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Lease, give a statement to the effect that the planet’s short-term survival is NOT threatened by CERN’s currently running LHC experiment. There is un-disproved scientific evidence that to the contrary. Thank you.

Otto E. Rossler, University of Tubingen, Germany

At issue is the likely production by CERN of miniature black holes that in a small fraction will get stuck inside earth to eat it inside out in a few years’ time.

The “scientific safety conference” recently demanded by a Cologne court is being shunned by CERN while the world’s media keep their mouth shut. What is the rationale behind this “interesting time”?

Answer: Official belief in miracles. The whole physics community is convinced that even though light takes an infinite time to reach the surface of a black hole or come up from it, particles could do either trip in finite outside time. Famous theories speaking of an “information paradox” and “cosmic censorship” were built around this assumption so that the whole scientific community lost sight of the underlying breach of logic.

While clearly a treat for any future historian of science, this irrational belief remains not without consequences: Every day and every minute, the planet is being consciously sacrificed on the altar of this superstition. CERN refuses to reply. No high-ranking scientist on the planet speaks up for it.

I therefore herewith ask the Nobel committee to either speak a word of authority or schedule the scientific safety conference at once.

Dear citizens of the planet: Please, forgive me that I insist on reason. The young people are my motivation.

For J.O.R.

I herewith ask the Hebrew University to withdraw the honorary doctorate given yesterday to the German minister of science because this minister is responsible for the worst threat to the survival of Israel.

She refuses the scientific safety conference asked for by a Cologne court, the only aim of which is the assessment of the mentioned danger: just to have a look.

Not looking is the worst human sin. A father who does not look when a lion comes close to his child is no father. Please, dear fellow Jewish people, start taking seriously the scientific proof of danger of the LHC experiment that Dr. Walter Wagner and I have given.

Prof. Otto E. Rossler, chaos researcher, University of Tubingen (For J.O.R.)

- Black holes do not evaporate.

- Black holes are uncharged.

- Black holes cannot eat neutron stars from within.

- Black holes grow exponentially inside earth.

- Black holes arise more readily than thought.

Everybody immediately agrees that so many simultaneous overturns of accepted wisdom are unlikely to be all valid even if no counterproof has been forthcoming for 4 years. If a single one of the first four findings is false, CERN is safe (if the fifth is false, CERN is less unsafe).

On the basis of this purely probabilistic argument, CERN quietly rejects the “scientific safety conference” requested from the German government by a court. On the same basis, the planet’s print media have resolved to spare their readers the disquieting news that there is an 8 percent chance of the planet being shrunk to 2 cm in perhaps 5 years’ time if all 5 points are true and CERN continues.

If science were a matter of probabilistic common sense, this decision — shared by the pope, the queen, the emperor, the president and the helmsman — would be impeccable. But then the earth would still be flat too. So, please, forgive me for continuing.

- Point 1 dethrones Stephen Hawking’s famous 38 years old conjecture. (The reason is the Telemach theorem which states that along with the gravitational time dilation T, also length L, mass M and charge Ch co-vary in proportion or anti-proportion, respectively.)

- Point 2 dethrones the famous electromagnetic extensions of general relativity and the venerable physical law of charge conservation (again Ulysses’ son Telemach is responsible).

- Point 3 is an implication of quantum mechanics (frictionless superfluidity).

- Point 4 is an implication of chaos theory (Kleiner attractor).

- Point 5 is due to the empirical validity of a form of string theory (implicit in point 2).

That so many new results should hold true simultaneously is highly improbable a priori. Therefore the un-disproved five coincidences amount to a genuine trap posed to humankind by nature: To either give up on 5 scientific dogmas simultaneously or else die with a probability of 8 percent.

The most recent analog is the 7 plagues sent to a self-righteous pharaoh in an old tale. Then I would be given the role of the prophet – a 71 years old chaoticist who finds himself forced by destiny to try and bring his contemporaries to dismantling at least one out of 5 insights blown by the wind onto his desk? Fortunately, every earthling retains the chance to survive with 92 percent if CERN continues not tolisten. So maybe I should rather shut up?

Forgive me for being less risk-prone than many: I insist publicly on CERN’s stopping immediately until one of the 5 fateful coincidences has been removed. My perseverance may have to do with my having seen the uniqueness of the human smile in the cosmos. Old people have strange insights.

