
Archive for the ‘innovation’ category: Page 93

Mar 13, 2022

Transmutation of radioactive waste

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, innovation

Nobel Prize in physics in 2018 and professor emeritus at the École polytechnique, Gérard Mourou is a scientist that nothing can stop. After revolutionizing ophthalmic surgery with the invention of a new laser technique, the physicist launched a challenging scientific project, which only a researchers of this fame could imagine: the transmutation of radioactive waste by high-power laser. Andra met him to find out more.

It is on the plateau of Saclay, south of Paris, that we meet Gérard Mourou. Here at École Polytechnique, the Nobel Prize in Physics has been working in his laboratory for many years. His enthusiasm remains intact when it comes to addressing the issue of lasers. His research on the subject represents the project of a lifetime. “For a long time, the power of lasers was limited, due to the risk of destroying them. Alongside Donna Strickland, with whom I share the Nobel Prize, we invented the technique of CPA (Chirped Pulse Amplification): the laser emits an ultrashort pulse that we will stretch a colossal factor before amplifying it. Thanks to the CPA one can produce considerable power, to the order of the petawatt (10e15W), without destroying the laser. This represents the equivalent of a hundred times the world electricity grid, ” explains Gérard Mourou.

For the physicist, this new invention opens perspectives in several areas, starting with ophthalmic surgery. An application that came to light as a result of an unlikely combination of circumstances: One of my students was aligning the laser for an experiment when it got the pulse in the eye. We went to the hospital where an intern found that the damage to the retina was absolutely perfect. This laser was the cleanest knife possible…

Mar 11, 2022

Cool Inventions That Will Kill Your Boredom

Posted by in categories: innovation, neuroscience


1. Parajet Xplorer Flying Car.

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Mar 9, 2022

DNA Replication Speed Limit Could Be a Breakthrough for Stem Cell Therapy

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, innovation

Adult cells in our body can only give rise to the same cell type. For example, a skin cell cannot give rise to a muscle cell but to skin cells only. This limits the potential use of adult cells for therapy. During early development, however, the cells in the embryo have the capacity to generate all cell types of our body, including stem cells. This capacity, which is called totipotency, has served as an inspiration for researchers to find new ways to recapitulate totipotency through cellular reprogramming in the lab.

Totipotent cells have their own speed

Totipotent cells have many properties, but we do not know all of them yet. Researchers at Helmholtz Munich have now made a new discovery: “We found out that in totipotent cells, the mother cells of stem cells, DNA replication occurs at a different pace compared to other more differentiated cells. It is much slower than in any other cell type we studied,” says Tsunetoshi Nakatani, first-author of the new study.

Mar 5, 2022

The relations between science, engineering and science fiction

Posted by in categories: engineering, innovation

A new video I uploaded to youtube about the relations between science fiction, science and technology.

Presentation given at the Imaginative Fiction Writers Association.

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Mar 3, 2022

This genius guy’s invention will make you invisible! 😱

Posted by in category: innovation

Mar 3, 2022

What Technological Innovation Will Have the Greatest Impact in the Next 15 Years?

Posted by in category: innovation

The facility near Oxford will be 70% to commercial scale and should be operational by 2025.

Mar 2, 2022

NASA to fund research into future technology concepts

Posted by in categories: futurism, innovation

NASA has announced its latest selections for the Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) program, which funds research into long-term concepts that may be feasible over the next 10 to 40 years.

Mar 2, 2022

David Boggs, Co-Inventor of Ethernet, Dies at 71

Posted by in category: innovation

Thanks to the invention he helped create in the 1970s, people can send email over an office network or visit a website through a coffee shop hot spot.

Mar 1, 2022

Scientists Invent “Profound” Quantum Sensor That Can Peer Into the Earth

Posted by in categories: innovation, quantum physics

A major breakthrough in quantum sensing technology is being described as an “Edison moment” that could, scientists hope, have wide-reaching implications.

A new study in Nature describes one of the first practical applications of quantum sensing, a heretofore largely theoretical technology that marries quantum physics and the study of Earth’s gravity to peer into the ground below our feet — and the scientists involved in this research think it’s going to be huge.

Known as a quantum gravity gradiometer, this new sensor developed by the University of Birmingham under contract with the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense is the first time such a technology has been used outside of a lab. Scientists say it’ll allow them to explore complex underground substructures much more cheaply and efficiently than before.

Feb 23, 2022

Winter Recess — Navigating the Solar System

Posted by in categories: innovation, space travel

Mon, Feb 21

Just how big is space, and could we really explore the galaxy with the invention of light-speed engines? To try and make sense of all those HUGE numbers we hear when talking about space, we’ll first create a quick and easy map of the Solar System that shows its true scale. It’s a fun activity for kids and adults of all ages and requires only a blank piece of white paper (letter size), tape, scissors, and some coloring/drawing supplies. Next, we’ll use this map to learn about how we communicate with spacecraft and what it would mean to travel amongst the stars.


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