
Archive for the ‘futurism’ category: Page 1139

Nov 24, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 25, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 25, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


FINANCIAL TIMES: World’s most advanced hacking spyware let loose…z3K1HQu1wG

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Drone Flights Face FAA Hit. Looming Rule Proposal Would Restrict Commercial Uses, Require Pilot License Bill Gates predicted to be world’s first trillionaire

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Nov 24, 2014

Henry Ford’s Success Prescription by Mr. Andres Agostini at

Posted by in categories: economics, engineering, futurism

Henry Ford’s Success Prescription


Without getting into deep waters, I have always admired the technical achievements of Mr. Henry Ford. In the process, I have had held a great perspective about any developments by the Ford Motor Company as well.

Interestingly enough and in all formality, R&D in Ford means R&D&Innovation.

Whenever they want to and as they already have, Ford Motors Co. can change the world again and again and again, without constraints. Actually, it is their decision.

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Nov 24, 2014

Success Through Swiss Specialness By Mr. Andres Agostini at

Posted by in categories: engineering, ethics, futurism

Success Through Swiss Specialness

parque de chile

I have a most-successful well-to-do Swiss friend in Zurich, operating worldwide, who argues, “…Andres, doing business is holding a conversation with the right people …” You share his thought in North America and people think it a naivete. My friend is, regardless, absolutely wise by any known and unknown measure.

I have known penniless educated people, both young and in advanced ages, with great smarts and promissory ideas, but extremely imprudent and tactless that keep themselves in a limbo loop of not accomplishing anything because of their abject lack of true immemorial wisdom. Well, this friend of mine is exactly a testimony of the outright contrary.

He is the most industrious and fun person I have ever met, from Monday through Monday, 24÷7÷365, all of the time. He strongly reminds me of my thyself.

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Nov 23, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 24, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

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FUTURISM UPDATE (November 24, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

0   Outliers

FORBES: How Nanotechnology Is Gaining Momentum In Manufacturing

CNN: Wireless electricity? It’s here

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Nov 23, 2014

BitCoin, Cryptocurrency, and Blockchain Technology — The Ethereum Primer

Posted by in categories: automation, big data, biotech/medical, bitcoin, business, complex systems, computing, disruptive technology, economics, encryption, energy, engineering, ethics, finance, futurism, geopolitics, government, hacking, hardware, human trajectories, information science, innovation, internet, journalism, law, materials, military, neuroscience, open access, open source, philosophy, physics, policy, privacy, science, scientific freedom, security, software, supercomputing, transparency

Quoted: “Ethereum will also be a decentralised exchange system, but with one big distinction. While Bitcoin allows transactions, Ethereum aims to offer a system by which arbitrary messages can be passed to the blockchain. More to the point, these messages can contain code, written in a Turing-complete scripting language native to Ethereum. In simple terms, Ethereum claims to allow users to write entire programs and have the blockchain execute them on the creator’s behalf. Crucially, Turing-completeness means that in theory any program that could be made to run on a computer should run in Ethereum.” And, quoted: “As a more concrete use-case, Ethereum could be utilised to create smart contracts, pieces of code that once deployed become autonomous agents in their own right, executing pre-programmed instructions. An example could be escrow services, which automatically release funds to a seller once a buyer verifies that they have received the agreed products.”

Read Part One of this Series here » Ethereum — Bitcoin 2.0? And, What Is Ethereum.

Read Part Two of this Series here » Ethereum — Opportunities and Challenges.

Read Part Three of this Series here » Ethereum — A Summary.

Nov 22, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 23, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 23, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

0  Jobs Versus Bots

THE ECONOMIST: Quantum biology. How quantum theory is helping to explain the mysteries of life science

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: The Genetics Epidemic. The Revolution in DNA Science — And What To Do About It

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: Neuronal “Superhub” Might Generate Consciousness. Could a thin, enigmatic layer of nerve cells be a key component of the networks generating conscious experience?

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Nov 21, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 22, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 22, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


BBC NEWS: Robots face new test of creative abilities. A US professor is proposing a new way to test whether artificial intelligence (AI) is on a par with that of humans.

FINANCIAL TIMES: Google break-up plan emerges from Brussels. The European parliament is poised to call for a break-up of Google, in one of the most brazen assaults so far on the technology group’s power.

THE ECONOMIST: Is Germany’s economy getting too weak to pull Europe out of its crisis?

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Nov 20, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 21, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 21, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


CleanTechnica: Biomimicry Run Amok: New Micro Air Vehicles Can Swarm Like Bees

FINANCIAL TIMES: Space junk or Russian satellite killer? It is a tale that could have come from the cold war. A mysterious object launched by the Russian military is being tracked by western space agencies, stoking fears over the revival of a defunct Kremlin project to destroy satellites.…z3JdykV8Dw

TECH CRUNCH: Eric Schmidt’s Farm2050 Collective Will Back Agriculture Tech To Feed Earth’s Growing Population

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Nov 19, 2014

BitCoin, Cryptocurrency, and Blockchain Technology — FACTOM

Posted by in categories: automation, big data, biotech/medical, bitcoin, business, complex systems, computing, disruptive technology, economics, education, encryption, engineering, environmental, ethics, finance, futurism, geopolitics, hacking, information science, law, materials, open access, policy, science, security, software, supercomputing, transparency

Quoted: “The Factom team suggested that its proposal could be leveraged to execute some of the crypto 2.0 functionalities that are beginning to take shape on the market today. These include creating trustless audit chains, property title chains, record keeping for sensitive personal, medical and corporate materials, and public accountability mechanisms.

During the AMA, the Factom president was asked how the technology could be leveraged to shape the average person’s daily life.”

Kirby responded:

“Factom creates permanent records that can’t be changed later. In a Factom world, there’s no more robo-signing scandals. In a Factom world, there are no more missing voting records. In a Factom world, you know where every dollar of government money was spent. Basically, the whole world is made up of record keeping and, as a consumer, you’re at the mercy of the fragmented systems that run these records.”

Continue reading “BitCoin, Cryptocurrency, and Blockchain Technology — FACTOM” »

Nov 19, 2014

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 20, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon

Posted by in category: futurism

FUTURISM UPDATE (November 20, 2014) — Mr. Andres Agostini, Amazon


HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW: The Cognitive Usefulness of the Internet of Things

ZDNet: Internet of things: Poised to be a security headache? Nearly 95 percent of enterprises are at least concerned about the security of the Internet of things. Here’s a look at a potential security model.

CNNMoney: FAA can regulate drones

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