(Elements of an improvised talk given yesterday at the University of the Arts Berlin to unwind Olafur Eliasson’s interdisciplinary conference “Life Is Space 4 Marathon.” I thank the wonderful interactive audience and the organizer who of course do not share in the responsibility. For J.O.R.)

Dear Dr. Hawking:

Excuse the public letter.

Europe does not object that it is betting the planet on the existence of Hawking radiation.

Hawking radiation got disproved implicitly by Kuypers in 2005 and explicitly in my “gothic-R theorem” of 2007 and my “Telemach theorem” of 2010. The pertinent paper which is on goes un-rejected for months by the Albert-Einstein Institute to which it was submitted.

The impression is building up on the planet that CERN – that is, the European Nuclear Research Organization – is continuing its dangerous experiment only because they have passed a point of no return. Note that if CERN at last allowed for the scientific safety conference called for 3 years ago and officially requested by a court 5 months ago, CERN would implicitly concede having consciously risked the planet for many months in a row. Hence CERN is in a trap: No matter how high the risk, they feel they have to go on because otherwise the act of their having gone as far as they did would become known to every individual on the planet so that both science and Europe might end up being excluded from the still to be hoped for planetary future.

Please, dear Dr. Hawking: be so kind as to help CERN out of its “double bind” in the sense of Gregory Bateson. The planet justly admires you. If you declare that you take the sole responsibility on your shoulders for having made the mistake of refusing to discuss Hawking radiation with a concerned colleague, the world public will forgive CERN.

Even better: If you talk to me there is a remaining chance that we jointly find the flaw in my disproof of Hawking radiation which eluded everyone else so far. In that case the black-hole danger will be over. The world is waiting for your answer.

In deep respect,

Sincerely yours,

Otto E. Rossler, University of Tubingen (For J.O.R.)

I just posted this story on Universe Today — which is a science-based moderated blog (i.e. any pet theories and psuedoscience nonsense are cut out).

The story offers a quick precise of why there is zero danger of the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) destroying the Earth, but also a (hopefully) interesting discourse on cosmic rays.

This is the kind of interesting science we might see on this blog if it was moderated Eric!

Steve Nerlich (Member of the Board)

CERN does not object that all 4 pillars of its safety reports (Hawking evaporation, chargedness of black holes, neutron stars as guinea pigs, long duration of earth being eaten inside out) have been disproved scientifically.

Nevertheless it continues in full view of the eyes of the world. No one can understand this – and that it should have eluded all media.

I have got to explain.

I am a stupid scientist who found a new result in general relativity. When I showed it to a specialist 4 years ago, he said it has repercussions on the LHC. I did not know what LHC means (the large proton – a form of hadron — collisions experiment at CERN). In trying to defuse his apparent joke, I found that all other safety arguments fizzle, each for an independent reason. In this way the merely hypothesized danger proved real. However, with no specialist working in all pertinent subfields, it is hard to convince a CERN scientist that the colleague working in the next field lacks the liberating information that he himself admits not to have. The independent new Tubingen results are: in general relativity — that there is no Hawking radiation and there are no charged black holes; in quantum mechanics — that neutron stars are immune to invading black holes; in chaos theory — that ultraslow black holes grow exponentially inside earth. The uncanny coincidence amounts to a trap posed by nature to humankind with its on-going attempt to create miniature black holes at CERN.

My central theorem, Telemach, complements Einstein’s time-slowing effect of gravity (T) by an equally strong length-increasing (L), mass decreasing (M) and charge-decreasing (Ch) effect. Telemach meets with no public resistance from the part of the specialists who had criticized my previous more sophisticated gothic-R theorem (Hermann Nicolai, Gerhard Huisken, Gerard ‘t Hooft and Rolf Heuer). The planet’s public media do not dare interview the mentioned colleagues. And the recent official request made by a Cologne court to convoke a scientific safety conference goes unreported.

The persecution of my family by the state which culminated in the expulsion from our inherited house ten years ago may contribute to the planet-wide shrugging-off of what I say.

I learned that I am Jewish only after my young son had been killed at age 7, from my Semitist father who told me that this religion does not hold the sins of the fathers against the sons. He died soon thereafter 20 years ago. I know I am not worthy to solicit the support of Israel. But I feel a duty to make good on the sin of my father who participated translating newspapers as a less courageous dissident colleague of Kurt Gerstein’s in Tubingen. It is a strange twist of fate that I am forced by a chain of independent scientific results, which if broken at one point ceases to hold water, to act as a warner of Israel. I ask Jacob’s forgiveness for my being given the role of speaking up on his behalf by a streak of non-coincidental looking twists in the laws of nature. (For J.O.R.)

