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To Omniscience or To Not Omniscience? By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

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Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article) (Other Publications)

Quoted: “If you understand the core innovations around the blockchain idea, you’ll realize that the technology concept behind it is similar to that of a database, except that the way you interact with that database is very different.

The blockchain concept represents a paradigm shift in how software engineers will write software applications in the future, and it is one of the key concepts behind the Bitcoin revolution that need to be well understood. In this post, I’d like to explain 5 of these concepts, and how they interrelate to one another in the context of this new computing paradigm that is unravelling in front of us. They are: the blockchain, decentralized consensus, trusted computing, smart contracts and proof of work / stake. This computing paradigm is important, because it is a catalyst for the creation of decentralized applications, a next-step evolution from distributed computing architectural constructs.

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Read the article here >…verything/

Kaizen and Six Sigma Vs. White Swan “…Transformative and Integrative Risk Management …”

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Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)






LINKEDIN: Homer Simpson on NASA and Bart Simpson on Book Of Five Rings and the Noda Secret…agostini-1

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Homer Simpson on NASA and Bart Simpson on Book Of Five Rings and the Noda Secret!THE HANSDS OF THE SWAN IN COREL DRAW

Homer: Son, it has been said that Kaizen is “good change.”

Bart: Dad, good change, Do you mean the throttle?

Homer: Son, What do you mean by throttle?

Bart: Dad, the gas pedal gone lunatic!

Homer: Son, lunatic how?

Bart: Dad, the gas pedal set into out-of-controlness in order to harm the automobile and the driver and passengers in said automobile.

Homer: Son, that is impossible as Kaizen through its doppelgänger (a) Toyota Production System (TPS) and (b) “…Thinking People System…” were in place to preclude what you suggest.

Bart: Dad, I don’t suggest anything as the victims and casualties are in the news and in court and cementeries.

Homer: Son, Really? I didn’t know that. Why do you think this happened?

Bart: Dad, the gas pedal is a subsystem to which huge technical complexity was added, layer after layer, device after device, until the technical complexity superseded the totality of knowledge level of Toyota, worldwide.

Homer: Son, Oh my big “G.” So, Drew says that?

Bart: Dad, yes he does!

Homer: Son, And beyond Drew and Andy who else underpins that?

Bart: Dad, Well, the flaw was so complex that it actually was lucidly identified and elucidated by NASA and never by JAXA.

Homer: Son, JAXA? Is that the detergent ambiword played around by the Illuminati?

Bart: Dad, no, no, no! JAXA is not a Protecter & Gamble detergent but Japan’s NASA.

Homer: Son, and what happened to the instituted “good change” pertaining to the murdering gas pedal?

Bart: Dad, you see, regardless of how tough your Quality Assurance methodology, neither Kaizen nor TPS is instrumented and operationalized with the Systems Approach and the non-theological applied Omniscience perspective, thus bringing about White Swan “Transformative and Integrative” Best Practices!

Homer: Son, Are suggesting that this carmaker is myopic when manufacturing?

Bart: Dad, To a great extent, that carmaker does beautifully, but as the 360-degree flow of processes and contents are not thoroughly pursuited by them, ignorantly and unfailingly they give birth to Black Swans, Blacks Swans that show up frequently and out the blue.

Homer: Son, What does Australian black rara avis have to do with this?

Bart: Dad, You got it all wrong again. But Black Swan I mean to say the incessant fostering of the frequent impact of the dramatic highly improbable (ISBN: 978–0812973815 AND AT )

Homer: Son, Is there a Structural Counterpoint to this stupid Black Swan stuff and Suboptimal Kaizen and TPS? Please, son, tell me if there is a fundamental solution to such simpletonness?

Bart: Dad, Yes there is, but I will not tell you the Secret, by means of which Toyota Production Director, San Noda, kindly baptized Andy with a newer name. THE COUNTERPOINT-plus, so to speak, is: “… The White Swan’s Beyond Eureka and Sputnik Moments: How To Fundamentally Cope With Corporate Litmus Tests and With The Impact of the Dramatic Highly Improbable And Succeed and Prevail Through Transformative and Integrative Risk Management! …” ( ASIN: B00KMY0DLK AND at )

Homer: Son, where did the Noda Secret took place and why?

Bart: Dad, at a long meeting of Andy with the chairman, CEO, CFO and Director of Production of Toyota, through which Andy made a lengthy and most-detailed explanation about technical shortcomings he found both in Kaizen and TPS.

Homer: Son, Oh My God? And the Nippon Honor got bruised in there?

Bart: Dad, Yes, the Director of Production wanted to assassin Andy but the chairman and the CEO remained calmed and tranquil.

Homer: Son, What was the final outcome of said business dealing?

Bart: Dad, well, with the bruised egos, they contracted Andy so that he could institute Andy’s own Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, never implementing Kaizen or TPS.

Homer: Son, Don’t they do also Lean and Mean (ISBN: 978–1572302525), Lean Manufacturing, Agile, Extreme Project Management, Six Sigma and the like?

Bart: Dad, yes, they do but they fail frequently anyway!

Homer: Son, Why? Why? Why?

Bart: Dad, to this end and question, Andy relentlessly argues that they DO NOT observe a Womb-to-Tomb Management Prescription by His Excellency George W. Rutler, S.T.D. (Doctor of Sacred Theology).

Homer: Son, Can you simplify into a couple of words the aforementioned Management Prescription by said Doctor of Sacred Theology?

Bart: Dad, yes, I can readily activate that while George W. Rutler, S.T.D. observes verbatim, “… we [and they and everyone else in the Earth] need a great Dose of Reality [most urgently]…”

Homer: Son, The Creator has spoken as there are, in all truth, so many Ivy-League and Oxbridge postdoctorals that are both myopic and narrow minded in a world in which must-do-for-ever updatedness is abjectly rejected.

Bart: Dad, touché!

Homer: Son, Do Toyota and other global corporations of gran repute from the Far East apply, say and for instance, embrace Servant Leadership (ISBN: 978–0761513698) in order to further underpin their collective efforts towards Quality Assurance and Continuous Process Improvement?

Bart: Dad, yes, they keep the WHOLE FASHIONABLE FAD about Leadership immeasurably overestimated when remarkable Harvard University Leadership Professor Prof. Barbara Kellerman, PhD., among zillion others, has indicated that “…The End of Leadership…” (ISBN: 978–0062069160) has terrifyingly and UNIVERSALLY failed because of rampant lack of ETHICS and absence of LUCRATIVE BUSINESS OUTCOMES. How can you Kaizen something, that is: “…change for the better…”, if you daily violate ethics and your end results are ineffectual, ludicrous, madly-in-love with bankruptcy and decay?

Homer: Son, And the (a) “5S” ( ) and (b) the “5 Whys” ( ) ?

Bart: Dad, with the great advent of exponential technologies ( ) since the Fall of the Iron Wall and the lost of “…corporate decorum,…” they simply DO NOT SUFFICE and seem to be necessary a must-do re-birth, overhaul and re-engineering APPROACH to structurally fix those. All of the preceding while in the face of entire Earth flows and overflows a FORCEFUL ZEITGEIST characterized by elites into propelling destroyed à-la-ganters “…ethics…” and imposing their anti-values, in order to make their status quo fatter and more obese, not Lean!

Homer: Son, but in Fukushima, managers there did their very best, didn’t they?

Bart: Dad, Not, they didn’t! That were un-coped-with black swans.

Homer: Son, Why not?

Bart: Dad, Andy argues that organizations from Fukushima part of the world ARE RISK ADVERSE AND ARE UTTERLY AGAINST BEST-IN CLASS WESTERN MODALITIES (chiefly those practices from the West’s western-most region in the Northern Hemisphere) of Risk Management. Andy assures that he has strongly observe this too frequently, not only while working with Mitsubishi Motors and Toyota Motors, but also closely working with the INSURANCE COMPANY called Tokyo Marine Group ( ).

Homer: Son, And what’s wrong with hating risks before and after they create devastations?

Bart: Dad, those sages from the Far East are nice, but they only concentrate on the “…Line of Production…”, “…Supply Chain…”, “ Workshop Benches,” “…Other Primary, Secondary and tertiary Functions of the Core Business,…” and the inner-most environment of the Factory, the Head-Office or the Throughputting Façades, EXPONENTIALLY IGNORING AND HENCE LACKING TO MANAGE MANY OTHER WASTES, DEFECTS, RISKS, THREATS, BLACK SWANS, BLACK-BOX EVENTS, DOWNSIDE FUTURES, SPUTNIKS, KNOWN UNKNOWNS, UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS, STEMMING FROM THE OUTER-MOST ENVIRONMENT.

Homer: Son, They loves their façades as they feel untouchable for the external environment and the outter-most external environment?

Bart: Dad, touché!

Homer: Son, So you mean to say that the seamless integration of Continuous Process Improvements, Kaizen, Toyota Production System, Agile, Lean, Lean Production, Six Sigma, Extreme Project Management, Servant Leadership, so fort is NOT ENOUGH TO COUNTERMEASSURE MANY OTHER WASTES, DEFECTS, RISKS, THREATS, BLACK SWANS, BLACK-BOX EVENTS, DOWNSIDE FUTURES, SPUTNIKS, KNOWN UNKNOWNS, UNKNOWN UNKNOWNS, STEMMING FROM THE OUTER-MOST ENVIRONMENT?

Bart: Dad, Andy, under his White Swan book and other publications, has been indefatigable to say that Flawness must be a hugely studied science and that issues must be dealed with preemptively before they happen through the systems approach and with the applied omniscience perspective in due place, IN ORDER TO AVOID, and by way of just one meager example, “… AUTO RECALLS SURPASS 60 MILLION IN 2014, NEARLY TWICE THE PREVIOUS U.S. RECORD …” ( ). ANDY INSISTS AND INSISTS ON THAT POTENTIAL DISRUPTION IS A POTENTIAL DISRUPTION FROM WHEREVER IT COMES AND THAT THOSE CAN BE FUNDAMENTALLY SOLVED AND PROFITED FROM, EARLY, AS PER HIS WORDS, NUMBERS, FACTS, AND STATS.

