
Archive for the ‘singularity’ category: Page 11

Jun 30, 2023

New journal, podcast take a closer look at artificial intelligence in medicine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI, singularity

ChatGPT isn’t the only tool available though. Google is working with medicine and so is IBM and I believe, Microsoft though they use ChatGPT. So far, I’m liking the responses more from Bard on many questions so I am hoping Google keeps up the good work. But whoever stays ahead in AI, I hope it helps humanity. BTW, ask Bard and Bing AI how it they will help humanity. They have different but somewhat similar answers now. At first Bing was on the fence on if it would help humanity when the Singularity arrived but Bard was firm in saying it would help us. So yes, I have more faith in Bard than ChatGPT. I am a little biased though. I’m a Pixel Super Fan and own a Pixel 6 and have owned several Google products/services. Anyway, what are your thoughts in AI and medicine? I think we should be cautious because it can be manipulated by hackers more easily, like chat bots were, but at the same time there’s great potential to benefit humanity.

Andrew Beam, deputy editor of a new journal on AI and co-host of a podcast on the topic, discusses both the potential and challenges of the powerful tool.

Jun 12, 2023

Ben Goertzel — 2021 Reflection and Update on SNET, Ecosystem and Path to AGI

Posted by in categories: blockchains, information science, robotics/AI, singularity

Dr. Ben Goertzel shares his thoughts on where we are at the end of 2021, beginning of 2022 — how progress toward AGI looks in retrospect, and looking into the future — updates on the ecosystem…

And the importance of the SingularityNET Community 🥰

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Jun 11, 2023

Silicon Valley Confronts the Idea That the ‘Singularity’ Is Here

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, singularity

The frenzy over artificial intelligence may be ushering in the long-awaited moment when technology goes wild. Or maybe it’s the hype that is out of control.

Jun 10, 2023

The A.I. endgame is that no humans need to work for a living, cognitive scientist says

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, government, robotics/AI, singularity

Government can give Universal basic income to everyone.…st-says/vi

Ben Goertzel, CEO of decentralized artificial intelligence marketplace SingularityNET, says “there are far more rewarding things for humans beings to do than [scrambling] around to get resources.”

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Jun 9, 2023

Freestyle Tricking Battle | Red Bull Throwdown 2014

Posted by in categories: biological, internet, singularity

As biological singularity genes grow so will leisure activities grow and blossom. Even now tricking is a show of the real human potential in movement. Just shows us that the future is much brighter everyday with new activities that push the human potential and humans will have even greater heights of human abilities when the biological singularity genes can make us soar to new abilities.

Sixteen of the best tricking athletes came to Atlanta and battled head to head for the winning title.

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Jun 7, 2023

Is there an infinite universe? According to scientists, our universe has no beginning

Posted by in categories: cosmology, evolution, quantum physics, singularity

The Big Bang, traditionally considered the birth of the universe about 14 billion years ago, is being questioned. Physicist Bruno Bento and his team have proposed compelling research suggesting the universe may have always existed, and the Big Bang may merely be a significant event in its continuous evolution.

Bruno Bento and his colleagues set out to examine what the universe’s inception might have looked like without a Big Bang singularity. They grappled with contradictions arising when comparing accepted theories, particularly those dealing with quantum physics and general relativity. While quantum physics has accurately described three of the four fundamental forces of nature, it struggles to incorporate gravity. On the other hand, general relativity offers a comprehensive explanation of gravity, but falters when dealing with black holes’ centers and the universe’s genesis.

These contentious areas, termed “singularities,” are points in space-time where established physical laws cease to apply. Intriguingly, computations indicate an immense gravitational pull within singularities, even on a minuscule scale.

Jun 6, 2023

Intelligence Explosion — Part 2/3

Posted by in categories: big data, computing, disruptive technology, evolution, futurism, innovation, internet, machine learning, robotics/AI, singularity, supercomputing


Can “hallucinations” generate an alternate world, prophesying falsehood?

As I write this article, NVIDIA( is surpassing Wall Street’s expectations. The company, headquartered in Santa Clara, California, has just joined the exclusive club of only five companies in the world valued at over a trillion dollars [Apple (2.7T), Microsoft (2.4T), Saudi Aramco (2T), Alphabet/Google (1.5T), and Amazon (1.2T)], as its shares rose nearly 25% in a single day! A clear sign of how the widespread use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can dramatically reshape the technology sector.

Intel has announced an ambitious plan to develop scientific generative AIs designed with one trillion parameters. These models will be trained on various types of data, including general texts, code, and scientific information. In comparison, OpenAI’s GPT-3 has 175 billion parameters (the size of GPT-4 has not yet been disclosed by OpenAI). The semiconductor company’s main focus is to apply these AIs in the study of areas such as biology, medicine, climate, cosmology, chemistry, and the development of new materials. To achieve this goal, Intel plans to launch a new supercomputer called Aurora, with processing capacity exceeding two EXAFLOPS(*, later this year.

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Jun 1, 2023

Fish evolution takes place in decades — not millions of years

Posted by in categories: biological, evolution, genetics, singularity

Given this new information humans could modify their genetic code to rapidly accelerate their evolution aswell leading to a biological singularity of evolution.

Codfish have been telling a story of rapid fish evolution, reshaped by human activity more swiftly than previously assumed, reveals a cutting-edge study led by Rutgers University.

This evolutionary tale, illuminated during the latter half of the twentieth century, signifies the impact of human-driven overfishing. The findings suggest that evolutionary changes, once thought to span millions of years, can be catalyzed within mere decades.

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May 23, 2023

Thinking Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology | Nita Farahany, ep102

Posted by in categories: media & arts, neuroscience, robotics/AI, singularity

Our guest is Nita Farahany, a Distinguished Professor at Duke University where she heads the Science, Law, and Policy Lab. The research she conducts in her lab specifically focuses on the implications of emerging neuroscience, genomics, and artificial intelligence; and, as a testament to her expertise, there is a long, long list of awards and influential positions she can lay claim to, including an appointment by Obama to the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.

In this episode, we explore Nita’s recent publication, provocatively entitled, The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology. This takes us on our tour of the current neurotechnology that exists, the upcoming ways in which this tech will be integrated into our daily products, how it will shape our decision making, the profound list of ethical considerations surrounding cognitive liberty, and much more.

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May 20, 2023

🧠 Aubrey de Grey: AI, in silico, LEV Foundation, Alpha Fold, Nanobots, OpenAI and Sam Altman

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, nanotechnology, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity

Aubrey: 50% chance to LEV in 12–15 years, and a variety of topics from Rey Kurzweil to A.I. to Singularity, and so on.

In this podcast, Aubrey de Grey discusses his work as President and CSO at Lev Foundation and co-founder at Sense Research Foundation in the field of longevity. He explains how the Foundation’s focus is to combine rejuvenation and damage repair interventions to have greater efficacy in postponing aging and saving lives. De Grey believes that within 12 to 15 years, they have a 50% chance of achieving longevity escape velocity, which is postponing aging and rejuvenating the body faster than time passes. De Grey acknowledges the limitations of traditional approaches like exercise and diet in postponing aging and feels that future breakthroughs will come from high-tech approaches like skin and cell therapies. He discusses the potential of AI and machine learning in drug discovery and the possibility of using it to accelerate scientific experimentation to optimize decisions about which experiments to do next. De Gray cautions that the quality of conclusions from AI depends on the quality and quantity of input data and that the path towards defeating aging would require a symbiotic partnership between humans and AI. Finally, he discusses his excitement about the possibilities of hardware and devices like Apple Watch and Levels in tracking blood sugar levels and their potential to prolong life.

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