
Archive for the ‘evolution’ category: Page 9

Mar 5, 2021

Episode 40 — Cosmic Cataclysms And The Evolution Of Intelligent Life On Earth

Posted by in category: evolution

Great new episode with evolutionary paleobiologist Bruce Lieberman; the discussion covers the gamut from very ancient intertidal RNA pools to Trilobites to the emergence of Hominids on the East African savannas. Well worth a listen.

I welcome renowned evolutionary paleobiologist Bruce S. Lieberman, a professor at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, who is an expert on how cosmic cataclysms have impacted the evolution of life here on Earth. Massive nearby supernovae, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as well as asteroidal and cometary impactors have each played a role in our planet’s long tape of life. And if we were able to rewind that tape and roll the die once more? Would intelligent life have manifested itself here at all? This lively episode delves into our long road from Trilobite to Human Intelligence.

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Mar 2, 2021

Dr. John S Torday — Lundquist Institute / UCLA — Aging And Disease As A Process Of Reverse Evolution

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry, evolution, genetics, information science, life extension, singularity

Dr. John Torday, Ph.D. is an Investigator at The Lundquist Institute of Biomedical Innovation, a Professor of Pediatrics and Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Faculty, Evolutionary Medicine, at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and Director of the Perinatal Research Training Program, the Guenther Laboratory for Cell-Molecular Biology, and Faculty in the Division of Neonatology, at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

Dr. Torday studies the cellular-molecular development of the lung and other visceral organs, and using the well-established principles of cell-cell communication as the basis for determining the patterns of physiologic development, his laboratory was the first to determine the complete repertoire of lung alveolar morphogenesis. This highly regulated structure offered the opportunity to trace the evolution of the lung from its unicellular origins forward, developmentally and phylogenetically. The lung is an algorithm for understanding the evolution of other physiologic properties, such as in the kidney, skin, liver, gut, and central nervous system. Such basic knowledge of the how and why of physiologic evolution is useful in the effective diagnosis and treatment of disease.

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Mar 1, 2021

“At times

Posted by in categories: evolution, space

it may seem as if the entire prior history of the Universe led us to this pivotal moment of realization that we are the ‘brain cells’ of a larger planetary superorganism, progressively morphing into one Global Mind.”-Alex Vikoulov.

*My magnum opus The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution (2020), where I share my deepest insights and far-reaching foresights, is now available as eBook, paperback, hardcover, audiobook on Amazon:…atfound-20

Mar 1, 2021

The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution: Vikoulov, Alex M., Tuynman PhD, Antonin: 9781733426145: Books

Posted by in categories: evolution, space

“At times, it may seem as if the entire prior history of the Universe led us to this pivotal moment of realization that we are the ‘brain cells’ of a larger planetary superorganism, progressively morphing into one Global Mind.”-Alex Vikoulov.

*My magnum opus The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution (2020), where I share my deepest insights and far-reaching foresights, is now available as eBook, paperback, hardcover, audiobook on Amazon:


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Mar 1, 2021

Whales and dolphins can resist cancer and their DNA reveals why

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution

Now, Tejada-Martinez and her colleagues have studied the evolution of 1077 tumour suppressor genes (TSGs). In all, they compared the evolution of the genes in 15 mammalian species, including seven cetacean species.

Genes regulating DNA damage, tumour spread and the immune system were positively selected among the cetaceans. The team also found that cetaceans gained and lost TSGs at a rate 2.4 times higher than in other mammals.

It’s not like we’re gonna be taking whale genes and putting them into humans and making humans cancer resistant, says Lynch. But if you can find the genes that play a role in tumour suppression in other animals, and if you could figure out what they’re doing, maybe you can make a drug that mimics that for human treatment…

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Feb 18, 2021

Bundex Film Archive 1990’s

Posted by in categories: education, evolution, food, holograms, mobile phones

Blog — Bundex Film Archives coming to posthuman university.

As editor, sound engineer and roadie with director Bunny Dexter’s “Bundex Films”, the three of us (Eugene Smith was cameraman) travelled to various parts of the world making political, environmental and quirky documentaries during the first age of digital video. Bunny was also a judge at some international film festivals, and we actually won an award in Poland for one of our films. At NY film school, Bunny’s teacher was Marty Scorsese, who would call at Bunny’s flat sometimes when in London. We made two versions of a 3D hologram of Marty, of which he has one and I the other. After Bunny’s passing I inherited the huge shoulder-harnress digital camera which remains in my garage and has less capability than a modern smartphone, digital tape-decks and lots footage together with all rights, except for the lost Orson Welles tapes matter and story of his aristocratic Sicilian producer. More about this and other films later. I have boxes to sort through, and am sure I have forgotten some projects which will come as a surprise when I rediscover them. Will post at posthuman university side when sorted, this footage give unique insights from a period of very rapid evolution and transformation in film-making.