Homer: Son, Under his Disruption Potential, Does Andy’s White Swan Idea include, say, the disasters both by Fukushima and Sony Corporation to cite just two instances?



(#1 of #14)_ Takata air bags. (

(#2 of #14)_ Mazda Recalls 100,000 Cars for Defect in Tire Pressure Sensor.

(#3 of #14)_ Toyota Gas Pedal

(#4 of #14)_ General Motors Co. ignition switches

(#5 of #14)_ GM alone has recalled nearly 27 million cars and trucks in the U.S. this year, a record for any single automaker. Defective GM ignition switches in small cars have been linked to at least 42 deaths and 58 injuries.

(#6 of #14)_ Honda Motor Co., the third-largest Japanese automaker, has recalled 5.4 million vehicles to replace Takata air bags.

(#7 of #14)_ Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV said Dec. 19 that it would accede to a NHTSA request and expand an existing air-bag recall. That will add 2.89 million vehicles to the recall total for the U.S. when reflected in the government database.

(#8 of #14)_ With the focus on more and quicker recalls, 2014 will probably signify a period of elevated safety fixes, Steinkamp said. The average number of recalled vehicles per year from the 2004 through last year was 16.1 million, according to NHTSA data. “…It’s a landmark year; it’s the start of a new era,…” said by Neil Steinkamp, a managing director at Stout Risius Ross who studies warranty and recall issues.

(#9 of #14)_ Virgin Galactic Crash (

(#10 of #14)_ Nasa’s Antares rocket explosion (

(#11 of #14)_ Even Airliners Weaponized Into Skyscrapers and the Pentagon (

(#12 of #14)_ Sony “Rogue State”-sponsored Cyberhack (

(#13 of #13)_ Boston Marathon bombings ( )

(#14 of #14)_ Suzuki Motor to recall 453,000 mini vehicles in Japan (



Homer: Son, Why are so many tragedies there?

Bart: Dad, Mostly because DoD, NASA, Virgin Galactic, Sony, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Mazda, Honda, GM, Takata, Fiat-Chrysler think that your corporate theaters of operations can be TOTALLY CLEAR AND FREE OF DISRUPTION POTENTIAL BY ONLY AND ONLY APPLYING CONTINOUS PROCESS IMPROVEMT, QUALITY ASSURANCE, KAIZEN, TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM, PROCESS REENGINEER, etc. In each corporate theater of operations within the global marketplace, every corporation is waging war to be world’s marketplace #1, with the utter purpose not to incurr in Chapter Seven ( ), thus outright bankruptcy.

Homer: Son, Why does Apple manufacture IPhones in Japan with a U.S. name and domicile?

Bart: Dad, Because, after all and with all and all, Japanese and German manufacturing is the world’s least worst, except for the quality assurance used in manufacturing U.S., French and Israeli weapons? Weapons is a fancy word for “…tools to carry on with applied politics through other means …!…”

Homer: Son, How do you make the case against the defects and shortcomings in Japanese approaches not only to manufacture, but also to manage the corporate theater of operations from a Womb-to-Tomb stance?

Bart: Dad, I greatly value Japanese execs and sages but they focus only on throughputting( the Known Inputs Into Desirable Outputs inside their premises, without considering the Non-Existential and Existential Risk of the External Environment (outside their industrial façade) at large as we do in the White Swan’s Tranformative and Integrative Risk Management Services.

( Throughputting is a Latin word in its ING-form stemming from Latin language, whose meaning is exactly this: Modus Operandi (MO). In all order and in all correction, to assert to modus-opendai X is exactly identical to throughput X.

Yes, they Kaizen within and beyond and from the Assembly Line to HHRR and many other administrative facilities and operations. However, in Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, we consider and implement, as a major sub-chapter, every possible and most updated tool(s) by Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement, most of the times to a “Shock and Awe” practical level for the sake of corporate lucre in sustainability.

Briefly, this is what I can add to this point.

Homer: Son, Are you sure you are not with the Discrete and Secretive Scotch Rite?

Bart: Not, thank you, Dad.

Homer: Son, What Do Suzuki, General Electric, and Toyota have in Common?

Bart: Dad, As per the downsides, Toyota is better known by the “…gas pedal…” error, constructed by “…throwing and throwing…” layers and layers of Knowledge Complexity (that is: heavy and undue involvement with the unknown Science of Complexity) to a single sub-subsystem, the gas pedal. Many American and Canadian lives were lost in the process.

The scientific forensics party, to become amenable to the U.S. Congress, was performed and solved by NASA. Toyota could have resorted, but to the despair of U.S. congressmen, to Japan’s NASA, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency).

In accordance to its disadvantages, the massive disruption by The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, that was jointly built and jointly managed by General Electric, Boise, and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).

Now, we have the recall by Suzuki. Suzuki Motor Corp, as per Reuters, on Thursday (September 19, 2014) issued a recall of 453,225 minivehicles in Japan to fix a defect in the blower fan motor of the air-conditioning unit that has resulted in three fires so far.

I have vast experience with Kaizen and Toyota Production System even before ANdy became extremely knowledgeable with two of his most salient clients, Toyota Motors and Mitsubishi Motors.

ONE. If you add complexity to your subsystems without fully knowing the upsides and downsides, the above will happen, unless to an important degree.

SECOND. These disruptions also happen when there is either or both Low Morale and Low Moral with Flawed Ethics. When in the corporate theater of operations there is SOLEMNITY, you immediately get a nice spinoff: High Morale, Optimal Morality, and Fundamental Ethics.

THIRD. Kaizen, Toyota Production System (TPS), and Lean Six Sigma, in my personal, opinion need to incorporate other problem-solving methodologies, quite amenable to the Fortune-100 Victors of the West.

When Andy carefully and in a most detailed and sequential fashion proved to Toyota’s Chairman, CEO and Production Director (Mr. Noda) TPS to be limited and constrained and blinded to Manage Risks, both from within the Assembly Line and from outside the Factory Facade, they got furious and Mr. Noda start crying like a little child.

However, the Patrician Patriarch at the helm of the Chair stayed extremely calmed and relaxed and issued a directive to contract Andy and do his (a) Beyond-Kaizen Method, and (b) Beyond TPS Method, right, as every mensurable outcomes (numerical goals and narrative objectives) were not achieved, but superseded in the audited actuality.

Homer: Son, you really love work harder than a workaholic, do you not?

Bart: Dad, you are 10% right. In fact, I just carry on with my pass times. However, seen from the outside enjoying my solving-wicked-problem pass times, clients and colleagues say that I look more, along the lines of an indefatigable Extraterrestrial Tesla Device ( ).

Homer: Son, What does Sony (Global) Corporation operating in the totally of the Globe knows about Crisis Management ( ) ?

Bart: Dad, Exactly NOTHING! And Sony does know know, either, that as it operates multinationally, that it is entrenched with realpolitik world’s geopolitics and world history and world geography and world culture and ubiquitous world connectivity! SONY — LIKE TOYOTA, MITSUBISHI, SUZUKI, MAZDA, HONDA AND, AMONG MANY OTHERS, TOKYO MARINE (Insurance) — KNOWS ZERO ABOUT EXTREMELY-HOLISTIC BEYOND INSURANCE RISK MANAGEMENT, EXACTLY AS PER THE DICTUMS OF WHITE SWAN “…TRANSFORMATIVE AND INTEGRATIVE RISK MANAGEMENT…”

Homer: Son, So, I deduct from your saying that Nippons believe, as a close pride society, that their management style is untouchable and infinitely better than any SERIOUS MANAGEMENT (PROBLEM-SOLVING) IN THE WEST? Please also tell me a bit about the famous Noda Story.

Bart: Dad, EXACTLY. They proudly think of themselves best-in-class worldwide and in some extents and areas, yes, in fact, they are. ABOUT THE FACTUAL NODA STORY? This is a real-life story extremely summarized. I made a granularity-of-detail executive presentation to Toyota’s Board of Directors, including Mr. Noda (the Production Director). With the largest and smallest minuteness, step by step, sub-step by sub-step, I outright proved to Toyota Chairman, CEO, Production Director, CFO and others in the Board that using Kaizen to Manage Risks Holistically as per the Western state-of-the-art understanding was beyond ineffectual and inconsequential.

Of course and due to extreme Japanese nationalism and single mindedness, Mr. Noda assumed that I was too stupid to know something substantive about Kaizen and Toyota Production System and the American Professors who taught them their “stuff” through long consultative years.

When I first knocked the Toyota front-office door, I had spent twenty (20) years studying every advancement in business, management, and industry, clearly acknowledging every upside and every downside. In fact I was first introduced to a full-scope indoctrination in Japanese methodologies (ISBN: 978–0075543329 and ISBN: 978–0915299140) by Royal Dutch Shell.

Through Shell I was also greatly trained into Mr. William E. Conway’s “… Right Way to Manage …” (ISBN: 978–0963146458). Via them we observe quality assurance by the U.S. Navy, Los Alamos Lab, Hitachi. Thenceforth, a doctor in science taught me about what Quality, Reliability, Safety and Security meant for NASA. In a congruent and coherent and cohesive way, you will find those and other proprietary items within the White Swan “Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.”

In Shell, like as it is Mr. Jiddu Krishnamurti, there are no folly regionalism but frinctionless globalization and globalization smartification, thus embracing any useful approach, regardless of geography, story, race, ethnicity or else, AS LONG AS IT FURTHER UNDERPINS THE GLOBAL STRATEGIC BOTTOM-LINE, PERIOD!

I was heavily researching not just Toyota’s advancements and others by the Corporate Miracle of Japan of the 1980s, but absolutely everything regarding the countermeassuring of any form (including its many synonyms) of, direct or indirect, disruptions, both in the West and the Far East.

As Japan was topnotch and nobody in the West was doing something meritorious (as per Noda’s schema), he found it stupid and time-wasting and not lucrative to even consider the methodologies, even those by NASA and way beyond that, that I was ruthlessly researching, nation by nation, industry by industry. Ergo, as my amazing father and Napoleon Bonaparte stated, “ … I only have one counsel or you — be a master …” to the strategic surprise (Sputnik Moment) of Toyota, Noda, and Mitsubishi Motors.

