
Archive for the ‘media & arts’ category: Page 45

Dec 27, 2022

Insights into optical resonances determined by the topology of the Möbius strip

Posted by in categories: mathematics, media & arts

In the current issue of Nature Photonics, Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt, Dr. Libo Ma and partners present a strategy for observing and manipulating the optical Berry phase in Möbius ring microcavities. In their research paper, they discuss how an optical Berry phase can be generated and measured in dielectric Möbius rings. Furthermore, they present the first experimental proof of the existence of a variable Berry phase for linearly or elliptically polarized resonant light.

A Möbius strip is a fascinating object. You can easily create a Möbius strip when twisting the two ends of a strip of paper by 180 degrees and connecting them together. Upon closer inspection, you realize that this ribbon has only one surface that cannot be distinguished between inside and outside or below and above. Because of this special topological property, the Möbius strip has become an object of countless mathematical discourses, artistic representations and practical applications, for example, in paintings by M.C. Escher, as a wedding , or as a drive belt to wear both sides of the belt equally.

Dec 27, 2022

Brain Synchrony in Competition and Collaboration During Multiuser Neurofeedback-Based Gaming

Posted by in categories: education, media & arts, neuroscience

EEG hyperscanning during multiuser gaming offers opportunities to study brain characteristics of social interaction under various paradigms. In this study, we aimed to characterize neural signatures and phase-based functional connectivity patterns of gaming strategies during collaborative and competitive alpha neurofeedback games. Twenty pairs of participants with no close relationship took part in three sessions of collaborative or competitive multiuser neurofeedback (NF), with identical graphical user interface, using Relative Alpha (RA) power as a control signal. Collaborating dyads had to keep their RA within 5% of each other for the team to be awarded a point, while members of competitive dyads scored points if their RA was 10% above their opponent’s. Interbrain synchrony existed only during gaming but not during baseline in either collaborative or competitive gaming. Spectral analysis and interbrain connectivity showed that in collaborative gaming, players with higher resting state alpha content were more active in regulating their RA to match those of their partner. Moreover, interconnectivity was the strongest between homologous brain structures of the dyad in theta and alpha bands, indicating a similar degree of planning and social exchange. Competitive gaming emphasized the difference between participants who were able to relax and, in this way, maintain RA, and those who had an unsuccessful approach. Analysis of interbrain connections shows engagement of frontal areas in losers, but not in winners, indicating the formers’ attempt to mentalise and apply strategies that might be suitable for conventional gaming, but inappropriate for the alpha neurofeedback-based game. We show that in gaming based on multiplayer non-verbalized NF, the winning strategy is dependent on the rules of the game and on the behavior of the opponent. Mental strategies that characterize successful gaming in the physical world might not be adequate for NF-based gaming.

Humans are social creatures whose behavior and consciousness are heavily shaped by their environment. Hence, it is natural that hyperscanning, a technique which involves simultaneous recording of physiological activity from more than one subject, is used to deepen our understanding of human interaction. In recent years, hyperscanning has been applied to brain activity to shed light on the neurophysiological representation of various types of interpersonal communication. These range from verbal interaction (Pérez et al., 2017; Ahn et al., 2018), leader-imitator (Dumas et al., 2010; Yun et al., 2012), joint attention and joint decision-making (Toppi et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2018), to teaching or playing music in a duet (Sänger et al., 2012; Müller et al., 2013). Moreover, the neurological coupling of mothers and their infants was investigated for positive and negative emotions and their regulation (Reindl et al., 2018; Santamaria et al., 2020).

Dec 26, 2022

ChatGPT Makes History: First AI to Write & Direct Film

Posted by in categories: entertainment, media & arts, robotics/AI

In a groundbreaking achievement, Aaron Kemmer and his co-producer Richard Juan have successfully used ChatGPT, one of today’s hottest artificial intelligence chatbots, to write and direct a film in just one weekend.

That’s right, while it typically takes roughly 1–2.5 months for most indie filmmakers to pull off a project of this caliber, ChatGPT has truly raised the bar and set a new standard for what’s possible in the world of indie filmmaking.

