
Archive for the ‘particle physics’ category: Page 176

Mar 14, 2023

Physicists Observe Quantum Tunneling in Experiments

Posted by in categories: chemistry, particle physics, quantum physics

A team of researchers led by the University of Innsbruck have observed a quantum tunneling effect in experiments that build off 15 years of research into such reactions and marks the slowest charged particle reaction ever observed until now. But while such chemical reactions have only been theoretical up to this point, can it be achieved in real-world experiments?

“It requires an experiment that allows very precise measurements and can still be described quantum-mechanically,” said Dr. Roland Wester, who is a professor of theoretical *physics at the University of Innsbruck, and lead author of the study. “The idea came to me 15 years ago in a conversation with a colleague at a conference in the United States.”

Mar 14, 2023

Even with quantum entanglement, there’s no faster-than-light communication

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics, space travel

One of the most fundamental rules of physics, undisputed since Einstein first laid it out in 1905, is that no information-carrying signal of any type can travel through the Universe faster than the speed of light. Particles, either massive or massless, are required for transmitting information from one location to another, and those particles are mandated to travel either below (for massive) or at (for massless) the speed of light, as governed by the rules of relativity. You might be able to take advantage of curved space to allow those information-carriers to take a short-cut, but they still must travel through space at the speed of light or below.

Since the development of quantum mechanics, however, many have sought to leverage the power of quantum entanglement to subvert this rule. Many clever schemes have been devised in a variety of attempts to transmit information that “cheats” relativity and allows faster-than-light communication after all. Although it’s an admirable attempt to work around the rules of our Universe, every single scheme has not only failed, but it’s been proven that all such schemes are doomed to failure. Even with quantum entanglement, faster-than-light communication is still an impossibility within our Universe. Here’s the science of why.

Mar 14, 2023

Researchers Say They’ve Come Up With a Blueprint for Creating a Wormhole in a Lab

Posted by in categories: computing, cosmology, particle physics, quantum physics

Published in the journal Quantum Science and Technology, Saleh’s research focused on a novel quantum computing technique that should — at least on paper — be able to reconstitute a small object across space “without any particles crossing.”

While it’s an exciting prospect, realizing his vision will require a lot more time and effort — not to mention next-generation quantum computers that haven’t been designed, let alone built yet. That is if it’s even possible at all.

Counterportation can be achieved, the study suggests, by the construction of a small “local wormhole” in a lab — and as the press release notes, plans are already underway to actually build the groundbreaking technology described in the paper.

Mar 14, 2023

Nickelback Peptide Molecule Could Have Fostered Life on Earth; Substance May Serve as a Clue in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: alien life, particle physics

Recent research reveals that a peptide called “Nickelback” may have played a huge role in kick-starting life on earth. The substance may also serve as a clue in the long-standing search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Nickelback Peptide Molecule

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Mar 13, 2023

What If We Could Shrink To PLANCK LENGTH? | Unveiled

Posted by in categories: alien life, particle physics, quantum physics

What if we went BEYOND the atom?? Join us, and find out!

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Mar 13, 2023

Scientists developed a scaled-up version of a probabilistic computer

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics

A scaled-up spintronic probabilistic computer.

Mar 10, 2023

Scientists identify substance that may have sparked life on Earth

Posted by in categories: alien life, chemistry, particle physics

A team of Rutgers scientists dedicated to pinpointing the primordial origins of metabolism—a set of core chemical reactions that first powered life on Earth—has identified part of a protein that could provide scientists clues to detecting planets on the verge of producing life.

The research, published in Science Advances, has important implications in the search for because it gives researchers a new clue to look for, said Vikas Nanda, a researcher at the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine (CABM) at Rutgers.

Based on laboratory studies, Rutgers scientists say one of the most likely chemical candidates that kickstarted life was a simple peptide with two nickel atoms they are calling “Nickelback” not because it has anything to do with the Canadian rock band, but because its backbone nitrogen atoms bond two critical nickel atoms. A peptide is a constituent of a protein made up of a few elemental building blocks known as .

Mar 9, 2023

Record room-temperature superconductor could boost quantum computer chips

Posted by in categories: chemistry, climatology, computing, particle physics, quantum physics, sustainability

Companies could one day make superconductive quantum computer chips that function at room temperature thanks to a new material from researchers in the US. Ranga Dias from the University of Rochester and colleagues made a material superconductive at 21°C and pressures less than 1% of those used for existing high-temperature superconductors. ‘The most exciting part is the pressure,’ Dias tells Chemistry World. ‘Even I didn’t think this was possible.’

Together with Ashkan Salamat’s team at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the scientists say that electrical resistance in their nitrogen-doped lutetium hydride falls to zero at room temperature. Making room-temperature zero-resistance materials is a chemistry ‘holy grail’ and could fight climate change by reducing the 5% of electricity lost as heat while flowing through the grid.

However, Dias and Salamat’s team hasn’t been able to fully confirm the new material’s structure. As hydrogen atoms are so small they don’t easily diffract the x-rays used to work out the material’s composition. And this is an important reservation, considering the publisher of the team’s previous high-temperature superconductor paper retracted it.

Mar 9, 2023

X-rays reveal how 450-year-old Tycho supernova became a giant cosmic particle accelerator

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

In new research, astronomers have mapped the magnetic field in the historic Tycho supernova remnant that accelerates charged particles close to the speed of light.

Mar 9, 2023

Quantum crossover: How to distinguish single-particle and pair currents

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

If you cool down low-density atomic gas to ultralow temperatures (−273°C), you get a new state of matter called the Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). A BEC has strongly coupled two-atom molecules behaving like a collective wave following quantum mechanics. If you reduce the pairing strength between them—for example, by increasing the magnetic field—the atoms form Cooper pairs according to Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory (which won a Nobel Prize).

The process is called BCS-BEC crossover. And the theory forms the basis of superfluids and superconductors, materials that do not display viscosity or . Hiroyuki Tajima and his team from the University of Tokyo proposed a new method to distinguish current carriers in the BCS-BEC crossover. The key is in the fluctuations of current.

Electronic devices display images thanks to electrons moving in a conductor—aka single-particle current. Your device may heat up due to the resistance caused by collisions of electrons in the conductor that dissipate electric energy as heat. But superconductors show zero resistance to current flow, saving lots of energy. This is possible because of paired electrons, which would have otherwise repelled each other due to their negative charge. In other words, the current in superconductors is mainly due to the pair-tunneling transport involving moving paired-current carriers rather than a single-particle current carrier.