Mr. Noda was extremely infuriated with me but, despite him, the Chairman hired me and carried on with emotional evenness, that of a Wise and Sage Patriarch. Mr. Noda gave me a positive nickname that I will not release at this or other time.

Other considerations pertaining to Kaizen and its evolution way beyond that, I will be commenting about in due time.

Homer: Son, Who is Taiichi?

Bart: Dad, Do you mean Mr. Taiichi Ohno?

Homer: Son, yes, tell me about him!

Bart: Dad, I will give you an info capsule. Taiichi Ohno (1912 – 1990) was a Japanese businessman and is considered to be the father of the Toyota Production System, which became Lean Manufacturing in the U.S. In the book The Perfect Engine (ISBN: 978–0743203814), it is commented the ensuing excerpt:

“ … When Taiichi Ohno visited the Ford Motor plant at River Rouge in the early fifties, he was truly humbled. Ford Motor’s quality and productivity were several times better than Toyota’s. The operational lead time, or total elapsed time for converting raw materials into a Model T, was only three days. Mr. Ohno worked diligently over the next twenty years to develop a version of Ford’s miracle that came to be known as the Toyota Production System …”

Homer: Son, being from the Far East and besides Lean Manufacturing, Do they observe and copy Sun Tzu’s Art of War?

Bart: Dad, Not, they don’t. Remember they are a tough small island that besieged and ruled in China, a huge country, that is to say: China, Germany’s world’s client number 1. IN FACT, THEY OBSERVE AGILE AND LEAN MANUFACTURING AND THEIR OWN 1645’S BOOK OF FIVE RINGS ( HTTP://BIT.LY/1ZAI0PG), BY MEANS OF WHICH IT IS FORCEFULLY MANDATED TO «INVESTIGATE AFFAIRS THOROUGHLY THROUGH» PRACTICE RATHER THAN TRYING TO LEARN THEM BY MERELY READING.

Homer: Bart, that sound very tough, isn’t it?

Bart: Dad, in fact, it is harshly tough without a fail.

Homer: Bart, do they watch the waves or the currents underneath?

Bart: Dad, they watch the waves, and both the currents underneath and the undercurrents closer to the sea bed!

Homer: Bart, Can you please explain the differences between Currents and Undercurrents?

Bart: Dad, I was reading The Economist and a notion came to my mind.

We have all have heard the Chinese adage,

“… Don’t look at the waves but the currents underneath …”

Currents are “ … Dynamic Driving Forces …” that eject sequences of so-called “…Trends…” While Undercurrents are Counter-“ … Dynamic Driving Forces …” that eject sequences of so-called “…Counter-Trends…”

As per the onset and in-progress Disruptional Singularity (coined by the signatory at, and using the terms “current” and “undercurrent” as linguistic wilds-cards, we have several CONCURRENT Global Currents and Worldly Undercurrents going on, around this Globe.

In extremely-holistic (beyond-insurance) risk management, we always know that small risks and medium-size risks and even large risks end up compounding together into devastation if we stay like innocent bystanders.

And as they compound, they make the Diruptional Singularity a reality.

Considering Media and Political Agendas, Which one is the “Current,” Ebola or ISIS?

Considering Media and Political Agendas, Which one is the “Undercurrent,” ISIS or Ukraine?

And there are also Forefronts and Foregrounds, such as the global massive sovereign indebtedness, nation-state-promoted cyberattacks, or reserve currencies waged into wars by the Central Bankers in the most important world economies.

Proper jobs and correct employment will never come back as industrial investors prefer to invest on bots and superautomation than humans. For the sake of their shares values and dividends, they will make frequent pacts with Satan with the utter purpose to be superricher yet. You see, they need to take with their wife about 25 millions to collaborate with the fight against Ebola to underpin their own P.R. agenda.

We have our concentration GLUED to the Waves, and not the Currents, Undercurrents, Counter-Currents, and Counter-Undercurrents underneath!

Currents are Dynamic Driving Forces that reshape this as-of-now Present (Continuum) and near-term Future.

Undercurrents are Counter-” Dynamic Driving Forces” that reshape this as-of-now Present (Continuum) and near-term future.

And so on and on. Every Force has a Counter-Force.

In order not to get your mind brainwashed, socially-engineered, or brain-controlled, you are going to have to REFLECT HARD AND SUBTLE and UNCONDITIONALLY AUDIT all those currents and counter-current underneath.

Homer: Bart, are you sure you are not the ruler mastermind of the Priory of Zion ( THEN, TO KAIZEN OR NOT TO KAIZEN, TO FUKUSHIMA OR NOT TO FUKUSHIMA?

Bart: Dad, Again and again and again.


I have extensively worked with Toyota and Mitsubishi Motors, as I have with many Western Corporation of a global scale, including Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon-Mobile. I also develop my own proprietary problem-solving methodology to manage every risks, in advance and otherwise, by the Internal Environment, even duly assuring Quality Control and Continuous Improvements along with womb-to-tomb Corporate Strategy, and External Environment, called Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

The accomplished Japanese eliminating operational wastes and flaws in the products and manufacturing processes and further eternally improving those are the Monarchy in the Galaxy. But as they apply heavy Quality Assurance to Nuclear Plants like Fukushima, they never preemptively think of the flaws and threats stemming from the external environment, sometimes even from the external environment outside of the facade of the plant, factory or whatever installation.

It is like the Japanese are always fixated on the Henry Ford’s Assembly Line, ignoring other company’s crucial assets, both tangible and intangible.

Under Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, every form of advanced Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement is as CRUCIAL as any internal or external threat, regardless whether they stem from the manufacturing process or NOT, including so-called Black-Swan events.

Japanese managers and engineers are hugely remarkable and respected people. However, I need to operate Womb-to-Tomb, early on.

To better understand the idea put forward, you need to read the White Swan.

Homer: Bart, Should I understand that Transformative and Integrative Risk Management has well established operational sub-chapters for both Continuous Improvement and Quality Assurance?

Bart: Dad, yes, you are accurate. But the scale, magnitude, and granularity of details incessantly considered by Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is mind-boggling for top Doctors in Rocket Science and yourself!

Homer: Bart, Really? Why is that? Can you elaborate about a hugely ignored ‘scientific knowledge’-laden, not out-foolish Thomas Paine’s so-called “common sense” that is forgotten and ignored by the corporate theaters of operation within the Top-10 Fortune 500?

Bart: Dad, well, the corporate theaters of operation within the Top-10 Fortune 500 constantly and continuously ignored some extremely useful and for-lucre methods by the Los Alamos National Laboratory ( ) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ( ).

I will give you a concrete example. The savant over Procter & Gamble asked Los Alamos National Laboratory for a Process Engineering (Quality Assurance Method), sponsored by the gray matter and genes and synapses of Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists, but always dovetailed and customized to the needs, requirements and specifications of Procter & Gamble and its rampantly victorious corporate theater of operations.

Homer: Bart, Hugely Interesting and What Else? Is that your best?

Bart: Dad, no, no, that is not my best as I have spoken, pertaining to all-encompassing quality assurance approaches, of other as high standards and even higher as those available and observed by White Swan “Transformative and integrative Risk Management,” such as those of the world-class Military Spheres of Influence.



THE BEST Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By American Manufacturer(S).

THE SECOND Best Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By European Manufacturer(S).

THE THIRD Best Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By Israeli Manufacturer(S).

THE FOURTH Best Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By Russian Manufacturer(S).

THE FIFTH Best Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By Chinese Manufacturer(S).

THE SIXTH Best Quality Assurance In Military Aeronautic Equipment Is And By Iranian Manufacturer(S).

NB_1: The writeup is based on evidence. Lack of information cannot allow the inclusion of Japan and India and their immeasurable achievements.

NB_2: However: Remember That Dedicated People Learn Fast And Change (UPGRADE) To Warp Speed!

Homer: Bart, What else do Nippons and Fortune-500 Top-10s lack to comprehend as a hardcore scientific truism while we are are experiencing a light-speed multi-eon age, way beyond millennials, exponential technologies, other societal and demographic and economic current imperatives?

Bart: Dad, that can be stated simply. I will tell you some things that Kaizen, Toyota Production Systems, Agile, Lean Manufacturing, Continuous Improvement, Juran’s Prescription, Six Sigma, Los Alamos’ Process Engineering and many other approaches, without forgetting that applied Systems Reliability allow America to upgrade its technological hotbeds when it made a quantum leap from Henry Ford’s knowledge base to moonshotting the Apollo Program into Moon-landing!

Homer: Bart, What are those considerations in the preceding paragraph that almost all Nippons and Fortune-500 Top-10s are failing to consider?

Bart: Dad, for instance, Paul Valéry (1932) wrote,

“… All the notions we thought solid, all the values of civilized life, all that made for stability in international relations, all that made for regularity in the economy … in a word, all that tended happily to limit the uncertainty of the morrow, all that gave nations and individuals some confidence in the morrow … all this seems badly compromised. I have consulted all augurs I could find, of every species, and I have heard only vague words, contradictory prophecies, curiously feeble assurances. Never has humanity combined so much power with so much disorder, so much anxiety with so many playthings, so much knowledge with so much uncertainty …”


Charles Dickens (1798) wrote,

“ …It was the best of times, it was the worst of times … it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair …”


COMMENTARY BY BART: As per my evidence-based research and perpetual verification in real time, the only Singularity that there will be is not the Technological Singularity, but what I call the Disruptional Singularity. However, if every citizen in the world gets his, her act together the soonest, there is hope for a better world at a later time.