“Who can prove that my Telemach theorem is false?” (See .)

The paper shows that masses, meter sticks and charges suffer a change by Einstein’s gravitational clock-slowdown factor.

The charge non-conservation is the most baffling. It was found independently by György Darvas of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. (See

Black holes suddenly have new properties (no Hawking radiation, no charge) and urmeter and urkilogram disappear. The theoretical foundations of the currently running LHC experiment are gone. The request for a scientific safety conference made by the Cologne Administrative Court can no longer be ignored.

Three further Tubingen results (in chaos theory, quantum mechanics and cosmology) conspire pushing up the risk: 8 percent probability of earth evaporation in a few years’ time if the experiment is continued.

I am being accused of degrading the memory of the victims of the holocaust if continuing to warn of planetocaust. No one who is Jewish like me thinks so – it is the murdered children whose voice is the strongest on my side.

But my father was a colleague of Kurt Gerstein’s at Tubingen? Yes, a dissident colleague. And I was declared crazy by the state? Yes, for revealing a new university law in the lecture hall. And my wife was dishonorably discharged and our house taken away by the state? Yes because medical professors must not be forced to lie to their patients. And my student was denied his PhD? Yes for having found the first evidence against Hawking radiation.

But then it may be worth trying to disprove the result from Tubingen? This is what I am asking the world for 3 years.

For J.O.R.

All secret services of the planet know about my warnings against CERN.

Prof. Otto E. Rossler, University of Tubingen, Germany (For J.O.R., 052811)

P.S. The following paper submitted to CERN and the Albert-Einstein-Institut got removed from the Internet:

Einstein’s Equivalence Principle Has Three Further Implications Besides Affecting Time: T-L-M-Ch Theorem (“Telemach”)

Otto E. Rossler

Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle A, 72076 Tubingen, F.R.G.


General relativity is notoriously difficult to interpret. A “return to the mothers” is proposed to better understand the gothic-R theorem of the Schwarzschild metric of general relativity. It is shown that the new finding is already implicit in Einstein’s equivalence principle of 1907 and hence in special relativity (with acceleration included). The TeLeMaCh theorem, named onomatopoetically after Telemachus, is bound to transform metrology if correct.

(March 31, 2011)

1. Introduction

Recently it was shown that the Schwarzschild metric of general relativity admits at least one further canonical observable, the so-called gothic-R distance [1]. In terms of this distance, the speed of light c is globally constant. Is this result only a new mathematically allowed physical interpretation, or does it have deeper “ontological” significance?

A convenient way to find out is to pass over to an even more fundamental level of description. The “equivalence principle” between kinematic and gravitational acceleration, which still belongs to special relativity, is the oldest and in a sense most powerful element of general relativity since everything grew out of this “happiest thought of my life” as Einstein used to call it.

A famous “ontological” implication of the equivalence principle is the slower ticking rate of clocks at the rear end of a long constantly accelerating train or rocketship. It was deduced by Einstein in a chain of heuristic mental steps. The latter involved light-pulse emitting clocks and light-pulse detecting devices in a mentally pictured scenario comprising long hollow cylinders releasable into free fall sporting hooks and vertical slits in their sides to allow one to put in clocks and sensors at different height levels before or after release into free fall, cf. [2].

More than a half-century later, Wolfgang Rindler [3] succeeded in graphically retrieving all pertinent results of Einstein’s in the famous Rindler metric. The latter describes a long collection of simultaneously ignited infinitesimally short rocketships, or rather hollow rocket-rings, that stay together spontaneously owing to a careful choice of their systematically differing constant accelerations. The most concise description of the resulting 2-D space-time diagram, with its “scrollable” simultaneity axes that all pass through one point, can be found in Wald’s 1984 otherwise algebra-oriented book “General Relativity” [4, p. 151]. For an independent re-discovery, see John S. Bell’s intriguing paper [5].

2. The Secret Power of the Equivalence Principle

Clocks at the end of a long constantly accelerating rocketship in outer space have elongated ticking intervals when their light pulses arrive at the rocket’s tip, because the latter has in the meantime acquired a well-defined positive velocity compared to the point of origin of the light pulses, as Einstein found out in 1907. The resulting special-relativistic redshift at first sight appears to be a mere observational effect: “in reality” the clocks in question ought to tick at their normal rate (but they don’t).

