
Archive for the ‘cryonics’ category: Page 5

Oct 18, 2022

Cryonics Callout Training with Cryonics UK

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension

Although my plan is to live forever (or at least, a very long time, societal and natural disasters willing) I know many people in the life-extension community are signed up with a cryonics provider, as a plan B, in case they don’t live long enough to welcome the rejuvenation revolution.

A lot has been written to explain how the people are stored, usually accompanied by a picture of the gleaming liquid nitrogen cooled Dewar flasks, along with the ethical questions of the procedure. However, the journey to the semi-final resting place is often overlooked.

To explore how someone who has signed up to a cryonics program makes that transition, I attended one of the regular cryonics demonstration and training sessions put on by Cryonics UK. It turns out there are 4 key stages in the process – standby, initial cool down, perfusion and transportation.

Oct 16, 2022

Cryonics with Dr Max More #10

Posted by in categories: climatology, cryonics, geopolitics, law, life extension, transhumanism

Do we need a new criteria for death, that covers the technicalities around neuro preservation, issues of legal identity upon reanimation and an approach to rehabilitation? What are the misunderstandings or misinformation that surround transhumanism and endeavour to make the distinction between transhumanism and technocracy? Should we be worried about the wrong headedness of The Population Bomb, climate catastrophism and the fashionability of long termism?

Today, I speak with Max More. As some of you may already know, Max is considered to be the founder of modern transhumanism, a philosopher and futurist who writes extensively on technology and humanity. He’s also currently ambassador and President Emeritus at Alcor Life Extension Foundation, having served almost 10 years as President and CEO there, and having been its 67th member. His 1995 University of Southern California doctoral dissertation, ‘The diachronic self identity continuity and transformation’, examined several issues that concern transhumanists, including the nature of death. He is the Co-editor of Rhe Transhumanist Reader, and he’s written many articles on transhumanism and extropianism, including the 1990 essay, ‘Transhumanism: toward a futurist philosophy’, in which he introduced the term transhumanism, in its modern sense.

This episode of The Future of You covers:

Oct 10, 2022

Transhumanist FAQ

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension, transhumanism

The Transhumanist FAQ was developed in the mid-1990s and in 1998 became a formal FAQ through the inspirational work of transhumanists, including Alexander Chislenko, Max More, Anders Sandberg, Natasha Vita-More, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Arjen Kamphius, and many others. Greg Burch, David Pearce, and Anders Sandberg kindly offered extensive editorial comments. The presentation in the cryonics section was, and still is, directly inspired by an article by Ralph Merkle. Ideas, criticisms, questions, phrases, and sentences to the original version were contributed by (in alphabetical order): Alex ([email protected]), Brent Allsop, Brian Atkins, Scott Badger, Doug Bailey, Harmony Baldwin, Damien Broderick, Greg Burch, David Cary, John K Clark, Dan Clemensen, Damon Davis, Jeff Dee, Jean-Michel Delhotel, Dylan Evans, [email protected], Daniel Fabulich, Frank Forman, Robin Hanson, Andrew Hennessey, Tony Hollick, Joe Jenkins, William John, Michelle Jones, Arjen Kamphius, Henri Kluytmans, Eugene Leitl, Michael Lorrey, [email protected], Peter C. McCluskey, Erik Moeller, J. R. Molloy, Max More, Bryan Moss, Harvey Newstrom, Michael Nielsen, John S. Novak III, Dalibor van den Otter, David Pearce, [email protected], Thom Quinn, Anders Sandberg, Wesley R. Schwein, [email protected], Allen Smith, Geoff Smith, Randy Smith, Dennis Stevens, Derek Strong, Remi Sussan, Natasha Vita-More, Michael Wiik, Eliezer Yudkowsky, and [email protected].

Over the years, this FAQ has been updated to provide a substantial account of transhumanism. Extropy Institute (ExI) was a source of information for the first version of the Transhumanist FAQ, version 1.0 in the 1990s. The Transhumanist Manifesto, conceived by Natasha Vita-More in 1983 and revised in 1998–2020 to include advances of the growing worldview, was published in the CD placed onboard the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft in its mission to Saturn.

Humanity+, also known as WTA, adopted the FAQ in 2001 and Nick Bostrom added substantial information about future scenarios. With the contributions of close to hundred people from ExI, Aleph, DeTrans, Transcedo, WTA, and the UK Transhumanist Association, new material has been added and many old sections have been substantially reworked. In the preparation of version 2.0, the following people have been especially helpful: Eliezer Yudkowsky, who provided editorial assistance with comments on particular issues of substance; Dale Carrico who proofread the first half of the text; and Michael LaTorra who did the same for the second half; and “Reason” who then went over the whole document again, as did Frank Forman, and Sarah Banks Forman. Useful comments of either substance or form have also been contributed by (in alphabetical order): Michael Anissimov, Samantha Atkins, Milan Cirkovic, José Luis Cordeiro, George Dvorsky, James Hughes, G.E.

Oct 7, 2022

TransVision 2022 Madrid

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, life extension…mp;index=2

Today there might not be a cure to save your life. What if the cure were available tomorrow? Biostasis (cryonics) is a possibility for keeping you around long enough for the cure.

