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The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Scientific-Knowledge Doubling Progression, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

On Scientific-Knowledge Doubling Progression

(Taken from the White Swan at






F) “…The flattening of the world is going to be hugely disruptive to both traditional and developed societies. The weak will fall further behind faster. The traditional will feel the force of modernization much more profoundly. The new will get turned into old quicker. The developed will be challenged by the underdeveloped much more profoundly. I worry, because so much political stability is built on economic stability, and economic stability is not going to be a feature of the flat world. Add it all up and you can see that the disruptions and going to come faster and harder. No one is immune — not me, not you, not Microsoft. WE ARE ENTERING AN ERA OF CREATIVE DESTRUCTION ON STEROIDS. Dealing with flatism is going to be a challenge of a whole new dimension even if your country has a strategy. But if you don’t have a strategy at all, well, again, you’ve warned…” [226]

G) “…By the end of the twentieth century, science had reached the end of an era, unlocking the secrets of the atom, unraveling the molecule of life, and creating the electronic computer. With these three fundamental discoveries, triggered by the quantum revolution, the DNA revolution, and the computer revolution, the basic laws of matter, life, and computation were, in the main, finally solved [….] That epic phase of science is now drawing to a close; one era is ending and another is only beginning [….] The next era of science promises to be an even deeper, more thoroughgoing, more penetrating one than the last [….] Clearly, we are on the threshold of yet another revolution. HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history. COMPUTER POWER IS DOUBLING EVERY EIGHTEEN MONTHS. THE INTERNET IS DOUBLING EVERY YEAR. THE NUMBER OF DNA SEQUENCES WE CAN ANALYZE IS DOUBLING EVERY TWO YEARS …” Brackets are of the author.

And G) above continues here:

“… Almost daily, the headlines herald new advances in computers, telecommunications, biotechnology, and space exploration. In the wake of this technological upheaval, entire industries and lifestyles are being overturned, only to give rise to entirely new ones. But these rapid, bewildering changes are not just quantitative. They mark the birth pangs of a new era [….] FROM NOW TO THE YEAR 2020, SCIENTISTS FORESEE AN EXPLOSION IN SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY SUCH AS THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE. IN TWO KEY TECHNOLOGIES, COMPUTER POWER AND THE DNA SEQUENCING, WE WILL SEE ENTIRE INDUSTRIES RISE AND FALL ON THE BASIS OF BREATHTAKING SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES. SINCE THE 1950S, THE POWER OF OUR COMPUTERS HAS ADVANCED BY A FACTOR OF ROUGHLY TEN BILLION. IN FACT, BECAUSE BOTH COMPUTER POWER AND DNA SEQUENCING DOUBLE ROUGHLY EVERY TWO YEARS, ONE CAN COMPUTE THE ROUGH TIME FRAME OVER WHICH MANY SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGHS WILL TAKE PLACE … ”

And G) above continues here:


H) “…The knowledge revolution is taking place in small, sharply defined areas. One company generates more U.S. patents than 139 countries do together [….] This [revolution] generates new EMPIRES and new ghettos [….] It slams into existing systems and destroys them while creating new systems. Countries and individuals can either surf new and powerful waves of change — or try to stop them and get crushed…” [226]

I) “…Nanotechnologies are broad concept, it’s simply refers to technology where the key features in measuring the small number of nanometers. A NANOMETER IS THE DIAMETER OF FIVE CARBON ATOMS SO IT’S VERY CLOSE TO THE MOLECULAR LEVEL AND WE ALREADY HAVE NEW MATERIALS AND DEVICES THAT HAD BEEN MANUFACTURED AT THE NANOSCALE. IN FACT, CHIPS TODAY, THE KEY FEATURES ARE 50 OR 60 NANOMETERS SO THAT IS ALREADY NANOTECHNOLOGY. The true promise of nanotechnology is that ultimately we’ll be able to create devices that are manufactured at the molecular level by putting together, molecular fragments in new combinations so, I can send you an information file and a desktop nanofactory will assemble molecules according to the definition in the file and create a physical objects so I can e-mail you a pair of trousers or a module to build housing or a solar panel and WE’LL BE ABLE TO CREATE JUST ABOUT ANYTHING WE NEED IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD FROM INFORMATION FILES WITH VERY INEXPENSIVE INPUT MATERIALS. You can… I mean, just a few years ago if I wanted to send you a movie or a book or a recorded album, I would send you a FedEx package, now I can e-mail you an attachment and you can create a movie or a book from that …”

And I) above continues here:

“ … On the future, I’ll be able to e-mail you a blouse or a meal. So, that’s the promise of nanotechnology. Another promise is to be able to create devices that are size of blood cells and by the way biology is an example of nanotechnology, the key features of biology are at the molecular level. SO, THAT’S ACTUALLY THE EXISTENCE PROOF THAT NANOTECHNOLOGY IS FEASIBLE BUT BIOLOGY IS BASED ON LIMITED SIDE OF MATERIALS. EVERYTHING IS BUILT OUT OF PROTEINS AND THAT’S A LIMITED CLASS OF SUBSTANCES. WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY WE CAN CREATE THINGS THAT ARE FAR MORE DURABLE AND FAR MORE POWERFUL. One scientist designed a robotic red blood cell it’s a thousand times more powerful than the biological version so, if you were to replace a portion of your biological red blood cells with this respirocytes the robotic versions. You could do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath or sit at the bottom of your pool for 4 hours …”

And I) above continues here:

“ … If I were to say someday you’ll have millions or even billions of these nanobots, nano-robots, blood cell size devices going through your body and keeping you healthy from inside, I might think well, that sounds awfully futuristic. I’d point out this already in 50 experiments in animals of doing exactly that with the first generation of nano engineered blood cell size devices. One scientist cured type-1 diabetes in rats with the blood cell size device. Seven nanometer pores let’s insulin out in the controlled fashion. At MIT, there’s a blood cell size device that can detect and destroy cancer cells in the bloodstream. These are early experiments but KEEP IN MIND THAT BECAUSE OF THE EXPONENTIAL PROGRESSION OF THIS TECHNOLOGY, THESE TECHNOLOGIES WILL BE A BILLION TIMES MORE POWERFUL IN 25 YEARS AND YOU GET SOME IDEA WHAT WILL BE FEASIBLE …” [226]

J) “…The world has profoundly changed … The challenges and complexity we face in our personal lives and relationships, in our families, in our professional lives, and in our organizations are of a different order of magnitude. In fact, many mark 1989 — the year we witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall — as the beginning of the Information Age, the birth of a new reality, a sea change of incredible significance — truly a new era — Being effective as individuals and organizations is no longer merely an option — survival in today’s world requires it. But in order to thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in what Covey calls the new Knowledge Worker Age, we must build on and move beyond effectiveness [long-held assumptions, fallacies and flawed beliefs and faulty conventions]…Accessing the higher levels of human genius and motivation in today’s new reality REQUIRES A SEA CHANGE IN THINKING: a new mind-sets, a new skill-set, a new tool-set — in short, a whole new habit…” [226] Brackets are of the author.

K) “…All the notions we thought solid, all the values of civilized life, all that made for stability in international relations, all that made for regularity in the economy … in a word, all that tended happily to limit the uncertainty of the morrow, all that gave nations and individuals some confidence in the morrow … all this seems badly compromised. I have consulted all augurs I could find, of every species, and I have heard only vague words, contradictory prophecies, curiously feeble assurances. Never has humanity combined so much power with so much disorder, so much anxiety with so many playthings, so much knowledge with so much uncertainty…” [226]

L) “…It’s not the case that there are only a fixed number of positions, and if old people don’t die off, there’s no room for young people to come up with new ideas, because we’re constantly expanding knowledge …. Knowledge is growing exponentially. It’s doubling approximately every year ….The problem is I can’t get on the phone with you in the future and say, “Well, I’ve done it, I have lived forever ….This idea of creating a whole virtual body with nanobots, that’s more like a 2050 scenario. But by the 2030s we’ll be putting millions of nanobots inside our bodies to augment our immune system, to basically wipe out disease. One scientist cured Type I diabetes in rats with a blood-cell-size device already ….” [226]

L) here continues:

“… By 2029, computers will have emotional intelligence and be convincing as people. This implies that these are people with volition just like you and I, not just games that you turn on or off. Is it my father? You could argue that it’s a simulation. But it’s not something you can play with. You don’t want to bring someone back who might be very depressed because the world is very different than they expect and the people they know aren’t around …. It’s not us versus them. We’ve created these tools to overcome our limitations, and we’ve integrated with them already. A.I. today is not in three or four dark federal intelligence agencies; it’s in billions of mobile devices around the world[….] Early in this decade [2020s], humanity will have the requisite hardware to emulate human intelligence within a $1000 personal computer, followed shortly by effective software models of human intelligence toward the middle of the decade: this will be enabled through the continuing exponential growth of brain-scanning technology, which is doubling in bandwidth, temporal and spatial resolution every year, and will be greatly amplified with nanotechnology, allowing us to have a detailed understanding of all the regions of the human brain and to aid in developing human-level machine intelligence by the end of this decade …. Computers less than 100 m in size will be possible …” Brackets are of the author. [226]