We know how it is with Einstein’s deceptively simple gedanken experiments: He has a knack for following them up to a breaking point where something “impossible” occurs. Remember his previous observation of an apparent clock slowdown of a constant-speed departing twin clock which, while with constant speed returning, has an equally accelerated pulse rate, considered in his seminal founding paper of special relativity of two years before: When the twin clock with its elongated-appearing ticking intervals is turned around and comes back with its equally reduced-appearing ticking intervals, everyone would have bet that the net effect must be zero once the two clocks are re-united as physical twins. But to everyone’s surprise, a net effect (a manifest age difference) remains: the “ontological mehrwert” of Einstein’s.

Here with the constantly accelerating rocketship, the same thing occurs: A clock that is carefully lowered from the tip to the slower-appearing rear-end of the accelerating long rocketship will, after having been hauled back up, again fail to be as old as its stationary twin at the tip [6, p.18]. This proves that the clocks “downstairs” indeed are ontologically slower-ticking there. Note that the philosophical term “ontological” is utterly unfamiliar outside Einsteinian physics.

3. Three Added Implications of the Equivalence Principle

Everything that has been said so far is well known. If the clocks are genuinely slower-ticking downstairs rather than just looking slower from above: how about the existence of further ontological implications at the rear end of the rocketship? This suspicion is justified as it turns out. Einstein first found out — as described — that

T_tail = T_tip *(1+z), (1)

where z+1 is the local gravitational redshift factor that applies in the Rindler metric (Einstein called it 1+Phi/c^2, Phi being the gravitational potential [7]).

With Einstein’s result put into this simple form, one is immediately led to expect a spatial corollary: If all temporal wavelengths T are increased, the very same thing is bound to hold true for the spatial wavelengths L of the same light waves:

L_tail = L_tip *(1+z), (2)

and so by implication for all local lengths since everything appears normal locally as mentioned. Formally this conclusion follows from the constancy of the speed of light c (since L/T = c implies L = cT for light waves). If T is locally counterfactually increased by Eq.(1) as we saw, L must be equally increased in Eq.(2) if c is constant.

Although this is correct and we are here still in the realm of special relativity with its absolutely constant c despite the presence of acceleration, the conclusion just drawn is possibly premature since c is believed to be non-constant in general relativity (only “locally constant”). Therefore it is “safer” to first proceed to M and then from there back to L.

M, the mass of a particle that is locally at rest, is necessarily reduced by the very factor by which T is increased,

M_tail = M_tip /(1+z). (3)

This follows from the fact that all locally normal-appearing photons by Eq.(1) have a proportionally decreased frequency f, and hence have a proportionally reduced energy (by Planck’s law E = h f). They have so much less mass-energy by Einstein’s E = mc^2. If all locally generated photons have so much less mass at the rocketship’s tail in a counterfactual manner, necessarily all other masses — by virtue of their being locally inter-transformable into photons (like positronium)in principle — are reduced by the same factor. Hence Eq.(3) is valid.

From the M of Eq.(3), the L of Eq.(2) can now be retrieved as announced via the Bohr radius formula of quantum mechanics: a_0 = h/(m_e*c*2pi*alpha), where m_e is the mass of the electron and alpha the dimensionless fine structure constant. But if the radius of the hydrogen atom is increased in proportion to 1/m_e, wirh m_e varying in accord with Eq.(3), then the size of all objects scales linearly with (1+z) and so does space itself. This was the content of Eq.(2) above.

With Eqs.(1−3) we have arrived at the following abbreviated new law valid in the equivalence principle: “T-L-M.” Einstein’s old finding of T thus has acquired two corollaries of equal standing, L and M for short. What about the third candidate, Ch for charge?