Prof. Michio Kaku, Ph.D. indicates:

“… By the end of the twentieth century, science had reached the end of an era, unlocking the secrets of the atom, unraveling the molecule of life, and creating the electronic computer. With these three fundamental discoveries, triggered by the quantum revolution, the DNA revolution, and the computer revolution, the basic laws of matter, life, and computation were, in the main, finally solved .… That epic phase of science is now drawing to a close; one era is ending and another is only beginning .… The next era of science promises to be an even deeper, more thoroughgoing, more penetrating one than the last .… Clearly, we are on the threshold of yet another revolution. HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history. COMPUTER POWER IS DOUBLING EVERY EIGHTEEN MONTHS. THE INTERNET IS DOUBLING EVERY YEAR. THE NUMBER OF DNA SEQUENCES WE CAN ANALYZE IS DOUBLING EVERY TWO YEARS. Almost daily, the headlines herald new advances in computers, telecommunications, biotechnology, and space exploration. In the wake of this technological upheaval, entire industries and lifestyles are being overturned, only to give rise to entirely new ones. But these rapid, bewildering changes are not just quantitative. They mark the birth pangs of a new era .… FROM NOW TO THE YEAR 2020, SCIENTISTS FORESEE AN EXPLOSION IN SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY SUCH AS THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE. IN TWO KEY TECHNOLOGIES, COMPUTER POWER AND THE DNA SEQUENCING, WE WILL SEE ENTIRE INDUSTRIES RISE AND FALL ON THE BASIS OF BREATHTAKING SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES. SINCE THE 1950S, THE POWER OF OUR COMPUTERS HAS ADVANCED BY A FACTOR OF ROUGHLY TEN BILLION. IN FACT, BECAUSE BOTH COMPUTER POWER AND DNA SEQUENCING DOUBLE ROUGHLY EVERY TWO YEARS, ONE CAN COMPUTE THE ROUGH TIME FRAME OVER WHICH MANY SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGHS WILL TAKE PLACE .… BY 2020, MICROPROCESSORS WILL LIKELY BE AS A CHEAP AND PLENTIFUL AS SCRAP PAPER, SCATTERED BY THE MILLIONS INTO ENVIRONMENT, ALLOWING US TO PLACE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS EVERYWHERE. THIS WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING AROUND US, INCLUDING THE NATURE OF COMMERCE, THE WEALTH OF NATIONS, AND THE WAY WE COMMUNICATE, WORK, PLAY, AND LIVE…” [171]


Nanotechnology and life by Ray Kurzweil (as of May 2009)!

“…Nanotechnologies are broad concept, it’s simply refers to technology where the key features in measuring the small number of nanometers. A NANOMETER IS THE DIAMETER OF FIVE CARBON ATOMS SO IT’S VERY CLOSE TO THE MOLECULAR LEVEL AND WE ALREADY HAVE NEW MATERIALS AND DEVICES THAT HAD BEEN MANUFACTURED AT THE NANOSCALE. IN FACT, CHIPS TODAY, THE KEY FEATURES ARE 50 OR 60 NANOMETERS SO THAT IS ALREADY NANOTECHNOLOGY. The true promise of nanotechnology is that ultimately we’ll be able to create devices that are manufactured at the molecular level by putting together, molecular fragments in new combinations so, I can send you an information file and a desktop nanofactory will assemble molecules according to the definition in the file and create a physical objects so I can e-mail you a pair of trousers or a module to build housing or a solar panel and WE’LL BE ABLE TO CREATE JUST ABOUT ANYTHING WE NEED IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD FROM INFORMATION FILES WITH VERY INEXPENSIVE INPUT MATERIALS. You can… I mean, just a few years ago if I wanted to send you a movie or a book or a recorded album, I would send you a FedEx package, now I can e-mail you an attachment and you can create a movie or a book from that. On the future, I’ll be able to e-mail you a blouse or a meal. So, that’s the promise of nanotechnology. Another promise is to be able to create devices that are size of blood cells and by the way biology is an example of nanotechnology, the key features of biology are at the molecular level. SO, THAT’S ACTUALLY THE EXISTENCE PROOF THAT NANOTECHNOLOGY IS FEASIBLE BUT BIOLOGY IS BASED ON LIMITED SIDE OF MATERIALS. EVERYTHING IS BUILT OUT OF PROTEINS AND THAT’S A LIMITED CLASS OF SUBSTANCES. WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY WE CAN CREATE THINGS THAT ARE FAR MORE DURABLE AND FAR MORE POWERFUL. One scientist designed a robotic red blood cell it’s a thousand times more powerful than the biological version so, if you were to replace a portion of your biological red blood cells with this respirocytes the robotic versions. You could do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath or sit at the bottom of your pool for 4 hours. If I were to say someday you’ll have millions or even billions of these nanobots, nano-robots, blood cell size devices going through your body and keeping you healthy from inside, I might think well, that sounds awfully futuristic. I’d point out this already in 50 experiments in animals of doing exactly that with the first generation of nano engineered blood cell size devices. One scientist cured type 1 diabetes in rats with the blood cell size device. Seven nanometer pores let’s insulin out in the controlled fashion. At MIT, there’s a blood cell size device that can detect and destroy cancer cells in the bloodstream. These are early experiments but KEEP IN MIND THAT BECAUSE OF THE EXPONENTIAL PROGRESSION OF THIS TECHNOLOGY, THESE TECHNOLOGIES WILL BE A BILLION TIMES MORE POWERFUL IN 25 YEARS AND YOU GET SOME IDEA WHAT WILL BE FEASIBLE …” [199]

Homer: Bart, Does ISO standards suffice?

Bart: Dad, the provisions by International Organization for Standardization ( ) are a good starting point, but not sufficiently optimal for Google X, DARPA, NASA, plain-vanilla Google, Amazon and other ground-breaking organizations, obsoleting New Frontiers frequently. Nonetheless, ISO standards are considered buy they do not intellectually castrate today’s winners-take-it-all!

Homer: Bart, What is updatedness? Does it affect Kaizen, TPS, Lean Manufacturing and the like?

Bart: Dad, your question demand that you memorize a Maxim for Life! Tis:

“… Everything is somewhat related related to everything else…” The “…somewhat…” is there to underlying mean that withing the “…fabrics…” of Cosmos’ Dark Matter and Dark Energy, everything is connected in discrete modes.



Austrian-American Peter Ferdinand Drucker (ISBN: 978–0060851149) strongly argues, as I have verified in my 33-year-old continual evidence-based research, that people’s schemas (understandings of the world), belief systems, worldviews, and most cherished notions and truisms, as well as Weltanschauung, have a median and in average — as per the 1990’s standards — of twenty (20) years of obsolescence per each person.

Factual proof, available and to this Bart, strongly indicates that such obsolescence has exponentially widened with the elapse of time while technological breakthroughs and scientific discoveries are more prevalent and obvious.

To-this-end details are to be found in the White Swan book.


1.- A Russian Submarine in sovereign waters of Sweden. Along with some deep military provocations to other areas of the former Warsaw Act. France is asking Germany an emergency loan of 80 billion Euros.

2.- A great potential not to an Ebola epidemic, but pandemic. Ebola is decimating some African regions.

3.- ISIS (so-called Islamic States), with potentials to reach the Indian Ocean and Eurabia.

4.- Israel/Palestine Conflict.

5.- Ukraine’s lost of Crimea.

6.- Russia wanting to remind the world that there are a Galatic Superpower, not only in perilous Eastern Europe, Europe in General, and the World at large. Some reports argue that Russia will have a military presence in the Seven Seas, including a Military Base domiciled in the Arctic and Antarctic. Remember?

7.- Cold War II.

8.- Arms Race II.

9.- Space-Age War to Conquer the Outer Space, with novel players such as India.

10.- The Global Existential Risk of the Weather and the Environment.

11.- The Universal Deflation of the Advanced Economies of the Planet.

12.- The Universal Surplus of Corrupted Politicians and Universal Lack of Employment.

13.- If we get lucky, we can also get into M.A.D. WWIII.

13.- So forth.

N.B.: Dad, remember that if you think that the geopolitical tensions in the China South Sea do not affect the business operations of for-lucre multinationals around the world, I must tell you that these corporate warriors, Fortune 500, Sony Corporation and otherwise, has ludicrous planned and executed Strategies and Strategizing ones.

Then, Dad, the right question is, How can we fundamentally Kaizen the thirteen items above?

Homer: Bart, all of what you tell me sounds most complicated, son!

Bart: Dad, it is not complicated, but most complex. I will try to explain why with a message to all MANAGERS, regardless of their Professional Lines of Practices and the Core Business of their respective firms.


“ … Science is emphatically not, as some have claimed, approaching its end; it is surging ahead at an accelerating rate. We are still flummoxed about the bedrock nature of physical reality, and the complexities of life, the brain, and the cosmos. New discoveries, illuminating all these mysteries, will engender benign applications; but will also pose NEW ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND BRING NEW HAZARDS …. BUT THERE IS A DARK SIDE: NEW SCIENCE CAN HAVE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES; IT EMPOWERS INDIVIDUALS TO PERPETRATE ACTS OF MEGATERROR; EVEN INNOCENT ERRORS COULD BE CATASTROPHIC. THE ‘DOWNSIDE’ FROM TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY COULD BE GRAVER AND MORE INTRACTABLE THAN THE THREAT OF NUCLEAR DEVASTATION THAT WE HAVE FACED FOR DECADES. AND HUMAN-INDUCED PRESSURES ON THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT MAY ENGENDER HIGHER RISKS THAT THE AGE-OLD HAZARDS OF EARTHQUAKES, ERUPTIONS, AND ASTEROID IMPACTS …”

Homer: Bart, it seems to me that the External Environment has been immeasurably underestimated by these Kaizen-centric and ‘Six Sigma’-focused corporations, being now elucidated to me that the external threats are not abstract, but formidably dangerous to the totality of the “…business as usual…” as IF the for-lucre affairs are carried on within the indoors of the Internal Environment.

So, Bart, you have upped so much White Swan “…Transformative and Integrative Risk Management…” ( ) to a point of superseding and ruling, by a nonlinear order of explosive magnitude, functions such as Systems Quality Assurance, Systems Reliability, Systems Safety, Systems Security, among other amenities about which Andy holds under Fort Knock’s proprietary secret of his sole own.


