence will play a huge role in helping people grow healthier, more resilient food faster and with less energy than ever before.

Rob Nail, Singularity University’s CEO and Associate Founder, provides a few examples of how robotics, automation, and drones are transforming agriculture in this short video:

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Oct 30, 2015

Germany is about to start up a monster machine that could revolutionize the way we use energy

Posted by in categories: nuclear energy, physics, singularity

This is the energy source that will power the Singularity.

And everything else, too.

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Oct 24, 2015

Deus Ex Live Action Trailer

Posted by in categories: entertainment, singularity

An interesting look at the singularity gone awry. No other form of fiction (in any medium) even comes close to truly and honestly exploring our immediate future — be it for good OR for ill.
Fantastic game, too.

The political and moral struggle of Deus Ex: Human Revolution (

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Oct 6, 2015

Nanobots could turn us into GODS

Posted by in categories: computing, internet, nanotechnology, neuroscience, Ray Kurzweil, singularity

Computer scientist Ray Kurzweil, founder of the California-based Singularity University, claims that by 2030s humans could be using nanobots to connect our brains to the cloud.

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Oct 6, 2015

Celebrating the 10 Year Anniversary of book The Singularity Is Near

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, Ray Kurzweil, singularity, virtual reality

Ray Kurzweil’s singularity of human superintelligence is a polar opposite of the singularity described by Vinge, Hawking, and Bostrom:

“The singularity will be a merger of our bodies and minds with our technology. The world will still be human, but transcend our biological roots. There will be no distinction between human and machine, nor between physical and virtual reality.”

Dear readers,

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Oct 3, 2015

Method to replace silicon with carbon nanotubes developed

Posted by in categories: computing, engineering, singularity

Moore’s Law is, and shall be for a very long time, the law of the land.
Singularity: +1, Luddites: Who cares, they don’t use computers.

Schematic of a set of molybdenum (M0) end-contacted nanotube transistors (credit: Qing Cao et al./Science)

IBM Research has announced a “major engineering breakthrough” that could lead to carbon nanotubes replacing silicon transistors in future computing technologies.

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Sep 24, 2015

Stephen Hawking speaks with virtually no muscular movement

Posted by in categories: astronomy, biotech/medical, cosmology, gravity, physics, singularity, space, thought controlled

Next January Stephen Hawking will be 74 years old. He has lived much longer than most individuals with his debilitating condition. In addition to being an unquestionably gifted cosmologist, he has invited controversy by supporting the pro-Palestinian, Israel-BDS boycott and warning about the dangers of alien invaders who tap into our interstellar greetings

Antisemitism, notwithstanding, this man is a mental giant. He is Leonardo. He is Einstein. Like them, his discoveries and theories will echo for generations beyond his life on earth. He is that genius.

Forty years ago, when Stephen Hawking still had mobility, he delivered a paper on a mystery regarding information-loss for entities that cross the event boundary of a black hole.

In the mid 1970s, Astronomers were just discovering black holes and tossing about various theories about the event horizon and its effect on the surrounding space-time. Many individuals still considered black holes to be theoretical. Hawking’s analysis of the information paradox seemed extremely esoteric. Yet, last month (Aug 2015) , at Sweeden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Hawking presented a possible solution to the paradox that he sparked.

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Sep 20, 2015

The dimensional aspect of existence is associated with the dimensions of space and time.

Posted by in categories: cosmology, evolution, information science, materials, neuroscience, particle physics, quantum physics, singularity, space

The dimensionless aspect, since it has no dimensions, is outside of space and time. This is the key aspect to existence: an aspect outside of space and time perpetually interacting dialectically with an aspect inside space and time. All of the weird and wonderful phenomena of the universe are the products of this ultimate dichotomy.

Does this sound crazy? Then consider the evidence provided by black holes.

The R = 0 Universe.

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