M) “…The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreasonable world, nor that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality; yet is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and regular than it is; its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is hidden, its wildness lies in wait … ” [220] [226]

N) “…We believe that the goal is not to predict the future, but to imagine a future made possible by changes in technology, life style, work style, regulation, global geopolitics, and the like. And there are as many viable futures as there as imaginative firms that can understand deeply the at work right now which hold opportunities to become the author of the new. FOR THE FUTURE IS NOT WHAT WILL HAPPEN; THE FUTURE IS WHAT IS HAPPENING. The present and the future don’t about each other, neatly divided between the five-year plan and the great unknown beyond. Rather they are intertwined. Every company is in the process of becoming — of becoming an anachronism irrelevant to the future, or of becoming the harbinger of the future …” [226]

N) continues:

“…The long-term is not something that happens someday; it is what every company is building or forfeiting [….] Only those who can imagine and preemptively create the future will be around to enjoy it … Creating a compelling view of tomorrow’s opportunities and moving preemptively to secure the future are tasks for neither dilettantes nor the merely intellectual curious … Other companies, the laggards, were more interested in protecting the past than in creating the future … We believe, and will argue strongly, that a company must not only get to the future first, it must get there for less [….] And re-engineering charge is simply the penalty that a company must pay for not having anticipated the future [….] If senior executives don’t have reasonably detailed answers to the ‘future’ set of questions, and if the answers they do have are not substantially different from the ‘today’ answers, there is little chance their companies will remain market leaders [….] For much of the 1980s, IBM had been driving toward the future while looking out the rear-view mirror [….] Too often, profound thinking about the future and how to shape it occurs only when present success has been substantially eroded [….] Creating the future is more challenging than playing catch up, in that you have to create your own road map [….] The goal is not simply to benchmark a competitor’s products and processes and imitate its methods, but to develop an independent point of view about tomorrow’s opportunities and how to exploit them …” [226]

N) continues:

“ … Path-breaking is a lot more rewarding than benchmarking. One doesn’t get to the future first by letting someone else blaze the trail [….] Passengers will get to the future, but their fate will not be in their own hands. Theirs profits from the future will be modest at best. Those who drive industry revolution — companies that have a clear, permeated view of where they want tom take their industry and are capable of orchestrating resources inside and outside the company to get there first — will be handsomely rewarded… The future is not an extrapolation of the past. New industrial structures will supersede old industrial structures [….] Opportunities that at first blush seem evolutionary will prove to be revolutionary [….] A commitment substantial enough to beget the perseverance required to create the future must be based on something more than a hunch [….] But to create the future, a company must first be able to forget some of its past … ‘The future was predictable, but hardly anyone predicted it’ …” [87]. [226]

O) “…The future belongs not to those who possess a crystal ball, but those willing to challenge the biases and prejudices of the ‘establishment.’ The future belongs more to the unorthodox than it does to the prognosticators […and/or predictioneers…], more to the movement than to the starry-eyed …. The problem with the future is that is different …. If you are unable to think differently, the Future will always arrive as a [strategic or geostrategic Sputnik Moment] surprise …”

O) continues:

“ … Each revolution in art was based on a re-conception of reality. It wasn’t the canvas, the pigments, or the brushes that changed, but how the artist perceived the world. In the same sense, it’s not the tools that distinguish industry revolutionaries from hummed, not the information technology they harness, not the process they use, not their facilities. Instead, is their ability to escape the stranglehold of the familiar…” [28]. Brackets are of the author.

P) “…A primary theme in Alvin Toffler’s best selling book Future Shock is that society’s rate of change is increasing. Everything around us — including ourselves — is rapidly changing. Nothing is stable, permanent, constant, or fixed. Neither is risk. It is an indigenous element in the volatility of life. If anything, risk expands at a greater rate than the societal rate of change — due to its roots in uncertainty and ignorance of consequences, which multiply during mercurial instability … ” [226]


Incidentally, every Scientific and Technological Progression available that is into a “ …doubling …” order of magnitude is synthesized here:

Doubling A: (# 1 of 10)

“… HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history …” ( ). Brackets are of the author. [226]

Doubling B: (# 2 of 10)


Doubling C: (# 3 of 10)


Doubling D: (# 4 of 10)


Doubling E: (# 5 of 10)


Doubling F: (# 6 of 10)


Doubling G: (# 7 of 10)


Doubling I: (# 8 of 10)


Doubling J: (# 9 of 10)


Doubling K: (# 10 of 10)

“…Like Moore’s Law for silicon electronics, which says that computers are growing exponentially smaller and more powerful every year, molecular systems developed with DNA nanotechnology have been doubling in size roughly every three years,…” says Professor Erik Winfree at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). [197] ( [217] [226]


The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Fuzzy Logic Versus Pseudo-Fuzzy Logic, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

Fuzzy Logic Versus Pseudo-Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Logic: (A form of algebra employing a range of values from “true” to “false” that is used in decision-making with imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Fuzzy Logic: (A form of algebra employing a range of values from quasi-“true” to quasi-“false” that is used in decision-making with quasi-imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Practical Leadership Success Tenets, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, a t

Practical Leadership Success Tenets by Mr. Andres Agostini:

# 1 — This Leader archetype is An Actionable Statesman.

# 2 — This Leader archetype is thoroughly moral and ethical in deed and spontaneously projected example.

# 3 — This Leader archetype is happily located and navigating through Century 21.

# 4 — This Leader archetype is, by far, focused on solid and increasing education and perpetual mind expansion, chiefly those acquired by solving truly complex problems systematically.

# 5 — This Leader archetype is Self-Pedagogue forever. This Leader archetype teaches to self-tech to his / her crew for Life.

# 6 — This Leader archetype Leads, Co-Leads, Follows, Co-Follows, Plans, Co-Plans, Invents, Re-Invents, Co-Invents, Co-Reinvents, Executes, Co-Executes, Builds, Co-Builds, Envisions, Co-Envisions, Paves and Co-Paves Never-Thought-Of Pathways.

# 7 — This Leader archetype is Intuitive, Counterintuitive, and seamlessly blends both of the above without paralyzing in the analysis.

# 8 — This Leader archetype Takes all — encompassing curiosity as it is operated in real time — beyond known and unknown extremes.

# 9 — This Leader archetype makes every mistake — own or that of the competitor — at the expense of adversaries into his / her won victory.

# 10 — This Leader archetype doesn’t care how fluid and amorphous the limits, contexts and the dynamics of his / her blurred theater of operations are.

# 11 — This Leader archetype can strategize and prevail through many operational frameworks at once without getting bewildered.

# 12 — This Leader archetype challenges every assumption, doctrine and dogma ruthlessly and relentlessly, beginning with his / her own ones.

# 13 — This Leader archetype Learns something practical, meaningful, and decisively productive and significant every day.

# 14 — This Leader archetype Heightens crew’s sense of urgency and of focus.

# 15 — Re-adapts and re-invents resiliently and effortlessly regardless of whatever constraints and increasing pressures stemming from the frame of reference.

# 16 — This Leader archetype operates multidimensionally and cross-functionally.

# 17 — This Leader archetype constantly and boldly sets pre-conditions to maximize the likelihood of his / her triumphs.

# 18 — This Leader archetype always selects and develops his / her leadership constituency.

# 19 — This Leader archetype creates and applies his / her own — along with that of the team — body of knowledge.

# 20 — This Leader archetype does never ever institute “best practices,” but UNIQUE, premium-graded approaches.

# 21 — This Leader archetype carries on much swifter that “life cycles” intrinsic to products, services, challenges, and complex problem solving.

# 22 — This Leader archetype does not get concerned about his / her adversaries since the uniqueness and ever-upgrading quality of tactics, strategies and stratagems as applied.

# 23 — This Leader archetype harmonizes issues immediately. Yes, he fights against adversities and their proponents. But, at the end, This Leader archetype is a peace maker.

# 24 — This Leader archetype’s leadership is always (and robustly so) linked to concrete and unambiguous objective and goals.

# 25 — This Leader archetype Always updates his methods, approaches, techniques, tactics, strategies, especially using those that are extraneous to so-called and already disrupted (published or unpublished) “history.” (Which one, that wrote by winners or that stated by losers or that always failing to have sufficient objectivity?)

# 26 — This Leader archetype continuously learns lessons — and improves those — both from incurred mistakes and from captured successes.

