
Archive for the ‘economics’ category: Page 199

Jan 19, 2016

Impossible Foods

Posted by in categories: economics, food, habitats

We love meat. We love cheese. And for thousands of years we have relied on animals to make them. Impossible Foods has found a better way. We use plants to make the best meats and cheeses you’ll ever eat.

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Jan 18, 2016

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is already here

Posted by in categories: business, economics, employment, nanotechnology, quantum physics

Very interesting; the article highlights that there was no mention of job losses in 2020 within the IT field instead the writer highlights a shortage of IT resources to fill the jobs. And, thoroughly appreciate that the writer highlighted that Quantum, Nanobots, etc. are making the 4th Industrial Revolution happen; I couldn’t agree more.

To be sure, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is still in its nascent state. But with the pace of change and disruption to business and society so swift these days, the time to join in is now.

Author: Gary Coleman is the Global Industry and Senior Client Advisor for Deloitte Consulting and lead partner in Deloitte’s strategic relationship with the World Economic Forum. Follow him on Twitter@gcoleman_gary. He is participating in the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos.

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Jan 18, 2016

Report from Davos: 5 million jobs to be lost by 2020 because of tech advances

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, economics, employment, genetics, robotics/AI

In less than 4 yrs. 5 million jobs will be lost is the prediction.

A new report predicts a loss of 5 million jobs in the next five years because of technological advances, but don’t blame it all on the robots.

The other culprits: artificial intelligence, 3-D printers and advances in genetics, biotech and more.

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Jan 16, 2016

Beyond Money: A Future of Passion & Progress

Posted by in category: economics

As we continue growing as a technological society at an exponential rate, what will the fate of money be as a result? — Francesco Amati for Serious Wonder.

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Jan 15, 2016

Think Like a Workplace Futurist

Posted by in categories: business, economics, energy

It truly takes more than 10 year products and services roadmap to retain a company’s competitive edge these days especially with the current sophisticated and high demand consumers. Futurists truly are the NextGen Disrupters.

In the first quarter of 2015, Millennials finally overtook Generation X as the largest cohort in the workplace — there are more than 53.5 million of them working today. Their massive size and economic power has had marketers and business leaders tracking the “Millennial mindset” for years.

And yet, nipping at their heels, here comes Generation Z, the oldest of who are just starting to come of age. The U.S. Census estimates that Generation Z will include close to 80 million members — a number that eclipses the conversation-dominating Millennials.

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Jan 14, 2016

How Will Artificial Intelligence Change War?

Posted by in categories: drones, economics, military, robotics/AI

Davos, US military branches, Time Magazine, etc. are all talking about the Robotic Battlefield.

Automated systems have already reshaped modern warfare, most notably with the widespread use of drones in conflict. Now, experts predict that advances in artificial intelligence could further change how we fight battles.

The new frontiers of warfare are not without ethical questions. Many have already challenged whether the United States should use unmanned drones to kill terrorists.

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Jan 13, 2016

Half of plastic trash in oceans comes from 5 countries

Posted by in categories: economics, health, materials

If true, this might mean there’s a “low hanging fruit” solution to ocean gyre garbage — a targeted effort to improve garbage collection in a small number of cities in developing nations, might dramatically reduce it. Hint, hint, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation! Side benefit would be greatly improving the lives of people in those cities, with some obvious health benefits along the way.

Economic growth in these countries is outpacing infrastructure, and their trash is collecting in the sea.

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Jan 8, 2016

Why 3D Printing Will Be a Key Technology in the Next Space Race

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, economics, space travel, transportation

NASA recently announced that they test fired a research rocket engine. Nothing special about that—other than the fact said engine was 75 percent 3D printed parts.

As industrial 3D printing has moved from prototyping to actually manufacturing finished products, the aerospace industry has become an avid early adopter. Although in many industries mass production techniques still make economic sense—for the ultra-precise, almost bespoke parts in rockets? 3D printing is a great fit.

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Jan 4, 2016

Bitcoin Primer: Don’t Start with Miners

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, disruptive technology, economics, innovation, internet

I administer the Bitcoin P2P discussion group at LinkedIn, a social media network for professionals. A frequent question posed by newcomers and even seasoned venture investors is: “How can I understand Bitcoin in its simplest terms?”

Engineers and coders offer answers that are anything but simple. Most focus on mining and the blockchain. In this primer, I will take an approach that is both familiar and accurate…

Terms/Concepts: Miners Blockchain Double-Spend

First, forget about everything you have heard about ‘mining’ Bitcoin. That’s just a temporary mechanism to smooth out the initial distribution and make it fair, while also playing a critical role in validating the transactions between individuals. Starting with this mechanism is a bad way to understand Bitcoin, because its role in establishing value, influencing trust or stabilizing value is greatly overrated.

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Jan 2, 2016

German experiment will test whether the welfare state can be replaced by a basic guaranteed income

Posted by in category: economics

A new experiment to give away money as “basic income” is underway in Germany. In 2014, Michael Bohmeyer, a 31-year-old German entrepreneur, launched “My Basic Income” (“Mein Grundeinkommen”), and this month, the project, made possible through crowdfunding, issued $1,100 checks to 26 people to use however they want. Leftists in Germany tend to support the idea…


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