If mass is counterfactually reduced locally and if charge stands in a fixed ratio to mass locally, then charge is bound to be counterfactually reduced in proportion for every class of charged particles. This follows — to give only one example — from the fact that locally, two “511 keV” photons still suffice to produce a positronium atom, consisting of a locally normal-appearing electron and a locally normal-appearing positron. Since both these particles have a reduced mass content by Eq.(3) as we saw, they must also have a proportionally reduced charge content, if all laws of nature are to remain intact locally. This latter condition is guaranteed by Einstein’s principle of “general covariance” which states that the laws of nature are the same in every locally free-falling inertial system. Note that a freshly released free-falling particle (like our positronium atom) is still locally at rest. Therefore, charge is reduced in proportion to the stationary mass,

Ch_tail = Ch_tip /(1+z). (4)

The herewith obtained “completed gravitational redshift law of Einstein” comprises 4 individual equations of equal importance. The new law can be condensed into four letters, T,L,M,Ch. Since the very same consonants pertain to a famous personality of mythological history, Ulysses’s son Telemach (or Telemachus), the 4-letter result can be called the “Telemach theorem.”

To witness, the gravitational redshift (1+z) on the surface of a neutron star is of order of magnitude 2. And the gravitational redshift on the surface (“horizon” in Rindler’s terminology) of a black hole is infinite. By virtue of Telemach, objects on the surface of a neutron star must be visibly enlarged in the vertical direction by a factor of about two [8], which may be measurable. At the same time, the distance toward and from the horizon of a black hole has become infinite (as the corresponding light travel time is already well-known to be [6, p. 20]). Obviously, no known physical phenomenon contradicts the new result which can be tested further empirically.

4. Discussion

Two points need to be discussed. First: Is the Telemach result derived in the equivalence principle robust enough to carry over to the Schwarzschild metric and from there on to all of general relativity? Second: Is the result acceptable in principle from the point of view of modern physics and especially the science of metrology?

The first point is easy to answer. All arguments used above carry over to the Schwarzschild metric. The L of Eq.(2) is nothing but the “poor man’s version” of the gothic-R theorem of the Schwarzschild metric [1]. Conversely, the Schwarzschild metric would have a hard time if the “gothic-R” did not fit the “L” of the more basic theory of the equivalence principle.

Before we come to the testable second point announced, a brief digression into the literature is on line. As noted in ref. [1], similar propositions (sub-vectors of T,L,M,Ch as it were) are not unfamiliar. An analog of L was quite often conjectured to hold true in general relativity. For example, an engineer of the Global Positioning System who — in distrust of Einstein — had built-in a special switch in case Einstein’s predictions were to prove true, later wrote a paper [9] to come to grips with his own surprise; in one formula (his Eq.9 for the “local rest mass energy”), he comes close to Eq.(3) above. More recently, George W. Cox wrote an autodidactic paper arriving, in the present terminology, at T, L and M [10]; he also is the first scientist to explicitly support Ch (personal communication 2010). And professor Richard J. Cook arrived very elegantly at T,L,M (including these symbols) in general relativity [11], correctly invoking a variation in the gravitational constant G by (z+1)^2, but leaving Ch unscathed. Ch proves to be the real crux of the present return to the roots of Einstein’s theory. A discussion with members of the Albert-Einstein Institute in early 2009 made it clear that validity of the Gausss-Stokes theorem of electrostatics [4, p. 432] is put at stake by any change in Ch. So is the Reissner-Nordström metric which no general relativist would easily sacrifice. But this is not all. A change in L alone is bad enough already; for it apparently implies invalidity of the famous Kerr metric and certain cosmological solutions of the Einstein equation. Thus the above theory — while implicit in the equivalence principle and the Schwarzschild metric as the heart of general relativity — is by no means an easy-to-absorb implication of general relativity. This fact can explain some of the resistance the gothic-R theorem encountered when first proposed.

The announced second point is even more important because it makes the connection to measurement. Just as Newton’s universal second (the ” Ur-second” so to speak) was toppled by Einstein’s revolutionary finding of the gravity-dependent “local second” T of Eq.(1), so the famous “Ur-meter” adhered-to up until now is toppled by the gravity-dependent “local meter” L of Eq.(2). The same holds true for the “Ur-kilogram” which with the M of Eq.(3) has now has become different on the moon (much as its once taken-for-granted universal weight had been dethroned by Newton’s law). And the “Ur-charge” Ch (of an electron) now ceases to be universally valid by Eq.(4). The whole to be measured-out cosmos thus acquires a new face if Einstein’s happiest thought (Eq.1) has been correctly elaborated in Eqs.(2−4) above.

In return for this drawback (if it is one), four quantized physical variables arise, three of them new: Besides (i) “Kilogram times Second,” Leibniz’s later famous “action,” there are now:

(ii) “Kilogram times Meter” (“cession” [12]),

(iii) “Coulomb times Second,” and

(iv) “Coulomb times Meter” [13].