# 27 — This Leader archetype extracts information and knowledge — to be shared and brainstormed with the crew in advance — out of everything done, thought, as well as to be executed regardless of the incumbent.

# 28 — This Leader archetype wins only based on merit, principle, legitimacy and lawfulness.

# 29 — This Leader archetype strategizes the granularity of detail of everything. There is no such a thing as a leader that is not a strategist and a consummated visionary. Fringe, “terra incognita” and fuzzy-logic zones are highly stimulating to his / her starving intellect.

# 30 — This Leader archetype embraces leading-edge (even weird) science and its stemming technological derivatives immediately.

# 31 — This Leader archetype enjoys phenomena and prevails as he / she navigates through said phenomena.

# 32 — This Leader archetype is never commonsensical and always pervasively challenging long-held assumptions as he / she institutes the most unorthodox and exuberant novel practices (lavishly so).

# 33 — De-tools, tools, re-tools the amplification of the individual and collective intelligence within his / her crew.

# 34 — This Leader archetype instills how to operate autonomously and jointly — in pursuit of the same goals and objectives — to his / her followers and co-leaders.

# 35 — This Leader archetype learns from his / her mistakes, but empathizes to learn also from the mistakes of others.

# 36 — This Leader archetype fluidly shares experience and practical knowledge across every incumbent in the crew.

# 37 — This Leader archetype only thinks and performs à la unthinkable thinking.

# 38 — This Leader archetype disrupts the boundaries of unthinkable thinking, always going progressively more beyond such boundaries.

# 39 — This Leader archetype transforms new problems and old problems into actionable breakthrough opportunities.

# 40 — In his / her case and exercising this type of leadership, this Leader archetype strongly and coherently insists on and applies three aspects: CIVILITY, CIVILITY, CIVILITY!

# 41 — Before chaos, he / she instills more and more chaos — of greater magnitude, scale and speed — to level off and outsmart the frame of reference targeted.

# 42 — This Leader archetype drives OPS with directness and / or indirectness, as well as with the loose/control hybridization mode.

# 43 — This Leader archetype shares of defined values as they get collegially upgraded for Life.

# 44 — This Leader archetype elicits conceptions of practiced futures to deal with and countermeasure way in advance.

# 45 — This Leader archetype fuses technology innovation with business strategy as a tool for competitive advantage.

# 46 — This Leader archetype conceives early and distinguishes it and exploits it strategic surprises attributable to competitors.

# 47 — This Leader archetype ascertains that there is not a single stone left unturned.

# 48 — This Leader archetype short-circuits to shortcut.

# 49 — This Leader archetype possesses innate ideas — in addition as those incubated by the crew — positioning himself / herself in the tabula rasa’s antipodes.

# 50 — This Leader archetype is determined to supporting his / her fellow crew members even beyond his own skin.

# 51 — This Leader archetype is more willing to openly share fact-and-figure information regarding their interests, constraints, and priorities as they have earned each other’s trust.

# 52 — This Leader archetype invests in trust building prior to, during, and after their commando operations (regardless of the business enterprise or not theater of operations).

# 53 — This Leader archetype does not simply leverage trust when it is present; he / she builds trust when is absent.

# 54 — This Leader archetype is a poker-faced strategic visionary raising the ante and raising the scale of the latter as he / she modulates the timing and “landing” of the calculated risks waged.

# 55 — This Leader archetype alleviates fears and builds trust.

# 56 — This Leader archetype builds so many “strategic surprises” in his mind lab way in advance — in eternity overriding the most bizarre dreamed-of (and practiced) futures with the foresight and far-sight perspectives — in a way utterly impossible to be caught off guard by so-called in-the-ground reality (that is, nothing more than partially controlled hallucinations).

# 57 — This Leader archetype demolishes all forms of mediocrity, especially lying and manipulating within his amorphous and versatile crew, enabling the rogue ruling of the omni-mode optimum.

# 58 — This Leader archetype communicates pointblank as he / she elicits the content with clarity, respect, cordially and, above of all, an upped sense of urgency. Treasures reasoned fury for competitors, adversaries, and industrial spies, as well as in transmutation of weaknesses into stern strategic advantages over his / her contrarians.

# 59 — While focusing on several specific matters to tackle and their rules of engagement, he / she never loses sites of the contexts targeted by the other member of his crew. This Leader archetype has the clearest mentality that everything is related to everything else.

# 60 — This Leader archetype thinks “big picture” and wholly to operate comprehensively and multifacetedlly to state the very minimum.

# 61— However the primordial leader and the emboldened sprits de corps across the board within his / her crew, he / she unambiguously honors, respects and institutional rewards the highest hierarchies, as well as those under his / her watch.

# 62 — He / she, as well as the entirety of the crew, thinks in already practiced futures to in-source his / her individual and collective mind(s) with zillion actionable options from the originated one to out-strategize adversaries and ascertain indisputable prevailing.

# 63 — This Leader archetype views as scientists reportedly tell us as the horses see in real life, so that this holistic view and systemic and systematic engagement in the theater of operations — tremendously propelled by fore-sighting — offers This Leader archetype a lucid second nature in dealing with globality and the elements of the system (embedded in his blurring and flowingly blurring context) from the amplest perspective of that prepared mind that not only is capturing the uniqueness, the subtleties, and interrelationships of the challenge to be resolve (on the doubles) as they are posed by the theater of operations.

# 64 — When an action is to happen is not that bad and when the minds, spirits, and souls of these leaders and co-leaders are not counting with the greatest and most updated competitive intelligence (and, sometimes, rampant intelligentsia), This Leader archetype, as per the medical maxim, engages into “first do no harm,” thereby awaiting for the soonest and best timing to besiege and conquer (WITH HONOR) the theater of operations.

# 65 — This Leader archetype does not have only a passion, but he / she has an extremely well passion that does not allow said person to lose composure, aim, an strategic blueprint to shock and awe, via overbearing number of angles, the adversary to be turned in defeat by the collective unleashing of energy unload on to them for the ultimate domination.

# 66 — This Leader archetype establishes a great human-to-‘computational power’ intelligence close-loop feedback via artificial intelligence to access to and swiftly operate on the numerical and narrative data received between the terrain sustained gains and the ultimate goal to be captured within maximum control.

# 67 — This Leader archetype secures so many Pyrrhic and ‘ignored flank’ victories to improve his / her abilities — and that of the crew — while bringing about a dramatic but yet subtle and decisive breakthrough, very much to his / her advantage and that of humankind.

# 68 — When the leader approaches any important mission, he / she enters the process with the goal of looking for areas in which strategic value can be created.

# 69 — This Leader archetype helps disputant crew members to reach harmony thoroughly, not dwelling on the past but improving the perspective of his persona and that of the crew toward the immediate future.

# 70 — This Leader archetype fails so recurrently that, that in the final analysis, he / she affluently prevails. This worships his mistakes as sacrosanct learning devices that he, in the treasured futures, wins easily, independently of precarious terrains.

# 71 — This Leader archetype is forever building up — via transparency, accountability and responsibility — trusting among his / her fellow co-leaders. In those critical missions, say of law enforcement, first responders and the military, the maximum on-site responsible one exercises a climate of distention and courtesy among his crew members. There is here a difficult balancing act — that is never a daring issue for the wise leader — is to offer support and friendliness without disrupting the limits between the professional life and personal one. Intimacy exchanges between the crew members of the same team will gravely compromise the integrity of the incumbents and their mission-critical responsibilities. The members incurred in such situation must be immediately relocated.

# 72 — This Leader archetype possesses clarity of thought and great depth and scope in contrarian’s judgment, as he / she avidly ponders above and beyond wholly.

# 73 — He / she grows mentally and intellectually in the midst of complexity, chaos, and anarchy, transforming the cited three factor in the tools to secure his triumph early.

# 74 — This Leader archetype becomes responsible for assuming costs, losses, liabilities, behaviors, as well as outcomes.

# 75 — This Leader archetype does not retaliate; he / she just prevails.

# 76 — This Leader archetype’s mentality is ruled by his / her own should-self facet and never by his / her want / self one. In doing so, This Leader archetype maximizes the long-term benefits.

# 77 — This Leader archetype is always encouraging and supporting legitimate justice seeking.

# 78 — This Leader archetype is much more of an asset than a hindrance in interacting with the members of his / her crew.

# 79 — This Leader archetype is both robust, resilient and carries on non-linearly.

# 80 — This Leader archetype is an over-communicator.

# 81 — This Leader archetype is the hidden persuader to the greatest causes that transforms the World from a tiny bit of an annoying place into a better place, though interesting and educational in extremis.

# 82 — This Leader archetype is more flexible, competent, industrious, diligent, trustworthy, rational, honest, fair, cooperative, and compassionate than his / her opponents.

