
Archive for the ‘cosmology’ category: Page 347

Dec 22, 2016

Could Dark Matter Be Powering The EMdrive?

Posted by in categories: cosmology, space travel


It might not work at all, but if the thrust is real and we detect no reaction, could the discrepancy be due to dark matter?

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Dec 19, 2016

A New Theory of Gravity Just Passed its First Test. Here’s What This Means for Physics

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

Verlinde’s emergent gravity theory makes one very important implication: dark matter does not exist. His research makes sense of the behavior of gravity without the need for the existence of a dark matter particle.

Researchers from the Leiden Observatory have studied more than 33,000 galaxies to see if Verlinde’s theory checks out—and the results show that it is, in fact, more accurate at confirming the universe’s gravity distribution than Einstein’s theory of relativity.

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Dec 16, 2016

Strange Magnetic Stars Could Spawn Some of the Universe’s Most Massive Black Holes

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics

Earlier this year, after 100 years of searching for them, an international team of researchers detected the presence of gravitational waves for the first time, thanks to the collision of two massive black holes, providing proof for Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

Needless to say, it was a big deal, but two important questions remained: where did the two colliding black holes that created these gravitational ripples in space-time come from, and how did they get so massive?

Black holes form when a star runs out of fuel and collapses in on itself.

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Dec 16, 2016

Does The Universe Have a Hard Drive?

Posted by in categories: computing, cosmology, physics, quantum physics, supercomputing

Zura Kakushadze is lead author of this peer reviewed paper published by the Free University of Tbilisi. It describes an information paradox that arises in a materialist’s description of the Universe—if we assume that the Universe is 100% quantum. The observation of the paradox stems from an interdisciplinary thought process whereby the Universe can be viewed as a “quantum computer”.

The presentation is intentionally nontechnical to make it accessible to a wide a readership.

Does the Universe Have a Hard Drive?

Dec 15, 2016

The neuroscience behind imagination

Posted by in categories: cosmology, education, neuroscience

Trying to simplify and understand imagination isn’t that easy. Should be a great read for my tech friends trying to replicate this process.

Imagination… we can all imagine things – even things we have never seen before. Even things that don’t exist. How do our brains achieve that?

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Dec 13, 2016

Physicists Just Confirmed Evidence of A Possible Fifth Fundamental Force

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

In Brief A deeper look into studies that were previously conducted by Hungarian physicists has recently uncovered evidence of a fifth fundamental force of nature. If confirmed, it could stand as an explanation for dark matter.

To date, there are four conventionally known fundamental forces that hold the universe together—gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. But a closer look at previous studies conducted by Hungarian physicists, which hinted at a new force, has led a team of scientists to evidence that the anomaly in the data could actually be a fifth force of nature.

It should be noted that the groundbreaking claim is still a very long way from being confirmed, but the current data available is enough to push research into what this new force-carrying particle is (or may be).

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Dec 1, 2016

The Missing Universe: CERN Has Started Searching for “Dark Photons”

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

In Brief

  • Dark matter seems to outweigh visible matter roughly six to one, making up about 27% of the universe.
  • Physicists from CERN now believe there’s a fifth universal force that rules the behavior of dark matter, and is transmitted by a particle called the dark photon.

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Nov 29, 2016

The Case Against Dark Matter

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

A proposed theory of gravity does away with dark matter, even as new astrophysical findings challenge the need for galaxies full of the invisible mystery particles.

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Nov 28, 2016

Time travellers could use parallel dimensions to visit the past, scientists claim

Posted by in categories: cosmology, physics, time travel

THERE are multiple timelines playing out in parallel universes, according to a team of researchers.

The sensational claim was made by a team of physicists, who believe that the parallel universes can all affect one another.

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Nov 26, 2016

New Theory Shows Interaction Between Parallel Worlds And The Potential To Rewrite Quantum Theory

Posted by in categories: cosmology, quantum physics

The 20th century was loaded with experiments and discoveries that I sometimes forget how big of an impact things like quantum theory really had on our lives. Bold new thought experiments and suggestions have been made that seemingly left us wondering what our universe might be made of after all.

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