The explanation of (ii) is that time and space (Second and Meter) scale in strict parallelism (by Eqs.1,2). The explanation of (iii) and (iv) is that rest mass and charge (Kilogram and Coulomb) scale in strict parallelism (by Eqs.3,4). The quantization laws (iii) and (iv) have no names as of yet (“pulsion”?, “gression”?); they come in several particle-type specific varieties each [12]. Note also that while both G and epsilon_o (and with it mu_o) cease to be fundamental constants as a consequence of L,M,Ch, their ratio (more specifically, the square root of the product of G and epsilon_o) becomes a new fundamental constant of nature which may be named “G_o,”

(v) G_o = 2.4308 *10^(−11) C/kg,

as is straightforward to check by inserting the currently accepted values for G and epsilon_o. A particle-class specific splitting of (v) may or may not have to be reckoned with. Many experiments testing the derived results (ii-v) can be devised. Foreign new technological applications come into sight.

To conclude, a minor revolution in physics was tentatively proposed. The skepticism shown by some members of the experimental profession up until now can be hoped to be overcome with Eqs.(2−4) above. The gothic-R theorem may cease to be controversial. The author would be grateful if a currently running prestigious experiment the fundamentals of which are affected by the above results could be interrupted until the above findings have either been falsified or taken into regard. For it appears that dangers — even apocalyptic ones — cannot be excluded in the wake of the Telemach theorem. Owing to Telemach’s youthful and exotic character, it still appears possible that all of the above is “absolute nonsense” as a colleague who has since changed his mind once publicly called the gothic-R theorem. Einstein in the dusk of his life came to doubt everything he had done, the atomic bomb being the obvious reason. Now his results could for once have an opposite (globe-saving) effect. Timely criticism by the community is invited.

I thank Eric Penrose for discussions and Peter Plath for stimulation. For J.O.R.


[1] O.E. Rossler, Abraham-like return to constant c in general relativity: gothic-R theorem demonstrated in Schwarzschild metric (2007; 2009). On:
(Remark: Bernhard Umlauf kindly showed that Eq.9 of ref. [1] contains a calculation error, with the following phrase: “the numerator of the fraction under the natural logarithm must read r_0^(1/2)+(r_0-2m)^(1÷2) and the denominator analogously must read r_i^(1/2)+(r_i-2m)^(1÷2).” Note that this correction leaves the text of ref. [1] unchanged.)

[2] A. Pais, “Subtle is the Lord …,” Oxford: Oxford University Press 1982, pp. 180–181.

[3] W. Rindler, Counterexample to the Lenz-Schiff argument, Am. J. Phys. 36, 540–544 (1968).

[4] R.M. Wald, “General Relativity,” Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1984.

[5] J.S. Bell, How to teach special relativity, Progress in Scientific Culture 1, (2) 1976. Reprinted in: J.S. Bell, “Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics,” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (1984), pp. 67–80.

[6] V.P. Frolov and I.D. Novikov, “Black Hole Physics: Basic Concepts and New Developments,” Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998.

[7] A. Einstein, On the relativity principle and the conclusions drawn from it (in German), in: “Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik,” Vol. 4, pp. 411–484 (1907), Eq.(30a), p. 479; English translation in: The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, Volume 2, The Swiss Years: Writings, 1900–1909, pp. 252–311, p. 306. Princeton: Princeton University Press 1989.

[8] H. Kuypers, Atoms in the gravitational field: Hints at a change of mass and size (in German). PhD dissertation, submitted September 2005 to the university of Tubingen, faculty for chemistry and pharmacy.

[9] R.R. Hatch, Modified Lorentz ether theory, Infinite Energy 39, 14–23 (2001).

[10] G.W. Cox, The complete theory of quantum gravity (2009). On:

[11] R.J. Cook, Gravitational space dilation (2009). On:

[12] O.E. Rossler and C. Giannetti, Cession, twin of action (La cesión: hermana gemela de la acción). In: “Arte en la era electronica” (ed. by C. Giannetti), Barcelona: Associación de Cultura Temporánia L’Angelot, and Goethe-Institut Barcelona 1997, p.124.

[13] O.E. Rossler and D. Fröhlich, The weight of the Ur-Kilogram (2010). On:


Added May 28, 2011: Charge nonconservation – my main result – was described independently in 2009 by György Darvas of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