# 83 — In succeeding, This Leader archetype does not denigrate his / her opponents. He / she treat adversaries with highest decorum.

# 84 — This Leader archetype’s radiant reasoning is analogically instituted.

# 85 — This Leader archetype uses the insider’s lens, but much more emphatically utilizes the outsider’s lens.

# 86 — This Leader archetype makes more with less.

# 87 — This Leader archetype always operates better, when in the “battlefield,” the theater of operations has many sub-systems in and beyond ‘fringe’ status.

# 88 — This Leader archetype is engaged in “real time” calibrating mode, quantitatively and qualitatively, the information, data, and arguments that you hear from them.

# 89 — This Leader archetype cross-checks everything in its entirety.

# 90 — This Leader archetype chooses and updates and upgrades his / her own appropriate measure of success.

# 91 — In his / her pondering and discerning processes, This Leader archetype emphasizes — to the self and crew member fellows — the need to understand the other side’s perspective in advance and in continuum.

# 92 — This Leader archetype discovers the hidden interests, priorities, constraints, patterns, and subtle ploys of the other side, allowing him / her to create strategic value more efficaciously.

# 93 — This Leader archetype finds ways to overcome not only the reasonable objections of others, but also their close-mindedness.

# 94 — This Leader archetype reserves consistency between their attempts and actions.

# 95 — This Leader archetype , in order to protect the self, must make a judicious and salient effort to anticipate and mitigate powerful effects from strategies enforced.

# 96 — In each situation, This Leader archetype provides his / her crew with strategies for seeing and uncovering more clearly the information that falls in your blind spot.

# 97 — This Leader archetype thinks through the decision rulings, constraints, strategies, resource pressures, and politics of the other side.

# 98 — For This Leader archetype , the other side information advantage is never in his / her blind spot.

# 99 — This Leader archetype ’s First Nature is to wholly trustworthy and never wholly trusting.

# 100 — This Leader archetype is afraid neither the future nor the past but make a mark on the moment.

# 101 — This Leader archetype resists the obvious to embrace the newness of ignored flanks.

# 102 — This Leader archetype does not look through the mirror but every window.

# 103 — This Leader archetype build bridges between failures and sustainable successes.

# 104 — This Leader archetype’s greatest action is to pause to engender cross-pollinated perspectives from pondering, discernment, and actionable reflections.

# 105 — The only stasis This Leader archetype knows is the order tendered by chaotic measures that institute and restore harmony.

# 106 — This Leader archetype is the host of his / her co-leaders (Hostmanship).

# 107 — This Leader archetype generates a lot of ideas and plans; looks for good ideas, not just his / her own but those of the crew.

# 108 — This Leader archetype never abandons the power of saying what he / she believes and believing and executing what he / she says.

# 109 — This Leader archetype operates based on that a good working relationship will work even better when all work on it together (esprit de corps).

# 110 — This Leader archetype knows, that in engaging in a major initiative, the first moments are apt to be the most lively and decisive.

# 111 — While co-leaders are occupied with training, This Leader archetype must set the tone for all of his / her consistency.

# 112 — This Leader archetype takes care of his / her co-leader and looks after him / her in detail.

# 113 — This Leader archetype listens to his / her co-leaders’ complaints, inspects their tools and equipment, and satisfies himself / herself that co-leaders do not lack anything.

# 114 — This Leader archetype demonstrates that takes his / her responsibilities seriously and devotes himself / herself completely to the co-leader, which in turn inspires the co-leader’s confidence.

# 115 — Before committing to any serious enterprise, This Leader archetype and respective co-leaders perform frequent “drill evolutions” exercises.

# 116— In dealing with real-life business undertakings and struggling with competitor, maneuvers, strategies and tactics exceptionally mastered by This Leader archetype knowing that the least hesitation could compromise the entire integrity of his / her crew and corresponding objectives and goals.

# 117 — This Leader archetype makes his / her co-leaders acquaint with tactical skills. This Leader archetype explains the THEORY to his / her co-leaders in a way that theory and practice become co-leader’s second nature.

# 118 — Under this type of Leadership good leaders, good cares, good organization, good instruction (theoretical and practical), and good discipline can provide good co-leaders regardless of the challenge they compete against.

# 119 — For This Leader archetype the bottomline is: The real objective of having a LEADERSHIP is to provide for desired relevant outcomes. For This Leader archetype preparation is not only based on the organization of the LEADERSHIP TEAM but the indispensability of said organization is, by far, much more all-encompassing and strategically decisive.

# 120 — This Leader archetype believes that secrecy, discipline, morale and competitive intelligence are instrumental to his / her many successes in business, management and organizational transformation.

# 121 — This Leader archetype knows that “quiet” historic times around the world offer some type of “acceptable” bureaucratic environment. This Leader archetype also knows that he / she must turn the environment fluidly “lean and mean,” especially when every facet of the world order is by each 24 hours disrupting every historic precedent known.

# 122 — This Leader archetype is aware of the strategy and of the damage that could result from a false sense of economizing the granularity of details pertaining to the depth and scope and nature of said strategy.

# 123 — This Leader archetype and Co-Leaders posses the controlling influence of tactics, formation, and of the drill evolution of own team but also of the competitor’s crew.

# 124 — This Leader archetype is strong, adroit, shrewd, skillfully adaptable, tough-minded and resilient, as well as morally and ethically indefatigable.

# 125 — This Leader archetype knows that not only speed assures its success, but order, cohesion, congruency, maneuvering, and the effective use of resources.

# 126 — In a delicate mission, this Leader archetype always requires discernment, intellect, and sound judgment.

# 127 — This Leader archetype is slow in deliberation and quick in execution.

# 128 — This Leader archetype marches rapidly and vigorously without any “but,” “if,” or “because.”

# 129 — This Leader archetype blends severity, justice, and mildness, thus rendering only a good effect.

# 130 — This Leader archetype is formed only through constant care and you must not depart from this policy.

# 131 — This Leader archetype, in a delicate mission, requires discernment, intellect, and sound judgment.

# 132 — This Leader archetype, as he / she operates, increasingly and proactively institutes all advantageous management tools (from all-knowledge fields) – duly compiled at unison – as if he / she were holding the handle of the actively pervasive (a) thinking mode and (b) execution.

# 133 — This Leader archetype is conscientious (not just into the so-called “attitude,” since attitude is only and solely a function of conscientious awareness) that knowledge is actionable organized information designated for targeting the capturing of goals, objectives, and results.

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Randomness Versus Pseudo-Ramdoness, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

Randomness Versus Pseudo-Randomness

Randomness.— (Randomness means lack of pattern or predictability in events. Randomness suggests a non-order or non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Randomness.— (Pseudo-Randomness means quasi-lacking of pattern or quasi-predictability in events. Pseudo-Randomness suggests a quasi-non-order or quasi-non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Serendipity Versus Pseudoserendipity, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at



Serendipity.— Serendipity means a “fortuitous happenstance” and/or “pleasant surprise” and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] And the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Unexpected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management …”

Pseudoserendipity.— Pseudoserendipity means PURPOSEFULLY CREATING the constant preconditions and conditions to seize “fortuitous happenstance” and/or “pleasant surprise” and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Somewhat Expected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management …”

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Dictionary, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at



Altogetherness.— Altogetherness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate with all or everything included.

A Posteriori.— “ … A Posteriori indicates the demonstration that entails the ascendance of the effect to the cause, or the properties of the essence of something [….] After examining the matter that is dealt with [….] Derived by or designating the process of reasoning from facts or particulars to general principles or from effects to causes; inductive; empirical [….] Knowable from experience [….] relating to or involving inductive reasoning from particular facts or effects to a general principle [….] derived from or requiring evidence for its validation or support; empirical; open to revision [….] from particular instances to a general principle or law; based on observation or experiment [….] not existing in the mind prior to or apart from experience [….] the process of reasoning from effect to cause, based upon observation …”

A Priori.— “ … A Priori comprises that proceeds from a known or assumed cause to a necessarily related effect; deductive [….] Derived by or designating the process of reasoning without reference to particular facts or experience [….] Knowable without appeal to particular experience [….] Made before or without examination; not supported by factual study [….] relating to or involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to the expected facts or effects [….] to be true independently of or in advance of experience of the subject matter; requiring no evidence for its validation or support [….] existing in the mind independent of experience [….] conceived beforehand …”

Blitzkrieg.— “ … Blitzkrieg is a German MEME for war-waging White Swan Corporate Strategy conducted against competitors and with great speed and force; specifically: a violent techno-surprise offensive by massed brick-and-mortar forces and through digitized ground and World-Wide Web forces in close beyond-perfection coordination …”