Oct 3, 2022

BI 103 Randal Koene and Ken Hayworth: The Road to Mind Uploading

Posted by in categories: biological, cryonics, life extension, neuroscience, robotics/AI

Patreon support:

Free Video Series: Open Questions in AI and Neuroscience:

Continue reading “BI 103 Randal Koene and Ken Hayworth: The Road to Mind Uploading” »

Sep 22, 2022

Dr. Ralph Merkle — Nanotechnology & Cryonics — Preserving Ourselves for the Future

Posted by in categories: computing, cryonics, encryption, life extension, nanotechnology

Ralph C. Merkle is a computer scientist. He is one of the inventors of public key cryptography, the inventor of cryptographic hashing, and more recently a researcher and speaker of cryonics.

Videos in the talk: David Eagleman molecular nanotechnology:

Filmed 2017/04/30

Aug 29, 2022

Dr. Max More | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #404

Posted by in categories: cryonics, law, life extension, neuroscience

Dr. Max More is a philosopher, writer, speaker and expert in Cryonics — the process of cryopreserving a body at the time of legal death in the hopes of reviving them in the future.

Theo talks with Dr. More about what actually happens when we die, the future of mankind, and if Theo would preserve his brain for science.

Continue reading “Dr. Max More | This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von #404” »

Aug 26, 2022

The Cryonics Institute Newsletter Issue 02

Posted by in categories: cryonics, life extension



Aug 6, 2022

Natasha Vita-More — Transhumanism, Life Extension & Cryonics

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, life extension, transhumanism

Nicely done Tim! — Dr. Natasha Vita-More discusses transhumanism, human augmentation, life extension, and cryopreservation, and provides valuable insights into the latest medical advances empowering body augmentation & super-longevity in humans.

Continue reading “Natasha Vita-More — Transhumanism, Life Extension & Cryonics” »

Jul 28, 2022

“DEATH DEFANGED Cryonics, Cryothanasia and the Future of Sentience”​ with David Pearce

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, education, life extension, lifeboat, robotics/AI, singularity, transhumanism

“DEATH DEFANGED Cryonics, Cryothanasia and the Future of Sentience” with David Pearce, Author, Philosopher and well-known TransHumanistThis service will be on ZOOM and YouTube Live Stream only, not in person.
Zoom at 6:00 PM Eastern Time.
Live Stream at 7:00 PM Eastern Time.
Stay after the close of the YouTube streaming for the Zoom After Party until??:00 pm. Enjoy fellowship in the extended discussions with Neal and Immortalists & Friends from Around the World, sharing bold ideas on health, longevity, and technology!(Note: Mr. Pearce was scheduled last month to give a presentation but due to circumstances beyond our control we did not have that presentation. We look forward this month to have David Pearce join us!)David Pearce is the author of 4 major works:“The Hedonistic Imperative”, “The Biointelligence Explosion: How Recursively Self-Improving Organic Robots will Modify their Own Source Code and Bootstrap Our Way to Full-Spectrum Superintelligence”, “Singularity Hypotheses: A Scientific and Philosophical Assessment”, & “Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?”
The Hedonistic Imperative (1995) advocates the use of biotechnology to abolish suffering throughout the living world. In 1998, he co-founded the World Transhumanist Association (H+) with Nick Bostrom. Transhumanists believe in the use of technology to overcome our biological limitations.
Currently, Pearce is a fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, and sits on the futurist advisory board of the Lifeboat Foundation. He is also the director of bioethics of Invincible Wellbeing and is on the advisory boards of the Center on Long-Term Risk, the Organization for the Prevention of Intense Suffering and since 2021 the Qualia Research Institute. Please share this event with someone that you care about. Would you like to make a Donation to Perpetual Life? Your donations help us grow & improve our services. To donate, go to our website http://Perpetual.Life and use the PayPal button at the top right of the page. Thank you for your generous donations, we appreciate it immensely!“Our task is to make nature, the blind force of nature, into an instrument of universal resuscitation and to become a union of immortal beings.“
- Nikolai F. FedorovWe hold faith in the technologies & discoveries of humanity to END AGING and Defeat involuntary Death within our lifetime. Working to Save Lives with Age Reversal Education. ========== Perpetual Life Creed ==========We believe that all of life is sacred and that we have been given this one life to make unlimited. We believe in our Creator’s divine plan for all of humanity to have infinite lifespans in perfect health and eternal joy, rendering death to be optional. By following our Gospel we achieve eternal life creating a heaven here on earth. We follow Nikolai Fyodorov, who taught that the transcendence of the creator will only be solved when humanity in our unified efforts become an instrument of universal resuscitation, when the divine word becomes our divine action. And we follow Arthur C. Clarke, who said “The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.“And so, we enter each day energized in Spirit and empowered by the words of our prophets to live in joy, serving our creator and all of mankind, Forever and Ever.==========Wishing you Perfect Health and Great Longevity!Perpetual Life, a science-faith based church is open to people of all faiths & belief systems. We are non-denominational & non-judgmental and a central gathering place of Immortalists & Transhumans. What unites us is our common faith, belief and desire in Unlimited Life Spans. We are located in Pompano Beach FL at 950 South Cypress Road.

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