
Archive for the ‘policy’ category: Page 57

Feb 28, 2018

A National Machine Intelligence Strategy for the United States

Posted by in categories: business, economics, policy, robotics/AI, security, transportation

This event will be webcast live from this page.

The Technology Policy Program invites you to the launch of our upcoming report, A National Machine Intelligence Strategy for the United States.

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Feb 26, 2018

Can High-Tech Drones Help Stop Mass Shootings?

Posted by in categories: drones, government, policy, surveillance

I’m excited to share a new article of mine via The Daily Dot on the future of so-called “gun control,” one that promises freedom and protects people from criminals and mass shooters. As usual, the answer is in technology to improve the world—and not in Congress changing or creating laws. This is a policy article of mine, and this is the technology you could expect to see in California if I was elected Governor:

High-tech drones and surveillance technology can offer a radically new type of gun control, helping detect possible the presence of guns and intervene in mass shootings.

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Feb 14, 2018

Trump’s Science Advisor, Age 31, Has a Political Science Degree

Posted by in categories: policy, science

The dumbing down of society starts.

Because Trump has not nominated someone to head the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Michael Kratsios is the de facto leader.

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Feb 11, 2018

Space exploration should be an initiative of nations, not just some rich guy

Posted by in categories: neuroscience, policy, space travel

Maybe it’s because Robert Lepage is touring The Far Side of the Moon to the Adelaide Festival. Or that a new Star Trek is on TV. Or maybe it’s because I feel like the only person alive who really – really – liked Luc Besson’s Valerian, but space, fantasies of the final frontier, and the real voyages that human beings may yet dare to make into it are very much on my mind. This week saw a number of news items concerning our tentative outreach to the stars that, for all their frustrating revelations, might yet prick the aspiration for space missions back into the popular policy consciousness…

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Feb 10, 2018

U.S. transportation agency calls March 1 ‘summit’ on autonomous cars

Posted by in categories: government, law, policy, robotics/AI, transportation

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Auto manufacturers, technology companies, road safety advocates and policy makers will attend a March 1 conference over potential government actions that could speed the rollout of autonomous cars, the U.S. Transportation Department said on Friday.

Last month, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said the Trump administration plans to unveil revised self-driving car guidelines this summer as the government sets out to rewrite regulations that pose legal barriers to robot vehicles.

Next month’s “summit” is to help “identify priority federal and non-federal activities that can accelerate the safe rollout” of autonomous vehicles, the department said. It will also be open to the public.

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Feb 8, 2018

By submitting this form you agree that your information will be used in accordance with Singularity University’s privacy policy

Posted by in categories: policy, singularity

Very Interesting School!

We empower a global community with the mindset, skills & network to leverage exponential technologies and create an abundant future for all. Join Us.

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Jan 26, 2018

Artificial Intelligence Nears the Summit of Hype in Davos

Posted by in categories: government, policy, robotics/AI

Artificial intelligence approached the summit of hype at this year’s World Economic Forum.

AI was on the lips of seemingly every corporate chief and policy maker attending this year’s conference in Davos, Switzerland. On Wednesday, the term “artificial intelligence” appeared in more than 20 headlines and stories Bloomberg ran about the gathering.

British Prime Minister Theresa May announced a new government-funded center to advise on ethical use of AI and French President Emmanuel Macron launched a 10 billion euro innovation fund aimed at new technologies like AI.

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Jan 25, 2018

How To Launch A Space Startup

Posted by in categories: policy, space travel

New technology, investment, and policy are helping to boost smaller companies like Rocket Lab into the stratosphere. Their founders share some advice.

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Jan 22, 2018

Inequality gap widens as ‘world’s richest 1% get 82% of the wealth,’ Oxfam says

Posted by in categories: business, economics, policy

Oxfam said its figures, which some observers have criticized, showed economic rewards were “increasingly concentrated” at the top. The charity cited tax evasion, the erosion of worker’s rights, cost-cutting and businesses’ influence on policy decisions as reasons for the widening inequality gap.

Just 42 people own the same amount of wealth as the poorest 50 percent worldwide, a new study by global charity Oxfam claimed.

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Jan 11, 2018

Say it again, Bitcoin Investors: “Bad News is Good News”

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, economics, government, policy

By now, every interested news-junkie is aware that Bitcoin plummeted from $15,000 to $13,000 (USD exchange rate) on January 11, 2018. This morning, every news outlet and armchair analyst attributes the drop to the Korean government signaling that it will ban Bitcoin trading among its citizens.

With Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un butting heads over nuclear missile tests and the upcoming Winter Olympics, you would think that South Korea has other priorities than banning Bitcoin.

As with all news—except accidents—the Korean plans were known by a few insiders (in this case, government bureaucrats), and so the influence on value was bigger than the drop that occurred after the news story. In the days before this “event”, it was probably responsible for a drop of about $4500 in exchange value.

Listen up Wild Ducks! We have heard this before. On Sept 11, China announced the exact same thing. I wrote about it in the most popular article of my 7 years as Blogger: Bad News is Good News for Bitcoin Investors.

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