Bart: Dad, I see that you are beginning to understand. “…TRANSFORMATIVE AND INTEGRATIVE RISK MANAGEMENT…” also takes charge, from Alpha to Omega, of the entire planned and executed Corporate Strategy, directly reporting to the CEO, Chairman, and Board of Directors.

Homer: Bart, What type of professional c-level executives are we going to need to institute the preceding?

Bart: Dad, Infinitely beyond the Black-Belt Senseis.


In any management undertaking today, and given the universal volatility and rampant and uninterrupted rate of change, one must think and operate in a fluid womb-to-tomb mode.

The manager must think and operate holistically, both systematically and systemically, at all times.

In the twentieth-one century, How top managers must be, in order to succeed?

The manager must also be: i) Multidimensional, ii) Interdisciplinary, iii) Cross-disciplinary (or Interdisciplinary), iv) Multifaceted, v) Cross-functional, vi) Multifarious, vii) Multi-specializing, viii) Multimodal, ix) Cross-Referential, x) Multitasking, xi) Cross-pollinating, xii) Cross-fertilizing, xiii) Cross-sectional and xiv) Longitudinal.


An expert state-of-the-art in-all-practicality generalist and erudite INCLUDES, as per 1999’s SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) CEO, Mr. Roger Brown, observed that my notion comprises of:

(I.-) A Knowledgist,

(II.-) A Champion, and

(III.-) A Braingainer.



(A.-) Science,

(B.-) Punditry,

(C.-) Nerdiness,

(D.-) Wizardry. — (“… Any sufficiently advanced technology is virtually indistinguishable from magic…” —Arthur C. Clarke).


Homer: What is therefore your own definition for Kaizen, Bart?

Bart: Dad, this is it:

“… Kaizen, Japanese for “improvement” or “change for the best”, refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, business management or any process. It has been applied in healthcare, [.…] psychotherapy, [.…] life-coaching, government, banking, and other industries. When used in the business sense and applied to the workplace, kaizen refers to activities that continually improve all functions, and involves all employees from the CEO to the assembly line workers. It also applies to processes, such as purchasing and logistics, that cross organizational boundaries into the supply chain. [.…] By improving standardized activities and processes, kaizen aims to eliminate waste (see lean manufacturing). Kaizen was first implemented in several Japanese businesses after the Second World War, influenced in part by American business and quality management teachers who visited the country. It has since spread throughout the world [.…] and is now being implemented in environments outside of business and productivity …”

Homer: And how about Six Sigma defined, Bart?

Bart: Dad, this is it:

“ … Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It was developed by Motorola in 1986, coinciding with the Japanese asset price bubble which is reflected in its terminology [.…] Jack Welch made it central to his business strategy at General Electric in 1995. Today, it is used in many industrial sectors …. Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization (“Champions”, “Black Belts”, “Green Belts”, “Yellow Belts”, etc.) who are experts in these methods. Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has quantified value targets, for example: reduce process cycle time, reduce pollution, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and increase profits. These are also core to principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) as described by Peter Drucker and Tom Peters (particularly in his book “In Search of Excellence” in which he refers to the Motorola six sigma principles) …”

Homer: Why is leadership so spoken against by Leadership Specialist and Harvard University Prof. Barbara Kellerman, PhD., author of The End of Leadership (ISBN: 978–0062069160), Bart?

Bart: Dad, while in a society there is Universal Drunk Sodom and Universal Cocained Gomorrah, you will never have REAL MORALITY, by any rational measure. AND IF YOU DO NOT HAVE OPTIMAL MORALITY IN PLACE, THERE ARE TWO THINGS THAT YOU WILL NEVER HAVE.




Homer: So, to the best of their abilities, How far and wide angle goes the Grand View of BlackBelts in tackling with real world operational and non-operational problems, Bart?

Bart: Dad, my evidence-based research show a calculus of about 270 degrees within the mean of top-performing BlackBelts.

Homer: Having said that, Bart, What those BlackBelts need to get the missing and remaining 90 degrees back into the top performing?

Bart: Dad, what it takes is to understand and to prepare for the forthcoming White Swan book’s excerpt. Please see it here!







6.-) “…The flattening of the world is going to be hugely disruptive to both traditional and developed societies. The weak will fall further behind faster. The traditional will feel the force of modernization much more profoundly. The new will get turned into old quicker. The developed will be challenged by the underdeveloped much more profoundly. I worry, because so much political stability is built on economic stability, and economic stability is not going to be a feature of the flat world. Add it all up and you can see that the disruptions and going to come faster and harder. No one is immune — not me, not you, not Microsoft. WE ARE ENTERING AN ERA OF CREATIVE DESTRUCTION ON STEROIDS. Dealing with flatism is going to be a challenge of a whole new dimension even if your country has a strategy. But if you don’t have a strategy at all, well, again, you’ve warned…” [226]


Homer: Don’t you find the solutions to this age esoteric, Bart?

Bart: Dad, No, and it is funny that you mentioned it. I once met a Scots executive who told me that beyond-insurance risk management methodology by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin (L.M.‘s motto, “… What’s impossible today won’t be tomorrow …” ) and Royal Dutch/Shell Group, practicing Systems Approach with the Non-Theological Applied Omniscience Problem-Solving Method since the late 1970’s, was “…esoteric…” I still treasure his aesthetic e-mail.


Most-Honorable Mr. Willy Brandt (18 December 1913 – 8 October 1992) — was a German politician and Chancellor of Germany:

“…Those who adhere to the past won’t be able to cope with the future…”

Homer: Bart, Can you tell me one (1) thing BlackBelts and Senseis are missing in full-scope Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvements in the twentieth-one century?

Bart: Dad, Certainly! I will tell you six (6) examples below. In each example, BlackBelts and Senseis have to do SOMETING EXTRA and way beyond out-of-the-box foolishness.


If you are into Toyota Production System and you are the Sony Corporation, you need to know a lot of Five Rings (ISBN: 978–1935785972).

If you are into Continuous Process Improvement and you are General Electric, you ALSO need to know a lot of Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince (ISBN-13: 978–0226500447).

If you are into Juran’s Prescription and you are Jack Ma’s ( Alibaba Group (, you ALSO need to know a lot of Sun Tzu’s The Art Of War (ISBN: 978–1454911869).

If you are into Six Sigma and you are Motorola, you ALSO need to know a lot of Joseph Fouché’s Portrait of a Politician (ISBN: 978–1165614356).

If you are into Kaizen and you are Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) and Mercedes-Benz, you ALSO need to know a lot of Frederick The Great On The Art Of War (ISBN: 978–0306809088).

If you are into Lean Manufacturing and you are DARPA or NASA, you ALSO need to know a lot of Napoleons Art of War (ISBN: 978–1566196956).

Homer: Bart, Really? I did not know that!

Bart: Dad, they are and will never be as open as I am. In the final analysis to be and to come, they will be instituting the Extra Miles above.

Homer: Son, How did you get to learn about the subject matter here?

Bart: Dad, The problem with you is that you forget it all. When I was 25 I was fully introduced and indoctrinated on worldwide Royal Dutch Shell’s scenario-planning methodology by Shell’s nationalized company Maraven. That introduction and indoctrination came through the kind deeds and executive decision of and by Maraven President, Dr. Carlos Castillo and the high-ranking strategic planners under his command. The view and application of scenario-planning methodology by Maraven, as well as the training to me, included all theoretical and practical quality-assurance and continuous-improvement prescriptions by: Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Dr. Joseph Juran, Mr. Bill Conway, U.S. Navy, Kaizen and Hitachi. With serious quality assurance and continuous improvement, one must exercise (like in scenario planning) great foresight and learning in advance in order to eliminate forthcoming “defects” or “flaws,” leaving leeway to countermeasure unknonwables. All of my Maraven training included all of the preceding. Maraven was a created and an acculturated full-scope petroleum company by Shell and then under the absolute tutelage and management control of state-owned PDVSA (Citgo’s parent company). Maraven was affluently applying scenario-planning methodology as it was exactly conceived, designed and practiced by Pierre Wack (an unconventional French oil executive who was the first to develop the use of scenario planning in the private sector, at Royal Dutch Shell’s London headquarters in the 1970s.) Wack is the father of scenario planning in the private sector. For more details on this noted Guru, go to the Economist at .
Homer: Son, where is the repository of this Fenchman?
Bart: Dad, Wack’s public writings are meager and kept under the intellectual copyrighted ownership of Shell. Wack’s methodological heir was Honorable Mr. Peter Schwartz, a previous Shell executive, the former Chairman of Global Business Network ( and author of the groundbreaking book on scenario planning: “…The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World…” (ISBN-13: 978–1863160995). Wack and Schwartz are the greatest proponents of 3-scenario analysis. In my case, I institute “…hazard-scenario planning…” and the number of plausible and implausible outputted “outlooks” (scenarios) are only limited by the designated budget by the Client. I am going to explain what “ouput” means in Systems Engineering. You have the Systems Transformational “Box,” throughputting (marshaling) “…known inputs…” into “…desirable outputs…” (outcomes). BUT, FOR A LONG TIME UNTIL YEAR 1999, I HAD A REVOLTING QUESTION: WHERE DOES THE EXACT AND MOST UNDERLYING GENESIS OF SCENARIO PLANNING REALLY COME FROM? When I study contemporary authors I always wonder if I can find the actual “root” philosopher, scientist and thought leader that first brought about an idea, notion, maxim, theory or approach. For instance, great American self-help author Napoleon Hill got his first name and success tenets after and from (respectively) Napoleon Bonaparte. I research the works by the original ones first and then I might check out the works by the contemporary versions afterwards.

Homer: Son, and the U.S. Industrial-Military Complex’s involvement with this Dr. Strangeloves’ thinking thing?