Change .— “… Change is to transfer from (one conveyance) to another and/or to undergo transformation or transition and/or to go from one phase to another and/or the act, process, or result of altering or modifying and/or the replacing of one thing for another; substitution and/or a transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another and/or to make or become different and/or a variation, deviation, or modification and/or anything that is or may be substituted for something else and/or to transform and/or to transfer from one (conveyance) to another and/or to pass gradually into and/or to pass from one phase to another and/or the act of changing or the result of being changed and/or a transformation or modification and/or the substitution of one thing for another and/or the process of becoming different and/or impermanence and/or biological metamorphosis …”

Closenessfulness.— (Closenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see immediate and near-term foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Complexity Science .— “ … Complexity Science is the systematic study of the nature and behavior of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms with the utter purpose of instituting the perusal of the phenomena which emerge from a collection of interacting objects [….] Complexity expresses a condition of numerous elements in a system and numerous forms of relationships among the elements [….] The use of the term complex is often confused with the term complicated. In today’s systems, this is the difference between myriad connecting ‘stovepipes’ and effective ‘integrated’ solutions. This means that complex is the opposite of independent, while complicated is the opposite of simple [….] While this has led some fields to come up with specific definitions of complexity, there is a more recent movement to regroup observations from different fields to study complexity in itself, whether it appears in anthills, human brains, or stock markets. One such interdisciplinary group of fields is relational order theories …”

Counter-closenessfulness.— (Counter-closenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see alternate immediate and near-term foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Counter-DoctorStangelovesness.— (Counter-DoctorStangelovesness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate, through alternate military strategy and practical systems theory as they are instituted in corporate theater of operations, as claims of management phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as ‘remote viewing’ through scenario-planning methodology ‘unthinkables’, the purported ability to physically ‘see’ unknown events, sites, or information from a great temporal distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors to said corporations. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Savvy Corporation by and beyond the prescription of the RAND Corporation and the Hudson Institute).

Counter-farsightfulness.— (Counter-farsightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see alternate foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Counter-foresightfulness.— (Counter-foresightfulness is the quality of conforming to the alternate perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred).

Counter-hindsightfulness.— (Counter-hindsightfulness is the quality of conforming to an alternate perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred).

Counter-insightfulness.— (Counter-insightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to engage the alternate acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception and understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context).

Counter-intuitvenessfulness.— (Counter-intuitvenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to perceiving alternate intuitive knowledge).

Counter-Stargatenessfulness.— (Counter-Stargatenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate alternate claims of psychic phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as ‘remote viewing’, the purported ability to psychically ‘see’ events, sites, or information from a great distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Visionary Corporation by the U.S. Federal Government’ and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s Stargate Project).

DoctorStangelovesness.— (DoctorStangelovesness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate, through military strategy and practical systems theory as they are instituted in corporate theater of operations, as claims of management phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as ‘remote viewing’ through scenario-planning methodology ‘unthinkables’, the purported ability to physically ‘see’ unknown events, sites, or information from a great temporal distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors to said corporations. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Savvy Corporation by and beyond the prescription of the RAND Corporation and the Hudson Institute).

Dynamic Driving Forces .— “…Dynamic Driving Forces are forces outside the firm (external factors) that trigger the change of strategy in an organization. Industry conditions change because important forces (the most dominant ones that have the biggest influence on what kinds of changes will take place in the industry’s structure and competitive environment) are driving industry participants (competitors, customers, or suppliers) to alter their actions, and thus the driving forces in an industry are the major underlying causes of changing industry and competitive conditions. Driving forces analysis has two steps: identifying what the driving forces are and assessing the impact they will have on the industry .… The Most Common Dynamic Driving Forces include: 1. The Internet and new e-commerce opportunities and threats it breeds in the industry; 2. Increasing globalization of the industry; 3. Changes in the long-run industry growth rate; 4. Changes in who buys the products and how they use it. 5. Product innovation; 6. Technological change; 7. Market innovation; 8. Entry or exit of major firms; 9. Diffusion of technical know-how across more companies and more countries; 10. Changes in cost and efficiency. 11. Growing buyer for preferences for differentiated products instead of a commodity product (or for a more standardized product instead of strongly differentiated products); 12. Regulatory influences and government policy changes; 13. Changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles; 14. Reductions in uncertainty and business risk … Other dynamic driving forces include geologic, climatological, political, geopolitical, demographic, social, ethical, economic, technological, financial, legal and environmental forces, among others …”

Dynamics.— “…Dynamics is a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies …. an underlying cause of change or growth …. a pattern or process of change, growth, or activity *population dynamics* …”

Far-fetched.— “ … Far-fetched is improbable in nature; unlikely. But given the emergent as-of-now nature of the Omniverse, far-fetched is omniverseral nature’s most probable and so probable to tectonically reform our cosmovisions, in front and beyond our smartest observations, and other constellations believed indisputable by our folly human assumptions …”

Farsightfulness.— (Farsightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see the foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Flawness.— (Flawness is the quality of conforming to maximum error and failure).

Foresightfulness.— (Foresightfulness is the quality of conforming to perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred).

Fortuitousness.— (Unexpected and casually happening[s], as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Futilitifulness Thinking.— (Futilitifulness is the quality of conforming to maximum futility).

Future (the ‚) .— “ … The Future is 1) What is yet to come, 2) What can happen or not, 3) The future is a tranquil country, 4) The indefinite time yet to come, 5) Something that will happen in time to come, 6) A prospective or expected condition, 7) Undetermined events that will occur in that time, 8) time that is to be or come hereafter, 9) Something that will exist or happen in time to come, 9) The period of time following the present moment and continuing on indefinitely, 10) The situation or condition of someone or something in the future, 11) One of a plurality of possible future conditions or situations, 12) The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come, 13) The future is what will happen in the time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the apparent nature of reality and the inevitability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist for the whole of the future, or temporary, meaning that it won’t and thus will come to an end. The future and the concept of eternity have been major subjects of philosophy, religion, and science, and defining them non-controversially has consistently eluded the greatest of minds. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected time line that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity, the future is considered absolute future, or the future light cone. 14) The only way you can see the future is if you’re ahead of your own time, 15) Learning how to be ahead of your time, today!, 16) The future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create, 17) Our future is determined by the actions of all of us alive today. our choices determine our destiny, 18) The future is a phenomenon that will be completely real someday even though it does not exist today, 19) Future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition, 20) Our intuition about the future is linear, which is hard-wired in our brains, 21) The future is being colonized all the time by people who have the resources, who do spend time thinking about it, planning for it and trying to shape it in their direction, 22) The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed, 23) the future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. and the important thing is not to allow that to scare you, 24) The future is unsure. that’s the way it should be, 25) The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power, 26) The future is the past of to-morrow, 27) The best way to predict the future is to invent it, 28) To be masters of the future is to change the past, 29) The future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly, 30) The past is gone, the future is not to come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, 31) The future is not for the fainthearted, 32) The future is not an echo of the past, 33) The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest, 34) The future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening, 35) The future is more challenging than playing catch up, 36) The future is not an extrapolation of the past, 37) The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create, 38) The future is an unknown country which requires tough visas for anyone to enter. not all of us will get the chance to visit it, 39) The future is not what is coming at us, but what we are headed for, 40) The future is where I expect to spend the rest of my life, 41) The danger of the future is that men may become robots, 42) The future is the creation of millions of independent economic actors, 43) The future is independent of the past, 44) The future is alive. Like the present, the future is not a single, uniform state but an ongoing process that reflects the plenitude of human life, 45) The future is natural, out of anyone’s control, 46) The future is continually stalking on the present, 47) The future is technocracy in perpetuity, 48) The future is eternally clashing the present, 49) The future is absolute hard science dominance, 50) The future is going to get invented, with you or without you, 51) The future is S-H-A-Z-A-M (“…The wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.…” and 52) The future is not something that happens to us, but something we create.

Fuzzy Logic.— (A form of algebra employing a range of values from “true” to “false” that is used in decision-making with imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Haphazardness.— (the quality of lacking any predictable order or plan, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Hindsightfulness.— (Hindsightfulness is the quality of conforming to perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred).

Inflection point .— “…Inflection point is a moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market … And/or a time of significant change in a situation; a turning point … A moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market … A point on a chart that marks the beginning of a significant move, either up or down … An event that results in a significant change in the progress of a company, industry, sector, economy or geopolitical situation. An inflection point can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, is expected to result. Companies, industries, sectors and economies are dynamic and constantly evolving. Inflection points are more significant than the small day-to-day progress that is made and the effects of the change are often well-known and widespread … Andy Grove, Intel’s co-founder, described a strategic inflection point as ‘…an event that changes the way we think and act …’ … What Intel’s Grove calls ‘…strategic inflection point …, Andres terms « … Sputnik Moment inflection point … » … Inflection points can be a result of action taken by a company, or through actions taken by another entity, that has a direct impact on the company. Regulatory changes, for instance, could lead to an inflection point for a corporation that was previously held back by regulatory compliance issues. Inflection points in technology include the advent of the Internet and smart phones. Politically, an inflection point can be illustrated by the fall of the Berlin Wall or the fall of Communism in Poland and other Eastern Bloc countries …”

Insightfulness.— (Insightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to engage the acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception and understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context).