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Dec 26, 2022

ChatGPT Says: AI Will Change EVERYTHING

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, media & arts, robotics/AI, virtual reality

99% of the following speech was written by ChatGPT. I made a few changes here and there and cut and pasted a couple of paragraphs for better flow. This is the prompt with which I started the conversation:

Write a TED Talks style speech explaining how AI will be the next cross-platform operating system, entertainment service, and search engine as well as source of news and accurate information. Elaborate further in this speech about how this future AI could produce tailored entertainment experiences for the end-user. Explain its application in creating real-time, personally-tailored and novel media including mixed reality, virtual reality, extended reality, and augmented reality media as well as in written fiction and nonfiction, music, video and spoken-word entertainment for its end users. Write a strong and compelling opening paragraph to this speech and end it memorably. Add as much detail as you can on each point. The speech should last at least 15 minutes.

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Dec 26, 2022

AI Will Be a Public Good With Emad Mostaque | EP #16 Moonshots and Mindsets

Posted by in categories: health, media & arts, robotics/AI

In this episode, Emad and Peter discuss everything from AI-generated content and property rights to ethical implications, along with the upcoming hyper-disruption wave of technology in all industries.

Emad Mostaque is the CEO and Co-Founder of Stability AI, a company funding the development of open-source music-and image-generating systems such as Dance Diffusion and Stable Diffusion.

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Dec 26, 2022

Musicians Wage War Against Evil Robots

Posted by in categories: entertainment, media & arts, robotics/AI

After the release of The Jazz Singer in 1927, all bets were off for live musicians who played in movie theaters. Thanks to synchronized sound, the use of live musicians was unnecessary — and perhaps a larger sin, old-fashioned. In 1930 the American Federation of Musicians formed a new organization called the Music Defense League and launched a scathing ad campaign to fight the advance of this terrible menace known as recorded sound.

The evil face of that campaign was the dastardly, maniacal robot. The Music Defense League spent over $500,000, running ads in newspapers throughout the United States and Canada. The ads pleaded with the public to demand humans play their music (be it in movie or stage theaters), rather than some cold, unseen machine. A typical ad read like this one from the September 2, 1930 Syracuse Herald in New York:

Tho’ the Robot can make no music of himself, he can and does arrest the efforts of those who can.

Dec 23, 2022

Part 1: Universal Media Synthesis, The Innovation Pyramid and Autolism

Posted by in categories: media & arts, robotics/AI

Universal media synthesis, the innovation pyramid and autolism — part 1

AI can now generate images and text that’s as good as a human. What happens when AI can generate all kinds of media as good as a human?

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Dec 23, 2022

CHIP Landmark Ideas: Ray Kurzweil

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, health, media & arts, Ray Kurzweil, robotics/AI, singularity

Rewriting Biology with Artificial Intelligence.

Ray Kurzweil.

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Dec 22, 2022

A brief history of diffusion, the tech at the heart of modern image-generating AI

Posted by in categories: media & arts, robotics/AI

Text-to-image AI exploded this year as technical advances greatly enhanced the fidelity of art that AI systems could create. Controversial as systems like Stable Diffusion and OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 are, platforms including DeviantArt and Canva have adopted them to power creative tools, personalize branding and even ideate new products.

But the tech at the heart of these systems is capable of far more than generating art. Called diffusion, it’s being used by some intrepid research groups to produce music, synthesize DNA sequences and even discover new drugs.

So what is diffusion, exactly, and why is it such a massive leap over the previous state of the art? As the year winds down, it’s worth taking a look at diffusion’s origins and how it advanced over time to become the influential force that it is today. Diffusion’s story isn’t over — refinements on the techniques arrive with each passing month — but the last year or two especially brought remarkable progress.

Dec 20, 2022

How an AI Stole $35 Million

Posted by in categories: cybercrime/malcode, media & arts, robotics/AI

Artificial Intelligence has seen many advances recently, with new technologies like deepfakes, deepvoice, and GPT3 completely changing how we see the world. These new technologies bring forth many obvious benefits for in workflow and entertainment, but when technology like this exists, there are those who will try and use it for evil. Today we will be taking a look at how AI is giving hackers and cyber criminals more ways to pull off heists focusing on the story of a $35 million dollar hack that was pulled off using artificial intelligence and deep voice software.

0:00 The History of Social Engineering.
1:12 Early Social Engineering Attacks.
5:02 How Hackers are using Artificial Intelligence.
7:37 The $35 Million Heist.

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