Bart: Dad, COMING BACK TO THE MAIN SUBJECT MATTER, I finally founded that scenario planning was developed by the U.S. during the 1950’s and as great existential challenges were threatening the country’s National Security doctrine as a direct result of the Cold War (1947–1991). In consequence, I knew the exact and primordial, in-all-truth root and understood that DoD (1789 — present), DARPA (1958 — present), NASA (1958 — present) and Military-Industrial Complex (1961 — present) and other agencies and private contractors (including Skunkworks ones) were the founding fathers of advanced scenario-planning methodology. Many scientists and engineers worked extremely hard at it, including NASA’s Dr. Wernher von Braun ( ) and the plethora of elitist scientists collaborating with him. But the gravest inflection point came by the Sputnik Crisis (also known as the “Sputnik Moment”). From this point onward, one find the salient research by RAND Corporation’s polymath futurist Herman Kahn (February 15, 1922 – July 7, 1983). To give you an idea on Kahn’s intellectual mind-set style, please check these clear-eyed assertions by him: “…I’m against ignorance…I am against the whole cliché of the moment…I’m against fashionable thinking…I’m against sloppy, emotional thinking…” ( United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld argued, “…Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don’t know…” But many years before “… unknown unknowns…” by Rumsfeld, Khan was the ultimate pioneer in superseding “…the unthinkable…” This by Khan is one of the pillars of Transformative and Integrative Risk Management and The Future of Scientific Management, Today! He did offer a theoretical body and practical mode of approaching its theory. The most important global institutions of the world, into profit or not, are into stern “unthinkable” discerning, beginning with those of us into advanced beyond-insurance risk management and strategy. Wikipedia’s citation ( on “…the unthinkable…” polymath futurist is extremely educational. An excerpt of this citation indicates, “…Herman Kahn was a founder of the Hudson Institute and one of the preeminent futurists of the latter part of the twentieth century. He originally come to prominence as a military strategist and systems theorist while employed at the RAND Corporation. He became known for analyzing the likely consequences of nuclear war and recommending ways to improve survivability, making him an inspiration for the title character of Stanley Kubrick’s classic black comedy film satire Dr. Strangelove. His theories contributed to the development of the nuclear strategy of the United States.…Kahn’s major contributions were the several strategies he developed during the Cold War to contemplate ‘the unthinkable’ – namely, nuclear warfare – by using applications of game theory. (Most notably, Kahn is often cited as the father of scenario planning. During the mid-1950s, the Eisenhower administration’s prevailing nuclear strategy had been one of ‘massive retaliation’, enunciated by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. According to this theory, dubbed the ‘New Look’, the Soviet Army was considerably larger than that of the United States and therefore presented a potential security threat in too many locations for the Americans to counter effectively at once. Consequently, the United States had no choice but to proclaim that its response to any Soviet aggression anywhere would be a nuclear attack…Kahn considered this theory untenable because it was crude and potentially destabilizing. He argued that New-Look theory invited nuclear attack by providing the Soviet Union with an incentive to precede any conventional localized military action somewhere in the world with a nuclear attack on U.S. bomber bases, thereby eliminating the Americans’ nuclear threat immediately and forcing the United States into the land war it sought to avoid.…In 1960, as Cold War tensions were near their peak following the Sputnik crisis and amidst talk of a widening ‘missile gap’ between the United States and the Soviet Union, Kahn published On Thermonuclear War, the title of which clearly alluded to On War, the classic 19th-century treatise by the German military strategist Carl von Clausewitz.…Kahn rested his theory upon two premises, one obvious, one highly controversial. First, nuclear war was obviously feasible, since the United States and the Soviet Union currently had massive nuclear arsenals aimed at each other. Second, like any other war, it was winnable.…Whether hundreds of millions died or ‘merely’ a few major cities were destroyed, Kahn argued, life would go on – as it had, for instance, after the Black Death in Europe during the 14th century, or in Japan after the limited nuclear attack in 1945 – contrary to the conventional, prevailing doomsday scenarios. Various outcomes might be far more horrible than anything hitherto witnessed or imagined, but some of them nonetheless could be far worse than others. No matter how calamitous the devastation, Kahn argued that the survivors ultimately would not ‘envy the dead’ and to believe otherwise would mean that deterrence was unnecessary in the first place. If Americans were unwilling to accept the consequences, no matter how horrifying, of a nuclear exchange, then they certainly had no business proclaiming their willingness to attack. Without an unfettered, un-ambivalent willingness to ‘push the button’, the entire array of preparations and military deployments was merely an elaborate bluff.…The bases of his work were systems theory and game theory as applied to economics and military strategy. Kahn argued that for deterrence to succeed, the Soviet Union had to be convinced that the United States had second-strike capability in order to leave the Politburo in no doubt that even a perfectly-coordinated massive attack would guarantee a measure of retaliation that would leave them devastated as well: «…At the minimum, an adequate deterrent for the United States must provide an objective basis for a Soviet calculation that would persuade them that, no matter how skillful or ingenious they were, an attack on the United States would lead to a very high risk if not certainty of large-scale destruction to Soviet civil society and military forces…».…Superficially, this reasoning resembles the older doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) due to John von Neumann, although Kahn was one of its vocal critics. Strong conventional forces were also a key element in Kahn’s strategic thinking, for he argued that the tension generated by relatively minor flashpoints worldwide could be dissipated without resort to the nuclear option…”

Homer: Son, Do you have closing remarks about the preceding?

Bart: You bet it, Dad. Given all of the prior and to the end of all of the encompassed in the totality of this dialogue with you, Dad, I understand and summon the following:

1.- Scenario planning, also called scenario thinking or scenario analysis, is a strategic planning method that some organizations use to make flexible long-term plans. It is in large part an adaptation and generalization of classic methods used by military intelligence, government agencies and entities, NGOs, business enterprises and supranationals. Nonetheless, scenario planning as per Wack and Khan is breathtaking but in itself does not suffice in contemporary times.

2.- Along with item “1.-” there is also the concomitant application of 2.1.- Systems Theory, 2.2.- Game Theory, 2.3.- Wargaming Theory and 2.4.- Many other modes of practical strategic thinking and strategic execution. By example, Game Theory and Wargaming Theory ? both under the Systems Thinking Approach ? are extremely well addressed by Dr. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, PhD. You may wish to explored his book: “The Predictioneer’s Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future” (ISBN-13: 978–0812979770). To me Napoleon Bonaparte is the greeters Systems Thinker ever beyond any military campaign. If you are hesitant about it, please ask systems engineers, physicists, other scholars and managers, as well as prominent historians. 80% of the teaching by Bonaparte are taught in all U.S. Military Academies. In my case and as per my own experience, NASA-beloved Leonado Da Vinci’s publications can be an over-learning device for the prepared mind.

3.- With “1.-” and “2.-” in place, there is also the application of Compound Forecasting without the ruling out the vast computing calculation and transformation of narrative data and numerical data. I have many reasons to state that I use 70% of Qualitative Analytics and 30% of Quantitative Analytics. Algorithms don’t outsmart the biological brain yet. By year 2000, before the Dawn of Strong Big Data, the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) CEO, Mr. Roger Brown and me were experimenting in seizing an optimal computerized reading pertaining to the “success likelihood” of a major business initiative to be jointly launched by our respective interests. This was another way of “futuring” that resulted exceedingly interesting.

4.- In addition to all posited in “1.-”, “2.-” and “3.-”, it is, too, highly advisable the concurrent implementation of other practical methodologies of and by 4.1.- Futures Studies and 4.2.- Foresight Research.

5.- All numbered items above and in a rogue yet subtle search and recursive exploration of the totality of the whole (by holistic means), everything there must be seamlessly integrated and instituted in accordance with Systems Thinking with the Systemic and Systematic Applied Omniscience Perspective as it is understood both by Applied Engineers and Physicists. All stakeholders institutes all the approaches hereby in order to avoid disruption potentials. One of the world’s best and more authoritative example is NASA and everything by it. For decades, NASA has been developing beyond-insurance risk management technologies and services for its own initiatives, projects and missions, as well as for august global corporations. In the Summer of 2013, an American group of oil-and-gas that operate globally asked NASA for a “Space-Age Risk Management” service to them as it was made official in a NASA Press Release at Kindly please remember that Risk Management is neither taking calculated risks in Wall Streets, nor managing “challenges” by insurance and reinsurance companies. Beyond-Insurance Risk Management is, in all actuality, OPTIMAL MANAGEMENT PER SE to greatly exploit upsides and downsides before they happen. Beyond-Insurance Risk Management or “…Transformative and Integrative Risk Management…” is, by far, much more than Beyond-”…Sarbanes–Oxley Act…” Risk Management. You see, “reinsurance” is a fancy term that equates to amounts of “…insurance purchased by and for insurance companies…” If a tiny or gargantuan insurance company instituted Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, said insurance company would not need at all to buy any reinsurance “protection” or so-called “cover.”

6.- There are many leading government agencies and entities, NGOs and global corporations that, since many years now, practice everything above in parallel (simultaneously). This is under universal practice by agencies and business enterprises into Aerospace and Defense. Institutions ? that I have worked with that practice avant-garde “scenario planing” and Transformative and Integrative Risk Management ? encompass: Toyota, Mitsubishi, World Bank, Shell, Statoil, Total, Exxon, Mobil, PDVSA/Citgo, GE, GMAC, TNT Express, GTE, Amoco, BP, Abbot Laboratories, World Health Organization, Ernst Young Consulting, SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation), Pak Mail, Wilpro Energy Services, Phillips Petroleum Company, Dupont, Conoco, ENI (Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm), Chevron, and LDG Management (HCC Benefits).

7.- Many professional futurists and other scientists and entrepreneurs have formidable notions and idea but lack the direct experience in managing a dangerous corporate theater of operations (framework). To find out more about relentless Scenario-Planning Methodology and Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, you are most welcome to consider the interview at (republished by the Lifeboat Foundation and Forward Metrics).

Homer: Son, A rhetoric question: How do you manage to be the top brain behind the Bilderberg Group ( )?

Homer: Bart, What else do I not know, Bart?

Bart: Dad, that the direct incumbents of systematically applying Kaizen, Toyota Production System, Lean Manufacturing, Agile, Extreme Project Management, Six Sigma, Process Engineer and the like, as well as cradle-to-grave Strategists and so-called Futurists, are blinded powerless and intellectually castrated to deal with all of the ensuing:

A.- Black Swans,

B.- Gray Swans,

C.- Sputnik Moments,

D.- Negative Risks (the opposite of Positive Risks),

E.- Downside Futures, and

F.- Black-Box Events. PERIOD!


Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)




Getting Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Fortune-500s to Uninterruptedly Buy From You!


Amazon, Apple, Berkshire Hathaway Corporation, Mitsubishi Motors, Honda, Daimler-Chrysler’s Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Royal Dutch Shell Oil Company, Google, Xerox, Exxon-Mobil, Boeing, Amazon, Procter & Gamble, NASA and DARPA, Lockheed Martin, RAND Corporation and HUDSON Institute, Northrop Grumman Corporation, GEICO, Microsoft, etc.


You are going to need to prepare thyself breathtakingly. You will need a Brioni suit and a silk tie and understand, later on below this material, how to get lucky via Rampant Rocket Science.

FIRST. You fully study the corporation’s story and current culture and lexicon. You always study about their own problem-solving methodologies, proprietary or otherwise.

SECOND. You fully study the corporation’s financial and legal and compliance and tax standing.

THIRD. If the corporation is publicly traded, you strongly look into this.

FOURTH. You fully study the corporation’s industry and all of its competitors.

FIFTH. If the industry to which belongs the designated corporation is facing an extraordinary unforeseen wicked challenge, make a long executive presentation for the middle-management executives and the supervisory-level staff, fully acknowledging the details of said challenge and suggesting, as per authoritative authors in the subject matter, a well-organized myriad of viable fundamental solutions.

At all times, you are to make this executive presentation like a presentation to a sacred university professor and classroom, hence an institutional one only, and not a marketing one at all, as you objective is to break the ice and establish a Golden Bridge of Communication and Mutual Trust with your targeted corporate client, ONLY through meaningfulness, utility, relevance, and purposefulness.

In no slide you would mention your name, but in your solemn business cards.

Throughout this executive presentation, you will NEVER be addressing any theme natural to your Core Business’ Products and/or Services, but in your solemn business cards.


I will give you a real-life example of an extraordinary unforeseen wicked challenge. I had a new company, acting as a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO).

I was looking for institutional clients, both from the private sector and public sector. Every time I had a conversation with a prospective client, he would ask about my prior clients and ask,

“…Andres, are you going to run an experiment with my company and its employees without firm grounds …”

Then, I paid huge attention to Mr. Jim Rhon (ISBN: 978–0983841593), and his wise sentence, “…you become [professionally and business] attractive [to the many clients in the marketplace], I then found a turnaround, perhaps a breakthrough.

As an HMO I was competing with Insurance Companies that were, at the time, presenting universal insolvency in paying healthcare claims to those insurance employees covered by and through the employer’s payroll.

Across many industries, the most-important employers’ employees were getting unnecessarily ill and even dying as the insurance companies were not paying for their “covered” medical expenses.

Accordingly, I decided to make myself the ultimate master in Public and Private Insurance Systems and Beyond and in any organizational device, paying (indemnity payments) for healthcare claims.


Napoleon Bonaparte asserted, “…I have only one counsel for you ― be master [.…] No longer it is question simply of education, NOW IT BECOMES A MATTER OF ACQUIRING [HARD] SCIENCE …” Brackets are of the author.


I took several airplanes and went up and researched everything by the World Health Organization, the private and public sectors of the U.S., Canada, U.K., and some Scandinavian countries.

As a little part of that, I litmus-test every upside and downside by every Social Security program and Healthcare Safety Net System.

As I saw and understood everything under the Sky, I made myself a world-class erudite on the subject. So, I started sending FEDEX letters to the Chief Public Affairs Offices of the largest prospective clients I want for my tiny company.

These prospective largest clients have to be big in order to have a sufficient knowledge level to transcend the old-snailed insurance company notion.

I gave them a breathtaking academic business presentation, covering every Macro Aspect through every Nano Aspect, through facilitating, step-by-step plausible solutions for each one of them.

ITEM “A” (WITHIN THE “FIFTH” NUMBER).- At the end of each business presentation, they could not believe the sophistication level of my rendition.

In fact, several stated, “…Mr. Agostini, your [pro bono] presentation and academic lecture we must pay well to you…”

ITEM “B” (WITHIN THE “FIFTH” NUMBER).- Out of each ten prospective clients and because of the preceding business presentation, I got eight (8) huge clients.

ITEM “C” (WITHIN THE “FIFTH” NUMBER).- You cannot believe the level of “…courtesy extension …” they gave me once I had completed my business presentation.

Each attendee got a white envelope with CDs and organized printed materials, accounting to over 400 top-notch researched bibliographical references, those bibliographical references that at the onset underpinned my business presentation into business making.

I gave them, each, ten (2) extra packages for all of the authorities, including, in some cases, employers’ union top representatives. Ten (10) extra packages to Chief PR Officer for all of the c-level authorities.

Ergo, now, you have to pick an extremely wicked problem for your designated prospective client, it could be one outside of the client’s core business, and adapt my account above to your own reality in dealing with said perspective client.

Use these techniques and you will be impressed. Please remember to dress up extremely well and proper.

COMMENTARY TO FIFTH. Why does it have to be a long executive presentation? I will respond through Napoleon Bonaparte’s best practices, best practices to seizing success continually.

Every time a General (Manager) under his Command would give him a one-page letter (memo, slide), Napoleon would say to his General in question,

“…General (Manager), you are to wage [to launch] a grave military campaigns [a complicated business initiative] full of mechanics, dynamics and details … Subsequently, I want to KNOW everything at all in advance, every detail at all, large or tiny or fuzzy, in order for me to issue my most-detailed commanding plans for your campaign victory [that is: your triumph in the corporate theater of operations in the global marketplace]…”

To further underpin the Napoleonic motion above, William Gates III (Bill Gates), through his book Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy (ISBN: 978–0446525688), makes the case not for the relevance of “…details…”, but for the «sine qua non» vitality of “…The Granularity of Details …”

Frequently, Napoleon would dishonorably discharge this General (Manager) or have his head role for incompetence, incompetence is another word for people with a Mind “Engaged” in worshiping The Least Mental Effort, thus repudiating the “extra mile” effort.

There is too much noise about employees complaining about their bosses, but not about competent bosses complaining about their mediocre employes.

Clearly, Napoleon, during his life time and early on, heavily warns against Corporate America CEOs wanting JUST a 1-page memo delivered via email.

SIXTH. Then, you call the prospective corporate client’s P.R. person Or Communications officer and tell them about what you would like to do.

You send a letter with a summary of your presentation via FEDEX. They will give you a time and board room for your presentation, to be received by the corporation’s middle-level and supervisory-level management workers.

SEVENTH. Once you drive you car to the corporation’s office, pay extreme attention to (first) the lower-level security personnel, (second) the front-desk receptionist, and, if possible, and (third) to the great janitorial staff.

Get extremely respectful with them and treat them as the Chairman and become a bit friendly as you try to get the company’s organizational ethos by and through the lower-level security personnel, the front-desk receptionist, and the great janitorial staff.

Listen and mind-record their word types and wording construes most carefully.

In my case, by observing the front-desk receptionist for ten (10) minutes, I can tell you exactly what type of corporate culture there is about I am coping with, much more importantly than those confidential underground reports by Wall Street Bankers and Traders.

EIGHT. Before starting the executive presentation, say to the audience that you would like to introduce yourself to each one of them and shake their hands, to bring about much more psychological proximity and fore-acceptance.

Then, explain the order of your executive presentation. Second, with great care, deliver the presentation without attacking people, institutions, or even ideas.

Use, with extreme care and utility, their parlance and corporate culture at all times while you get, from A to Z, very solemnly.

Once you have thoroughly and calmly finished your executive presentation, use the Lee Iaccoca’s golden rule and state,

“ …Okay, we have completed this executive presentation and through it we saw this, that, x, y, z,…” in a summarized way.

Give them now boundaryless time and psychological space to ask you zillion questions — weird, stupid, or savvy — in the Q-and-A.

Ascertain to respond fully, accurately, on the point and with NONE MANIPULATION at all.

Take each of this business presentation an occasion to give extreme accuracy and examples of what you mean through said no-manipulation and accuracy.

In fact, tell them, AT ALL TIMES, the truths and solutions, as per your deepest and most updated research, that they did not know about it. In doing this, be extremely solemn and on the point with kindness and respect.

If there is something that you do not know, tell them, research the answer fully, and get back with the answer via a FEDEX-ed hard-copy.

Once you have responded all of the questions, give them an exact copy of the Executive Presentation, with the additional attachment of the authoritative literature you used in your evidence-based research.

Do this in hard-copy only and put it a nice white envelope. You give one package to each attendee and give the P.R. Manager three or four more for the CEO and the Board Members.

NINE. If you followed through to ULTIMATE PERFECTION, points #1 through #8, step by step, you will see them ask you something along these lines,

“…Okay, Mr. _X_, we like you evidence-based research and executive presentation and wonder who in the marketplace could offer these solutions to us …”

Without being or sounding desperate, you will say quickly and softly, “… Our Company can fully take care of those for you …”

And the idea now is that you go from a Pro Bono Executive Presentation into a formal for-business conversation with your prospective corporate client.

As the formal conversation begins, as per my long experience, tell them kindly that in parallel you want to soon fulfill the corporation’s Guidelines entirely to become a Registered Contractor as per your company’s Lines of Professional Practice.

If you want to do this procedure with, say, Apple Inc., pay attention to the following:

Register with the Supplier (Contractor) Information Database at


AS WELL:…Report.pdf

Also in parallel, ask the mid-level managers that you are formally talking to that you would like to gain more organizational familiarity by doing incommensurable listening and some small talk with lower-level employees, including the lower-level security and janitorial staff.

Put in writing, to the PR executive, a detailed overview and hand to him or her personally.

Sometimes these folks know the corporation better than the CEO. At all times and by now, be beyond ready to be called upon to meet the Chairman, CEO, or other Board Members.


(1.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Procter & Gamble, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Process Re-engineering.