Intuitvenessfulness.— (Intuitvenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to perceiving intuitive knowledge).

Litmus Test.— “… Litmus Test is a critical indication of future success or failure …”

Minimax.— “… Minimax is a decision rule used in decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. Alternatively, it can be thought of as maximizing the minimum gain (maximin or MaxMin). Originally formulated for two-player zero-sum game theory, covering both the cases where players take alternate moves and those where they make simultaneous moves, it has also been extended to more complex games and to general decision making in the presence of uncertainty …. In the theory of simultaneous games, a minimax strategy is a mixed strategy which is part of the solution to a zero-sum game. In zero-sum games, the minimax solution is the same as the Nash equilibrium …”

Mishaps.— (an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Mistakenness .— (Mistakenness is the quality of conforming to maximum mistake and an unintentional act, omission).

Narrow-mindedness.— (Narrow-mindedness is the quality of conforming to unresponsive to new ideas).

Normalness.— (Normalness is the quality of conforming to maximum normal quality or normal condition).

Omniscience .— “… Applied non-theological omniscience consists of having total knowledge; knowing everything, having infinite knowledge, the current state of knowledge, the ability to know anything that one chooses to know and can be known and actually knowing everything that can be known. Synonyms to omniscience include panshopy, polyhistory and all-knowingness.…”

Open-mindedness.— (Open-mindedness is the quality of conforming to receptiveness to new ideas).

Prospective.— “ … Prospective comprises something that is likely or expected to happen [….] that looks forward to the future [….] that it is anticipated or likely to happen [….] of or in the future [….] potential, likely, or expected [….] yet to be or coming [….] of or concerned with or related to the future Set of analyzes and studies developed with the utter end of exploring or foretelling the future, regarding a determined subject matter …”.

Pseudo-fortuitousness.— (quasi-unexpected and quasi-casually happening[s], as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Fuzzy Logic.— (A form of algebra employing a range of values from quasi-“true” to quasi-“false” that is used in decision-making with quasi-imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Haphazardness.— (the quality of quasi-lacking any predictable order or plan, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Mishaps.— (a quasi-unknown and quasi-unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudoserendipity.— Pseudoserendipity means PURPOSEFULLY CREATING the constant preconditions and conditions to seize “fortuitous happenstance” and/or “pleasant surprise” and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Somewhat Expected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management …”

Pseudo-Randomness.— (Pseudo-Randomness means quasi-lacking of pattern or quasi-predictability in events. Pseudo-Randomness suggests a quasi-non-order or quasi-non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-recusriveness.— (quasi-pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Qualitative Analysis.— “…Qualitative Analysis refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business, risk and futures planning. Qualitative Analysis focuses on developing new insights and understanding of sustainable business performance based on narrative data …”

Qualt.— “…A qualt is brand of systems engineering who applies mathematical and ESPECIALLY non-mathematical models of uncertainty to financial and ESPECIALLY non-financial data and complex industrial operations. And a person who also studies the errors, the flaws and the limits of these qualitative models, understanding that there is a point of (i) inflection and (ii) Event horizon, in anything pursued by the for-lucre corporations …. A qualt has a combined background of advanced management, extreme project management (Agile) and systems engineering. A qualt spreads the usage of most-advanced business analytics and transformative and integrative risk management …. Whether he or she acknowledges it or not, the qualt is extremely AWARE of the many critical short-comings of many quantitative strategies and works hard at it advance to eliminate every form of downside through qualitative strategies …. For instance, qualts know that “…systemic risks …” are direct brainchildren of (a) Ignorance, (b) Manipulation, © Greed and (d) Corruption [….] Systems engineering, hugely embraced by Qualts, is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering projects over their life cycles. Issues such as reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams (requirements management), evaluation measurements, and other disciplines become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects. It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as control engineering, industrial engineering, organizational studies, and project management. Systems Engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered, and integrated into a whole. White Swans are the brainchildren of Qualts …”

Quantitative Analysis.— “ … Quantitative Analysis refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business, risk and futures planning. Quantitative Analysis focuses on developing new insights and understanding of sustainable business performance based on numerical data, narrative data, alphanumerical data and statistical methods …”

Quant.— “ … A quant is brand of industrial scientist and engineers who applies mathematical model of uncertainty to financial and/or socioeconomic data and complex financial instruments. And a person who also studies the flaws and the limits of these models, understanding that there is a point of breakdown …. A quant has a combined background of applied mathematics, engineering and statistics. A quant spreads the usage of artificial intelligence in today’s markets …. Whether he or she acknowledges it or not, the quant is extremely AWARE of the many critical short-comings of many quantitative strategies (as he is never interested in qualitative analytics), such as their tendency to lead to crowded trades and their underestimation of the likelihood of chaotic, volatile moves in the markets …. Along with Central Bank chairpersons and world’s finance ministers, quants are the first ones to “…elicit…” that the global economy is being “ …affected…” by “ …systemic risks…”, that systemic risk turbo-charged by several corrupted politicians, manipulative economists and beautiful quants that never understand what the tangible corporate theater of operations is [….] Industrial engineering, partly used by so-called Quants, is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis and synthesis, as well as the mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems or processes. Its underlying concepts overlap considerably with certain business-oriented disciplines such as operations management. Black Swans are the brainchildren of quants …”

Randomness.— (Randomness means lack of pattern or predictability in events. Randomness suggests a non-order or non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Recursiveness.— (pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Retrospective.— “ … Retrospective comprises something that is looking back on, contemplating, or directed to the past [….] looking or directed backward [….] Applying to or influencing the past; retroactive [….] looking or directed backwards, esp in time; characterized by retrospection …. applying to the past; retroactive [….] directed to the past; contemplative of past situations, events, etc. [….] looking or directed backward [….] review, revision, another look, reassessment, fresh look, second look, reconsideration, re-evaluation, re-examination [….] Considering a past event or development [….] Something that is chronologically presented pertaining to business tasks, with the utter object to show the trajectory of said business tasks …”

Risk .— “… The quantitative or qualitative expression of possible loss that considers both the probability that an event will occur and the consequences of that event … and/or the likeliness of injury, harm, damage, disruption or loss multiplied by its potential magnitude …”

Serendipity.— Serendipity means a “fortuitous happenstance” and/or “pleasant surprise” and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] And the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Unexpected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management …”

Scientific Futuring.— “…Scientific Futuring is in place to develop a scientific method for studying the future. Scientific Futuring comprises: 1) an inductive process consisting of a number of accurate observations which have been consolidated, or generalized, into empirical laws or statements of underlying relationships between key variables and 2) A deductive, intuitive process by which the scientific “investigator” places his observations into a larger system of thought, or theory based on fundamental axioms. Scientific Futuring is instituted with the purpose of seizing knowledge of effects through causes. This method of Scientific Futuring, made up of a process employing the classical scientific steps of induction and deduction, and reinforced by additional steps of contextualization and evolutionization, is a battle-plan for study of tomorrow’s evolving world…”

Stargatenessfulness.— (Stargatenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as ‘remote viewing’, the purported ability to psychically ‘see’ events, sites, or information from a great distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Visionary Corporation by the U.S. Federal Government’ and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s Stargate Project).

System .— “…System comprises the whole compounded of several parts, members elements, components and subsystems, a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole, an organized set of interrelated ideas or principles, a naturally occurring group of objects or phenomena, a condition of harmonious and orderly interaction, and an organized and coordinated method; a procedure. System is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of elements (often called ‘components’) and dynamic relationships which are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. Systems unite and put together elements, components and subsystems toward the entire whole…”

Technology.— “… Technology is instituted in order to solve practical problems (both mild and complex ones) ─ especially in industry, commerce, economy, science, technology, society, and politics (including geopolitics) ─, the methodical practical application of the scientific method, mathematical principles, practical sciences and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective and beyond, as well as to achieve practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems …. The profession of and/or the work performed by any engineer …” If you want a briefer definition, please see this: ” … the methodical and systematic application of science in order to solve practical problems …”

Theater of Operation.— “… Theater of Operation is hereby included to mean the four-dimensional coordinate system and beyond it, in which organization’s physical (tangible) and non-physical (intangible) events are located …”

The Eureka Moment.— “ … The Eureka Moment, also known as the ‘…Aha! Moment …’, refers to the common human experience of suddenly understanding a previously incomprehensible problem or concept. The Eureka effect is named after the myth that the Greek polymath Archimedes, having discovered how to measure the volume of an irregular object, leaped out of a public bath, and ran home naked shouting ‘eureka’ (I found it) …”

The Sputnik Moment.— “ … The Sputnik Moment is a point in time in which a country or a society or even a corporation, realizes that it needs to catch up with the apparent technological and scientific gap that exists between it and some other superpower and/or global competitors, increasing its investment efforts into education and innovative R&D&I …”

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.— “…Transformative and Integrative Risk Management comprises of all activities and initiatives required to seize the optimum degree of risk elimination, mitigation, modulation or control within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost, attained through the specific application of management, scientific, engineering and mathematical principles throughout all phases of system operation.”

