This piece of tape can store 80.000 movies.
Category: entertainment – Page 98
Intelligent Machines
Machine-learning algorithm watches dance dance revolution, then creates dances of its own.
A machine learns to choreograph by studying a famous 1990s music video game.
We’re not going to stop taking pictures and recording movies, and we need to develop new ways to save them.
- By Luis Ceze, Karin Strauss, The Conversation US on July 29, 2017
As moviemaking becomes as much a science as an art, the moviemakers need ever-better ways to gauge audience reactions. Did they enjoy it? How much… exactly? At minute 42? A system from Caltech and Disney Research uses a facial expression tracking neural network to learn and predict how members of the audience react, perhaps setting the stage for a new generation of Nielsen ratings.
The research project, just presented at IEEE’s Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference in Hawaii, demonstrates a new method by which facial expressions in a theater can be reliably and relatively simply tracked in real time.
It uses what’s called a factorized variational autoencoder — the math of it I am not even going to try to explain, but it’s better than existing methods at capturing the essence of complex things like faces in motion.
Earlier Work
Wernquist early short film “Wanderers” explored many of the same themes about humanities nature to explore and experance, built around beautiful images of space and the cosmos and narration built around an expert from Carl Sagan ‘s “Pale Blue Dot.”
Wernquist described the film as:
Technology can be wonderful. But how do you keep track of yourself when technology allows you to be everywhere at once?
In this film Prof. Yair Amichai-Hamburger (director of the Research Center for Internet Psychology at the Sammy Ofer School of Communications) argues that even though technology allows us to reach out and connect more easily than ever before, if we don’t ever take a step back, we can lose track of our humanity in the process.
A Kiwi company developing artificial intelligence has delivered its latest digital human, called Rachel.
Rachel can see, hear and respond to you.
She is an avatar created by two-time Oscar winner Mark Sagar, who worked on the blockbuster movie of the same name.
Mr Sagar, of Auckland-based company Soul Machines, says his aim is to make man socialise with machine, by putting a human face on artificial intelligence.
Just in time for summer movie season comes news that something huge is lurking out there at the edge of the solar system. It’s really big. It’s never before been detected. It’s warping gravity fields.
No, it’s not the latest Michael Bay disaster-fest or the mothership from “Independence Day.” It’s not the hypothesized Planet 9 that everyone was talking about a little over a year ago. Probably it’s another planet. Or maybe that mothership.