
Archive for the ‘food’ category: Page 284

Aug 20, 2017

The Vertical Farm

Posted by in categories: education, food, sustainability

The term “vertical farming” has not been around long. It refers to a method of growing crops, usually without soil or natural light, in beds stacked vertically inside a controlled-environment building. The credit for coining the term seems to belong to Dickson D. Despommier, Ph.D., a professor (now emeritus) of parasitology and environmental science at Columbia University Medical School and the author of “The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century.”

Hearing that Despommier would be addressing an audience of high-school science teachers at Columbia on a recent morning, I arranged to sit in. During the question period, one of the teachers asked a basic question that had also been puzzling me: What are the plants in a soil-free farm made of? Aren’t plants mostly the soil that they grew in? Despommier explained that plants consist of water, mineral nutrients like potassium and magnesium taken from the soil (or, in the case of a vertical farm, from the nutrients added to the water their roots are sprayed with), and carbon, an element plants get from the CO2 in the air and then convert by photosynthesis into sucrose, which feeds the plant, and cellulose, which provides its structure.

In other words, plants create themselves partly out of thin air. Salad greens are about ninety per cent water. About half of the remaining ten per cent is carbon. If AeroFarms’ vertical farm grows a thousand tons of greens a year, about fifty tons of that will be carbon taken from the air.

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Aug 19, 2017

South Korea is building a $10 billion agriculture city in Egypt

Posted by in categories: food, solar power, sustainability

South Korea will oversee the construction of an integrated agriculture city in Egypt which will feature 50,000 smart greenhouses in addition to desalination and solar power plants.

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Aug 17, 2017

Scientists Have Developed a New Method to 3D-Print Living Tissue

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, bioprinting, biotech/medical, food, habitats

Cell by Cell

3D-printing technology has made significant strides over the past several years. What started as a tool for producing small objects can now be used to craft food, build houses, and even construct “space fabric.”

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Aug 15, 2017

This Molecule Found in Royal Jelly Is The Secret Ingredient to Speed Up Wound Healing

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food

Honey bees really are tiny hardworking superheroes of the insect world — not only do they keep our agriculture going by pollinating many of our crops, but they also produce a myriad of beneficial substances, like honey and beeswax.

For thousands of years honey has been prized for its topical antiseptic properties. But now researchers have discovered that its lesser-known cousin, royal jelly, has special molecules that speed up wound healing.

Royal jelly is the superfood worker bees secrete and feed all their larvae, especially the queen bees. While queens are developing, they basically float in a pool of this stuff, and humans have figured out how to stimulate queen larva production to then harvest the royal jelly.

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Aug 15, 2017

Amazon looks to new food technology for home delivery

Posted by in categories: business, food, habitats, military

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) — Inc is exploring a technology first developed for the U.S. military to produce tasty prepared meals that do not need refrigeration, as it looks for new ways to muscle into the $700 billion U.S. grocery business.

The world’s biggest online retailer has discussed selling ready-to-eat dishes such as beef stew and a vegetable frittata as soon as next year, officials at the startup firm marketing the technology told Reuters.

The dishes would be easy to stockpile and ship because they do not require refrigeration and could be offered quite cheaply compared with take-out from a restaurant.

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Aug 15, 2017

Future of Food | San Francisco Chronicle

Posted by in categories: food, futurism

“Tracing the next generation of farms, restaurants and kitchens in the Bay Area and beyond”

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Aug 14, 2017

This Economic Model Organized Asia for Decades. Now It’s Broken

Posted by in categories: economics, employment, food, robotics/AI, sustainability

Pan’s company is at the vanguard of a trend that could have devastating consequences for Asia’s poorest nations. Low-cost manufacturing of clothes, shoes, and the like was the first rung on the economic ladder that Japan, South Korea, China, and other countries used to climb out of poverty after World War II. For decades that process followed a familiar pattern: As the economies of the early movers shifted into more sophisticated industries such as electronics, poorer countries took their place in textiles, offering the cheap labor that low-tech factories traditionally required. Manufacturers got inexpensive goods to ship to Walmarts and Tescos around the world, and poor countries were able to provide mass industrial employment for the first time, giving citizens an alternative to toiling on farms.

Automation threatens to block the ascent of Asia’s poor. Civil unrest could follow.

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Aug 13, 2017

NASA ‘Cribs’: Tour an Astronaut Habitat for Mock Space Missions (Video)

Posted by in categories: food, habitats, space

Ever wonder how astronauts will live on other worlds? Welcome to the Human Exploration Research Analog, or HERA, a habitat at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston built to simulate the isolation of missions to deep space. You can take a tour of the HERA habitat with NASA interns in this new video in the style of the MTV series “Cribs.”

“HERA is a unique three-story habitat designed to serve as an analog for isolation, confinement, and remote conditions in exploration scenarios,” NASA officials explained in a video description. “This video gives a tour of where crew members live, work, sleep, and eat during the analog missions.”

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Aug 10, 2017

Salmon becomes world’s first genetically-modified animal to enter food supply

Posted by in categories: food, genetics

Canadian consumers won’t know if they are buying a fish engineered to grow twice as fast on less food.

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Aug 9, 2017

When is the correct time to eat a banana: green or yellow?

Posted by in category: food