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.— “Transformative and Integrative Risk Management comprises of all activities and initiatives required to seize the optimum degree of risk elimination, mitigation, modulation or control within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost, attained through the specific application of management, scientific, engineering and mathematical principles throughout all phases of system operation.”

Troublesomeness.— Troublesomeness is the quality of conforming to the ability to cause trouble, annoyance, or difficulty; vexation.

Un-reconnoiterable Cues.— (Un-reconnoiterable cues refers to un-explorable cues).

Wild Card.— “ … A wild card is a future development or event with a relatively low probability of occurrence but a likely high impact on the conduct of business …”

White Swan Practical Tenets To Secure Fiscally-Sound and Guarantee Successfully Ever-Growing Corporations through Mr. Andres Agostini’s Transformative and Integrative Risk Management proprietary methodology.

By Management Incumbents doing:

(1) Picture mentally, radiantly.

(2) Draw outside the canvas.

(3) Color outside the vectors.

(4) Sketch sinuously.

(5) Far-sight beyond the mind’s intangible exoskeleton.

(6) Abduct indiscernible falsifiable convictions.

(7) Reverse-engineering a gene and a bacterium or, better yet, the lucrative genome.

(8) Guillotine the over-weighted status quo.

(9) Learn how to add up — in your own brainy mind — colors, dimensions, aromas, encryptions, enigmas, phenomena, geometrical and amorphous in-motion shapes, methods, techniques, codes, written lines, symbols, contexts, locus, venues, semantic terms, magnitudes, longitudes, processes, tweets, “…knowledge-laden…” hunches and omniscient bliss, so forth.

(10) Project your wisdom’s wealth onto communities of timeless-connected wikis.

(11) Cryogenize the infamous illiterate by own choice and reincarnate ASAP (multiverse teleporting out of a warped / wormed passage) Da Vinci, Bacon, Newton, Goethe, Bonaparte, Edison, Franklyn, Churchill, Einstein, and Feynman.

(12) Organize relationships into voluntary associations that are mutually beneficial and accountable for contributing productively to the surrounding community.

(13) Practice the central rule of good strategy, which is to know and remain true to your core business and invest for leadership and R&D+Innovation.

(14) Kaisen, SixSigma, Lean, LeanSigma, “…Reliability Engineer…” (the latter as solely conceived and developed by Procter & Gamble and Los Alamos National Laboratories) it all unthinkably and thoroughly by recombinant, a là Einstein Gedanke-motorized judgment (that is to say: Einsteinian Gedanke [“…thought experiments…”].

(15) Provide a road-map and blueprint for drastically compressing (‘crashing’) the time’s ‘reticules’ it will take you to get on the top of your tenure, nonetheless of your organizational level.

(16) With the required knowledge and relationships embedded in organizations, create support for, and carry out transformational initiatives.

(17) Offer a tested pathway for addressing the linked challenges of personal transition and organizational transformation that confront leaders in the first few months in a new tenure.

(18) Foster momentum by creating virtuous cycles that build credibility and by avoiding getting caught in vicious cycles that harm credibility.

(19) Institute coalitions that translate into swifter organizational adjustments to the inevitable streams of change in personnel and environment.

(20) Mobilize and align the overriding energy of many others in your organization, knowing that the “…wisdom of crowds…” is upfront and outright rubbish.

(21) Step outside the boundaries of the framework’s system when seeking a problem’s solution.

(22) Within zillion tiny bets, raise the ante and capture the documented learning through frenzy execution. (23) “…Moonshine…” and “… Skunkworks …” and “…Re-Imagineer…” it all, holding in your mind the motion-pictured image that, regardless of the relevance of “…inputs…” and “…outputs,…”, entails that the highest relevance is within the sophistication within the THROUGHPUT.

(24) Don’t copy Nature and Biology, don’t even copy Universe. Just copy the Omniverse.

(25) Correlate everything else with the ignored and unthinkable ‘else’ of everything else, forever.

(26) Combine the practical and technological with the mysterious and meaningful.

(27) Pencil your map.

(28) Brush your road-map.

(29) Scratch your blueprint.

(30) Conceive of, develop and share unthinkable lessons learned.

(31) Facilitate a heterogeneous group — in the midst of appalling interpersonal chemistry — towards the accomplishment of a common goal.

(32) Learn complex new skills and new ways to make corporate miracles crystallize.

(33) Typo the cartoon.

(34) Keystroke the drawing.

(35) Acculturate your brain to operate executions from the applied omniscience via the lenses and springs of systems methodology.

(36) Manage RISKS and BENEFITS in series and never in parallel.

(37) Remove accident causes prior to a loss, knowing that an accident is never a random stroke of fate, but an utter and thus purported instrument of ignorance of supine ignorance.

(38) Convert your viewpoint to a systems approach.

(39) Enable full-orbed and balanced stability of your thinkables and unthinkables.

(40) Attempt to know, early on, the end from the beginning.

(41) Identify driving forces to make better decisions, manage uncertainty, and profit from change.

(42) Declare the past, recover yesterday, analyze the present, enjoy today, and reinvent tomorrow (today’s ensuing 24 hours).

(43) Build your own FUTURE transcending your past.

(44) Contort your mindful, mindless executions — and those in the midst of ‘mindful’ and ‘mindless’ executions —, solely out of this world, and solely out of this universe, and solely out of this reality, but not just for the inexpensive, tangential, impious sake of intellectual stunts, but only so that the ‘life’ has not unfruitful ‘afterlife’ — so-called —, and also so that the ‘world’ has no ‘afterworld’ (as well as, in congruence with the present work, ‘after-universe’ and even ‘after-verse.’) — so-called —. Aren’t afterlife and afterworld dis-intermediated anyway? Now, you, and merely you, proceed and transcend yourself, by yourself and for yourself.

(45) If you really want to make an operational difference in your professional theater of operations, go and get a full immersion in the fringe. Right in there, under that tense and pressing dynamics, you’ll have the vantage flux of the mirage.

(46) Tantalize your tangential pre-cognition and cognition into ever-‬metamorphosing ‭your attentive and contemplative trans-meditation Zen.

(47) ‭De-realize, thus, de-focus from that taken-for-granted realities of the folly and the faulty, literally!

(48) ‬Mostly in-source your mind with long-unknown virtualities.

(49) Assure that there are not un-searched areas of risk, benefit and sustainable opportunity.

(59) Acculturate yourself and those in your crew and in the orbit of incumbent stakeholders with most actionable, applied omniscience. Remember culture without science and technology is beyond blind.

(60) Cultivate the highest manifestations of human intelligence: vision, discipline, passion and conscience.

(61) Achieve next-level breakthrough in productivity, innovation and leadership in the marketplace and society.

(62) Develop the internal power and moral authority to break out of those problems to become a significant force in solving them.

(63) Use your voice and deeds to superbly serve your organization’s purposes, functions and stakeholders.

(64) Magnify your current gifts, talents, skills and dexterities.

(65) Take a prior learning for Life, apply it to a new situation, learn from practical experience, and apply the new learning.

(66) Pervasively reason from effect to cause and from cause to effect.

(67) Envision shrewd yet calculated risks, from start to end, to turn downsides into upsides.

(68) “…Exponentialize the rushed and marshaled progression of your own all-rounded, perennial learning curves on the doubles, chiefly those directly concerned with engaging your diverse skills, dexterities, and talents to overcome — through fluid execution by mind preparedness — your theater of operations because of and by the increasingly threatening surroundings. Otherwise, the onset Technological Revolutions (compounded in a pervasive composite), as explained in «Futuretonium and Futureketing and White Swan», will give you the hardest time to you and yours. There is realistic and austere hope if we work the hardest and in the most scientific mode.

(69) Figure out exactly which genes and neurons coalesce to make synapses with.

(70) Wire up synapses and genes the soonest.

(71) Ask now more sophisticated questions to marshal upon.

(72) Don’t juts copy Nature but focus on copying Biology, Nature and the Omniverse.

