
Archive for the ‘materials’ category: Page 86

May 27, 2023

Static Electrons in Flat-Band Nonequilibrium Superconductors

Posted by in categories: energy, materials

Single electrons stay stationary in superconductors with “flat-band” electronic structures, which could lead to low-energy-consumption devices made from such materials.

In 2018, researchers discovered that two layers of graphene, stacked and twisted at a specific angle, could exhibit superconductivity. Theorists have determined that the electronic structure of such a twisted material approximately resembles a “flat band,” which means that the energy of the materials’ free electrons remains constant regardless of the electrons’ momenta. This phenomenon inspired a flurry of work on systems that exhibit flat-band superconductivity. However, most of the research has focused on how such systems behave under equilibrium conditions. Now Päivi Törmä of Aalto University in Finland and her colleagues have probed the behavior of superconducting flat-band systems under nonequilibrium conditions [1]. The findings could help in the design of superconducting devices with low energy consumption.

Törmä and her colleagues considered an idealized flat-band material subjected to an applied voltage, making it a nonequilibrium system. Their predictions indicate that in this nonequilibrium system the paired and unpaired electrons follow the same behavior patterns as those in an equilibrium system: unpaired electrons form stationary quasiparticles and paired electrons flow with zero resistance. Additionally, in both types of systems the flat band helps the electrons form the bound pairs required for superconductivity.

May 26, 2023

This house was built partly from recycled diapers

Posted by in categories: habitats, materials

Meet the house that diapers built.

Researchers have designed and erected a house that has shredded, disposable diapers mixed into its concrete and mortar. A single-story home of about 36 square meters can pack nearly 2 cubic meters of used diapers into its floors, columns and walls, the team reports May 18 in Scientific Reports.

Using recycled diapers as composite building materials would not only shrink landfill waste but also could make such homes more affordable, the team says, a particular need in developing countries like Indonesia where the demand for low-cost housing far outstrips the supply.

May 25, 2023

The observation of a quantum disordered ground state in a triangular lattice magnet

Posted by in categories: materials, quantum physics

Magnetic materials with a triangular lattice have been the focus of numerous research studies, as theoretical predictions suggest that they could exhibit spin liquid states. These are quantum phases of matter that present interesting characteristics, such as quantum entanglement and fractionalized excitations.

While there have been numerous experimental efforts aimed at observing these fascinating phases in materials with a triangular lattice, this has so far proved to be very challenging. A key reason for this is that weak spin-orbit coupling and other perturbations in these materials typically result in conventional spin freezing or .

Researchers at University of California, Boston College, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the National Institute of Standards and Technology were recently able to produce a quantum disordered ground state in the triangular lattice-magnet NaRuO2. Their findings, published in Nature Physics, suggest that this state was enabled by the cooperative interplay between and correlation effects in the magnetic material.

May 25, 2023

Scientists find first evidence for new superconducting state in Ising superconductor

Posted by in categories: materials, physics

In a ground-breaking experiment, scientists from the University of Groningen, together with colleagues from the Dutch universities of Nijmegen and Twente and the Harbin Institute of Technology (China), have discovered the existence of a superconductive state that was first predicted in 2017.

They present evidence for a special variant of the FFLO superconductive state in the journal Nature. This discovery could have significant applications, particularly in the field of superconducting electronics.

The lead author of the paper is Professor Justin Ye, who heads the Device Physics of Complex Materials group at the University of Groningen. Ye and his team have been working on the Ising superconducting state. This is a special state that can resist magnetic fields that generally destroy , and that was described by the team in 2015.

May 24, 2023

A new material creates clean electricity from the air around it

Posted by in category: materials

Engineers have created a thin film that can generate millivolts of electricity from ambient air humidity thanks to water’s ‘mean free path.’

May 24, 2023

Robots Level Up: AI Helps Them Understand Material Composition

Posted by in categories: materials, robotics/AI


However, there’s one challenge they still face: understanding the materials they interact with.

May 21, 2023

Alleged Apple Mixed Reality Headset Material Cost Leaks Out

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, materials

Self-described mixed reality nerd, Brad Lynch, has tweeted out several interesting details about Apple’s yet-to-be announced VR/AR headset. He has managed to compile information from several sources — mostly reports produced by hardware analysts based in China. His summation of the leaked info states: “The Apple HMD’s Bill of Materials (BoM) cost to be about $1500–1600 (USD). This is about double the reported BoM for the (Meta) Quest Pro (which was 800 dollars including the controllers and charging pad).”

May 18, 2023

Low-Carbon Concrete Could Bring a ‘Radical Change’ to the Industry

Posted by in categories: materials, policy

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May 16, 2023

Physicists Make Matter out of Light to Find Quantum Singularities

Posted by in categories: materials, quantum physics

Experiments that imitate solid materials with light waves reveal the quantum basis of exotic physical effects.

May 16, 2023

3D printing of unsupported multi-scale and large-span ceramic via near-infrared assisted direct ink writing Communications

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, materials

In the three-dimensional printing process of ceramic with low-angle structures, additional supporting structures are usually employed to avoid collapse of overhanging parts. However, the extra supporting structures not only affect printing efficiency, but the problems caused by their removal are also a matter of concern. Herein, we present a ceramic printing method, which can realize printing of unsupported multi-scale and large-span ceramics through the combination of direct ink writing and near-infrared induced up-conversion particles-assisted photopolymerization. This printing technology enables in-situ curing of multi-scale filaments with diameters ranging from 410 µm to 3.50 mm, and ceramic structures of torsion spring, three-dimensional bending and cantilever beam were successfully constructed through unsupported printing. This method will bring more innovation to the unsupported 3D manufacturing of complex shape ceramics.

In 3D ceramic printing, the need for additional supports can increase processing time and introduce defects during post-processing removal. Here, authors merge direct ink writing and up-conversion particles-assisted photopolymerization under near-infrared irradiation for support-free printing with controlled curing rates reducing material waste, printing time, and post-processing steps.

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