Documentaries include the Homeless and their Dogs, Gipsy persecution in Hungary, a study of Tattoo’s and Tattoo artists, Momento Mori – a film of an elderly lady after her death, and our pursuit of Cocoa plant agricultural sabotage in Brazil. There is unseen footage from these and other films, and interviews with Bunny before her death which I will edit together. She had an interesting life including appearances in Andy Warhol movies, and early success with a short film with Hollywood beckoning. Woody Allen was in her NY film school class, and many of her friends went on to become big stars, but B was too much of a socialite, and was unable to get her screen plays produced. At least one political biography that I have is very good, I might update it for sub-Hollywood production in the future. Anyway, Bunny had an interesting “career” and was close friends with Yoko & John Lennon from her guerrilla art days, Jimmy Hendrix, also Graham Chapman and some of the Pythons.

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Feb 13, 2021

Buddhism in Huxley’s Evolution and Ethics

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, ethics, evolution, life extension

Julian Huxley was part of the intellectual dynasty started by TH Huxley, and is more influenced by Buddhist ideas than Judeo-Christian. “T. H. Huxley was a paleontologist with a medical background who gained great prominence in the nineteenth century as one of the foremost defenders of Darwin’s evolutionary theory. Victorians were often inclined to see him as “the living embodiment of science militant,”(8) for Huxley actually clashed with contemporary defenders of Biblical supernaturalism in the name of science.(9) A very late product of his intellectual career, Evolution and Ethics (1893) shows him in a mellowed, reflective mood. The radical disjunction between the ethical and the cosmic processes such as is frequently highlighted here hardly squares with “orthodox” Darwinism; in fact Irvine has called Huxley’s effort in this context a “somewhat puzzling manoeuvre” that is “full of talk about Indian mysticism and of protest about the cruelties of evolution.”(10) Yet his overall treatment of his theme is not a matter that need concern us now.(11) What must be noted, on the other hand, is that in the course of his professed endeavor to inquire into the origin and the basis of ethical values from an evolutionary standpoint, Huxley indeed undertook a brief survey of the leading philosophies that had helped to form mankind’s conceptions of such values. He emphasized in this connection that India had engendered a distinctive outlook on life, and some of the ideas central to that outlook (as, for example, karman) actually made a notable impression on him. But it is upon a particular religion of Indian origin, namely Buddhism, that he chose to dwell at length and, I think, in a way that merits close attention.” Buddhism is” system which knows no God in the Western sense; which denies a soul to man; which counts the belief in immortality a blunder and hope of it a sin; which refuses any efficacy to prayer and sacrifice; which bids men look to nothing but their own efforts for salvation; which in its original purity, knew nothing of vows of obedience, abhorred intolerance, and never sought the aid of the secular arm; yet spread over a considerable moiety of the Old World with marvellous rapidity, and is still, with whatever base admixure of foreign superstitions, the dominant creed of a large fraction of mankind.”

A note on a Victorian evaluation and its “comparativist dimension” By Vijitha Rajapakse Philosophy East and West Volume 35, no. 3 (July 1985)

©by the University of Hawaii Press

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Feb 11, 2021

A Billion Years in 40 Seconds: Mesmerizing Video Reveals the Evolution Our Dynamic Planet

Posted by in category: evolution

New research helps understand how plate tectonics powers life on Earth. Plate tectonics are responsible for the deep-carbon and deep-water cycles. Arrangement of continents has changed sea level in the past. The evolution of life is modified by tectonics — continents are rafts with evolvi.

Feb 10, 2021

Efficient Lewis acid catalysis of an abiological reaction in a de novo protein scaffold

Posted by in categories: chemistry, evolution

New enzyme catalysts are usually engineered by repurposing the active sites of natural proteins. Here we show that design and directed evolution can be used to transform a non-natural, functionally naive zinc-binding protein into a highly active catalyst for an abiological hetero-Diels–Alder reaction. The artificial metalloenzyme achieves 104 turnovers per active site, exerts absolute control over reaction pathway and product stereochemistry, and displays a catalytic proficiency (1/KTS = 2.9 × 1010 M−1) that exceeds all previously characterized Diels–Alderases. These properties capitalize on effective Lewis acid catalysis, a chemical strategy for accelerating Diels–Alder reactions common in the laboratory but so far unknown in nature. Extension of this approach to other metal ions and other de novo scaffolds may propel the design field in exciting new directions.

Feb 8, 2021

Dr. Jill Tarter — Chair Emeritus — SETI Institute — The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, cosmology, education, evolution, physics

Chair emeritus, SETI institute — the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Dr. Jill Tarter is Chair Emeritus for SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Research at the SETI Institute, a not-for-profit research organization whose mission is to explore, understand, and explain the origin and nature of life in the universe, and to apply the knowledge gained to inspire and guide present and future generations.

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