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Update, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

White Swan Update by Andres Agostini, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at


A new way to beam power to medical chips deep inside the body…e-the-body

Glasses-free 3D projector

Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest…year-quest

The 5 most interesting wearables on Kickstarter right now…right-now/

Scientists discover how to turn light into matter after 80-year quest…;32-44

What Our Recent Obsession With Mindfulness Really Means…ally-means

Data Point: The New Customer Service Pro: Your Gadget…ur-gadget/

TransProse algorithm turns novels into music

Report says Internet of Things will thrive by 2025…cBOptPY.99

Beyond Silicon – Nanowires and Next Generation Devices

When it Comes to Agriculture it is Nighttime Temperatures That Have Farmers Worried

Martian Rover Didn’t Come Alone

Does brain structure determine your political views?

Gecko-Inspired Adhesive Sticks 700 Pounds to a Wall…to-a-wall/

Your Tastebuds Could Provide Clues On How Long You’ll Live, Study Says…ir=Science

Vinod Khosla has 3 predictions for the future of health. We’ve got 1 more…ot-1-more/

Engineers invent a way to beam power to medical chips deep inside the body

Rejuvenation Biotechnology Conference 2014

New technique allows scientists to monitor the entire nervous system of a small worm.

ESA’s XMM-Newton and NASA’s Chandra, were launched in the last century, and are still delivering world-class science.…t_Universe

Wildfires worse due to global warming, studies say

Harvard researchers find protein that could reverse the aging process

Chinese military officials charged with stealing US data as tensions escalate…CMP=twt_gu

Elon Musk Says SpaceX Making ‘Progress’ Toward Mars Colony

Chinese Hackers Show Humans Are Weakest Security Link…-link.html

Renewable Energy Study Shows That Benefits Outweigh Costs In U.S.…osts-in-us

Singapore’s Rich Tapped by China Developers: Asean Credit…redit.html

Cybercriminals are eyeing these 5 targets in 2014…;1.2475721

Hacker Trends 2014: A frightening report…BA.twitter

Get the Cisco 2014 Annual Security Report…TE=twitter

CyberSecurity Trends for 2014 at

How to create high-speed 3D movies of entire worm brains…orm-brains

An ultra-sensitive chip for early cancer detection

Nanowire-bridging transistors open way to next-generation electronics…lectronics

Mice with MS-like condition walk again after neural stem-cell treatment…-treatment

Cars could drive themselves sooner than expected after European push…nance.html

New ultra-sensitive nano-chip capable of early cancer detection…334092.cms

GaitTrack App on Smartphone Assesses User’s Health…rs-health/

Global warming will harm sovereign creditworthiness around the world this century —…6KFbD.dpuf

Do We Know The Cost of Dealing or Not Dealing with Climate Change?

Five brain challenges we can overcome in the next decade…cade-25975

Physics ― Matter will be created from light within a year, claim scientists…?CMP=fb_gu

Foreign Affairs ― Strategic Intelligence Assessment for Ukraine – Setting the Stage…the-stage/

Software Development Process and Software Engineering ― Bottom-Up Manufacturing of Nanowires on Silicon Expands Its Capabilities…pabilities

A.I., Automation and Robotics ― Will Google’s Self-driving Cars Be Limited by “Map Anxiety”?…ap-anxiety

Industrial Robots ― Need a hand (or an arm, or a leg)? Hi-tech app controlled and 3D printed prosthetics shown off…n-off.html

Robotics ― Robot expert planning to turn Hong Kong into android city…ve-android

CyberSecurity ― More than 90 people nabbed in global hacker crackdown

White Swan Update by Andres Agostini, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

White Swan Update by Andres Agostini, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at


Employee Sharing – The New Employee-Employer Relationship…lationship

MIT uses nanotech to hit cancer with one-two punch

New West Antarctica Report Points to Rising Sea Levels from Melting Glaciers…-glaciers/

The Future in 3D: How Micro-Manufacturing can Empower the Disenfranchised…ranchised/

Scientists create first living organism that transmits added letters in DNA ‘alphabet’

Physicists show unlimited heat conduction in graphene

Berkeley Lab Researchers Find that Viral Packaging Motor Rotates DNA and Adapts to Changing Conditions, Information that Could Help Future Drug Designs

Speedy swarms of tiny robots build things in ‘microfactory’

Human Learning Altered by Electrical Stimulation of Dopamine Neurons…igra-1034/

Google Is Not Your Enemy. (But it’s not your friend either)

West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse is underway

A DNA-based nanosensor that detects cancer by its pH…-on-cancer

White Swan Update by Andres Agostini, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at

Visit ClubOfINFO

- @ClubOfINFO — Rather than location, education or privilege, having something to offer seems to now be the only determining factor for a writer or activist to be published and gain a voice internationally.

As a student, I initially chose postgraduate study as a route to publishing nonfiction and becoming a political scientist, but I never accessed the necessary funding to start this. After graduating from Lancaster University in 2012 and not being able to become the academic I wanted to be, I have found that postgraduate study is unnecessary to become a nonfiction author or even a political theorist.
There are many alternative media options, especially thanks to the internet. So, since March 2013, I have had work published in well over 40 different publications and the number is growing.
Rather than being a cheap alternative, publishing in online magazines is actually a more effective way of gaining recognition and a strong publishing history than academic publishing. It also takes less time and effort, and you achieve more rewards along the way. As such, the internet has truly overcome the need for educated elites in the old-fashioned sense, since anyone with sufficient knowledge and background is now positioned to gain recognition and have their say.
For some months now, I have been a member of the Lifeboat Foundation. This US-based scientific think tank includes many eminent futurists, including Google’s Ray Kurzweil, and is a credible and influential source of much revolutionary thinking about science, technology and politics. I got invited to this think tank and I continue to contribute to it, despite that I live in the UK and have never travelled to the United States.
Because I have also been writing science fiction for years, my futurist publishing success has provided a valuable means of exploring and attracting interest to ideas I might use in that fiction. It serves to add to the conversation on science and technology, if sci-fi authors can write works with powerful and relevant themes. The link between science fiction, scientific discovery and engineering is far greater than many predict, making artistic or cultural perspectives valuable for influencing science and ethics.
My interest is drawn mainly to what I call the crossroads of politics and technology. Part of this interest comes down to the fact that alternate media is transforming politics, aided by the internet, and this has been instrumental in my own success. This very same interest has led me to launch ClubOfINFO (, a new biweekly webzine I am editing from Wigan. This publication occupies a niche for offbeat politics and science articles, activism-savvy product recommendations and sci-fi eBook downloads. I highly recommend a visit to this publication, and subscription is free (follow on Twitter @ClubOfINFO).
Much like the World Wide Web, I believe we can expect many other highly democratic world-changing technologies, and they are set to fundamentally change society. These have been of greatest interest to me, and I have written on what I consider to be the most socially and politically significant technologies. Contributing to the futurist h+ Magazine and the progressive Institute for Emerging Technologies think tank, I have put forward articles praising the potential social and political revolutions resulting from advances in 3D printing, synthetic biology, nanotechnology and other key developments.
Among the work I have published are some of the best in-depth reviews available for consequential books, such as Julian Assange’s Cypherpunks. In this book, Assange eerily predicts a bleak future of “total surveillance” even speaking prior to the shocking revelations of warrantless email and phone interception from whistle-blower Edward Snowden. However, he also acknowledges the possibility of a more favourable outcome: the emergence of a “rebel elite”, a tech-savvy global society of activists and experts who know how to restrain and counter the might of governments bent on using technology for repression and domestic spying. Assange’s book is exactly the kind of work that stimulates the discussion that should be happening all over the world, addressing how exponentially improving technology and the democratization of that technology can empower common citizens against their governments. It is the essence of the crossroads of politics and technology.
My own view of where to go on the crossroads of politics and technology is not important, but I am dedicated to exploring possibilities. Increasingly, users improvise new uses for technology that were not thought of or conceived by the designers themselves. The more rapidly our technology evolves, as depicted repeatedly in trends celebrated by futurists, the less control monolithic companies and governments have over how it will ultimately be used. Depending on your point of view, this may be either worrying or exhilarating. In the grand scheme of things, it cannot be stopped, and people should instead be thinking about how society can adapt to the inevitable change.
It is possible to build a community of internet-based thinkers and activists who are not intellectual snobs, but who have online publishing and political credentials, are trusted by their readers and taken seriously by their opponents. I encourage writers at every level of society to be bold in tackling political subjects and talking about how new science and technology can alter politics or the whole future of civilization. This is the goal I hope to promote with projects such as ClubOfINFO, and it is fully in line with the activities of tens of influential similar publications like h+ Magazine.

For people who believe they have something decisive to offer to futurist discussions about where technology is carrying society and the state, there is no reason to defer to academics and self-proclaimed experts. Everyone’s interests should be taken into consideration, and all should take part in what should be the most democratic explosion in history.

By Harry J. BenthamMore articles by Harry J. Bentham

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