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Advocates for diversity in STEM have a saying: You can’t be what you can’t see. We need to do a better job of celebrating the accomplishments of underrepresented scientists, so that the next generation can more easily imagine themselves joining the ranks of the scientific community.

To close out Black History Month, we wanted to take a moment to highlight just a few of the many incredible black scientists we’ve featured so far on the show. Their bios are below, along with links to the episodes they appear in.

On Short Wave we strive to make the diversity of our guests reflect the diversity of our audience. If there’s a scientist from an underrepresented group that you know of who’s doing awesome science and you think we should feature them in an episode, drop us a line at [email protected].

What is dark energy? More is unknown than is known — we know how much there is, and we know some of its properties; other than that, dark energy is a mystery — but an important one. Roughly 70% of the Universe is made of dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest — everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter adds up to less than 5% of the Universe. Then again, maybe it shouldn’t be called “normal” matter since it is a small fraction of the Universe!

Dr. Frank Sabatino is currently the Health Director of the Balance for Life Health Retreat, a lifestyle education center specializing in plant based nutrition, health rejuvenation, stress management, therapeutic fasting and detoxification.

“Our task is to make nature, the blind force of nature, into an instrument of universal resuscitation and to become a union of immortal beings.“
- Nikolai F. Fedorov

We hold faith in the technologies & discoveries of humanity to END AGING and Defeat involuntary Death within our lifetime.

Working to Save Lives with Age Reversal Education.

“The possibility that 100 years old might become the new 60” : EXCELLENT SLOGAN that doesn’t resort to the troublesome” I word” (“Immortality”)! Good article to share with non-science friends: light on hard science, but good emotional impact, incl. that catchy slogan.

Technology hasn’t just improved our lives; it’s also extended them — considerably.

For most of history, humans lived about 25 years. Real acceleration emerged at the turn of the 20th century, when everything from the creation of antibiotics to the implementation of better sanitation to the increased availability of clean water, and the ability to tackle killers like cancer and heart disease has us living routinely into our 80s. But many scientists believe we’re not stopping there.

Technological convergence is fueling this conviction. The intersection of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, networks, sensors, robotics, massive datasets, biotechnology and nanotechnology is taking direct aim at the limits of human lifespan.

Science Channel star “Mad Mike” Hughes died during an attempt to launch his homemade rocket Saturday.

“Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mike Hughes’ family and friends during this difficult time. It was always his dream to do this launch, and Science Channel was there to chronicle his journey,” the Science Channel said in a statement.

Hughes was scheduled to launch his homemade rocket for a new Science Channel series called “Homemade Astronauts,” according to the Discovery Channel website.

Do you want to stop ageing? Do you want to live forever? Can science help you cheat death? In this pioneering documentary, Professor Rose Anne Kenny takes us through the science and the consequences of living longer lives.

Imagine for a moment that old age became a thing of the past. Today, for better or for worse, it would appear that eternal life may soon be a reality. Some scientists are forecasting that the only way many humans will die is if they are shot or run over by a bus.

The programme unveils what is happening in age prevention, shows how we can lengthen our own lifespans and explains how some scientists now believe we are closer than ever to finding the Elixir of Life.

Such power over life itself poses many profound questions: what impact is it going to have on our societies? What preparations should our governments be making for an ever-ageing population? Do people really want to live longer and suffer the inevitable weakening of their capacities? And is it morally right to transcend human fallibility and assume the role of God?