(2.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at GE, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Six Sigma, and Peter F. Drucker’s Management by Objective (MBO). While you are with them, remember to commend on the Jack Welch’ and Jeff Immelt’s master lectures at GE’s Crotonville.

(3.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at RAND Corporation and HUDSON Institute, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Herman Khan’s (Dr. Strangeloves’) Scenario Methodology.

(4.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Mitsubishi Motors and Honda and Daimler-Chrysler’s Mercedes-Benz and Maytag, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Kaizen.

(5.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at NASA and DARPA and the Industrial-Military Complex, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Systems Approach with the Perspective of Applied Non-Theological Omniscience.

And, also, Want to get funded by DARPA? How? The pathway is extremely easy and promissory. Just give them an unimpeachable real-life demonstration of how to “violate” the Universe’s Laws of Physics correctly and frequently, for Life!

(6.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Lockheed Martin, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Mean, Agile, Lean, Six Sigma, and Skunk Works.

(7.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Toyota, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Toyota Production System (methodology). Please remember: TPS is also known as “…Thinking People System…” (ISBN: 978–0071392310).

(8.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Royal Dutch Shell, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Pierre Wack’s Scenario Methodology (

While at it and with them, pay colossal tribute to Royal Dutch Shell Group Planning by Pierre Wack, Ted Newland, and Peter Schwartz.

(9.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Mayo Clinic, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Dr. Joseph Juran’s (Total Quality Assurance) Prescription (ISBN: 978–0787900960).

As you talk to them, assemble your high-flying “pitch” by grouping the data in terms of medical supplies, bed availability, and staff scheduling.

Also remember to conjointly speak, at all times, of efficiency, productivity, and ROI as it stems in the incessant real-time reckoning of man-hours per patient cured and healed, transforming the dying into well-being people.

To this end, you might wish to peruse this great title: The Essential Drucker: The Best of Sixty Years of Peter Drucker’s Essential Writings on Management by Peter F. Drucker (ISBN: 978–0061345012).

(10.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Google, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Strong Quantum Supercomputing and Human-Death Reverse-Engineering, as well as utterly Curing Human Death.

Google will attained this canonical milestone through Calico (The name Calico is shorthand for California Life Company). Calico is an independent R&D biotechnology company established in 2013 by Google Inc., whose goal is to preemptively tackle the process of aging.

More specifically, Calico’s plan is to use advanced technology to increase understanding of the biology that controls lifespan, and to use that knowledge to increase longevity and cure human death.

Google’s electric driver-less car, among other amenities, will be achieved by a moon-shooting subsidiary, meaning “…Google Extreme,…” seriously known as: Google X and his Chief Scientist Officer to “…change the World,…” Dr. Astro Teller.

(11.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Xerox, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY PARC (Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated).

(12.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Rockefeller’s ExxonMobil, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Efficiency and Productivity as well as the notions of and by Return On Investment (ROI) per Petroleum Barrel produced (outputted), and Project Management.

(13.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Boeing, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Aerospace Engineering, Avionics, Systems Engineering, Reliability Engineering, Safety Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering.

(14.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence), TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Super-intelligence entrenched, in “… plain sight…,” in the covert «…ad infinitum …» realm of Dark Energy and Dark Matter.

(15.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Loyd’s of London, GEICO, Swiss RE, Munich RE, and Allianz, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Minimax, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Predictive Analytics, and Systems Engineering.

(16.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Amazon, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Low-Cost And High-End Online Commerce, Content Creation, Hi-Tech, Cloud Computing, Quadcopters (Commercial Flying Drones), and Eternal Staggering Innovation. Don’t forget to mention the artificial sage, namely the “… Mechanical Turk …”

(17.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Northrop Grumman Corporation, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY State of the Art: Quality, Continuous Improvement, Customer Satisfaction, Leadership (Man-Management and Statesmanship), Integrity, People, Suppliers, Sound Business Management, “…Best in Class…” Products and Services, and how to preemptively countermeasure Chinese penetrations and otherwise of both commercial and government networks in the United States.

(18.- of 20).- Then, you want to do business with the Oracle of Omaha’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Right? You want to get his undivided attention to offer him your professional services and seize him as your cash-paying institutional client.

If this is the case, you need to send a shrewd clear-eyed missive to Warren E. Buffett’s Mr. Charlie Munger, Business Magnate and Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Corporation and Warren’s second best friend, after Bill Gates, number one.

You use the best stationary (at least 25% made of cotton) you can use and your proposal is to be sent, under the most expensive priority, via FEDEX, with a white envelope, to:

The Most Honorable Mr. Charlie Munger
Berkshire Hathaway Corporation
3555 Farnam Street
Suite 1440
Omaha, NE 68131
(402) 393‑7255 (double check)

Through that letter, you mention seven lines of the wisdom you have gotten from Warren’ and Bill’s favorite book lists, book by book, as follows:

Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street by John Brooks
ISBN: 978–1497644892

Essays In Persuasion by John Maynard Keynes
ISBN: 978–1441492265

The Theory of Investment Value by John Burr Williams
ISBN: 978–0870341267

The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing. A Book of Practical Counsel (Revised Edition… by Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig
ISBN: 978–0060555665

The General Theory Of Employment, Interest, And Money by John Maynard Keynes
ISBN: 978–1467934923

The People v. Clarence Darrow: The Bribery Trial of America’s Greatest Lawyer by Geoffrey Cowan
ISBN: 978–0812963618

A Piece of the Action: How the Middle Class Joined the Money Class by Joe Nocera
ISBN: 978–1476744896

Money Masters of Our Time by John Train
ISBN: 978–0887309700

Paths to Wealth Through Common Stocks by Philip A. Fisher and Kenneth L. Fisher
ISBN-13: 978–0470139493

The Science of Hitting by Ted Williams, John Underwood and Robert Cup
ISBN: 978–0671621032

Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company by Andrew S. Grove
ISBN: 978–0385483827

The New Quotable Einstein by Alice Calaprice, Freeman Dyson and Albert Einstein
ISBN: 978–0691120751

The Farmer from Merna: A Biography of George J. Mecherle and a History of the State Farm Insurance Companies of… by Karl Schriftgiesser
ISBN: 978–0812984347


Remember to mention, in a thoughtful and smart way, your admiration for the United States, the Free Enterprise, Omaha, the Cheeseburger, GEICO, Babe Ruth (the Bambino), and Warren’s massive ironclad pecuniary contribution to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as the opportunities that this non-for-profit non-governmental organization offers, with the express end to solve intractable problems in the developing world.

(19.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at Microsoft Corporation, TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY Bill Gates. Don’t tall to them about their omnipresent products and services. To this company particles and sub-particles count so much. Why? Because Microsoft is the granularity-of-detail multinational.

And Microsoft is accustomed to make baby steps at light-speed frequently, all of the time, hugely adhering to the practical implications of the Japanese Kaizen philosophy.


Tell them that the advice by Bill below, mired in Microsoft, has changed your life.


“… Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose …”

“… It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure …”

“… As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others …”

“… I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts …”

“… You may have heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. There’s another day you might want to know about: Giving Tuesday. The idea is pretty straightforward. On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, shoppers take a break from their gift-buying and donate what they can to charity …”

“… Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other …”

“… The way to be successful in the software world is to come up with breakthrough software, and so whether it’s Microsoft Office or Windows, its pushing that forward. New ideas, surprising the marketplace, so good engineering and good business are one in the same …”

Absorb the preceding and incorporate those in your lexicon to them.


“ … Our strategy: High-value activities enabled by a family of devices and services [….] To increase innovation, capability, efficiency and speed we further sharpened our strategy, and in July 2013 we announced we are rallying behind a single strategy as One Microsoft. We declared that Microsoft’s focus going forward will be to create a family of devices and services for individuals and businesses that empower people around the globe at home, at work and on the go, for the activities they value most. [….] Over time, our focus on high-value activities will generate amazing innovation and new areas of growth. What is a high-value activity? Think of the experiences people have every day that are most important to them — from communicating with a family member and researching a term paper to having serious fun and expressing ideas. In a business setting, high-value activities include experiences such as conducting meetings with colleagues in multiple locations, gaining insight from massive amounts of data and information, and interacting with customers [….] MOVING FORWARD. With the decisions we’ve made this year, the strategy we’ve put in place, the organization we’ve designed, the world-class talent we have, and the devices and services we are creating, we are well-positioned to deliver growth and world-changing technology long into the future [….] We have seen incredible results in the past decade — delivering more than $200 billion in operating profit [….] Microsoft is now your ‘devices and services’ company…”

Bill Gates is no more the Microsoft chairman, but his influence on this firm is, at all times, huge. Using the words of the books below, speak to Microsoft also quoting:

Business @ the Speed of Thought: Succeeding in the Digital Economy (ISBN: 978–0446525688)

The Road Ahead: Completely Revised and Up-to-Date by Bill Gates, Nathan Myhrvold and Peter Rinearson
ISBN: 978–0140260403

Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street by John Brooks
ISBN-13: 978–1497644892

Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises by Timothy F. Geithner
ISBN-13: 978–0804138598

The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism by Doris Kearns Goodwin
ISBN-13: 978–1416547877

The Rosie Project: A Novel, by Graeme Simsion.
ISBN-13: 978–1476729091

The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert
ISBN-13: 978–0805092998

Reinventing American Health Care: How the Affordable Care Act will Improve our Terribly Complex, Blatantly Unjust… by Ezekiel Emanuel


And to this end, beyond Paul’s greatest philanthropic activities, remember this, too:

Idea Man: A Memoir by the Co-founder of Microsoft by Paul Allen (ISBN: 978–1591845379).

AFTER ALL, do not get yourself confounded, Microsoft is not just a super-advanced hi-tech, but a formidable player into Strong Artificial Intelligence with a plausible sweet tooth, in due time, for Quantum Supercomputing.


“… As the boss (Bill Gates) of Microsoft, the world’s most successful software company, I played a large part in the birth of the Information Age. In this book I explain the idea of a digital nervous system—the use of information technology to satisfy people’s needs at work and at home … ”

“… In 1999 Bill Gates wrote a prophetic book titled ‘…Business @ The Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System,…: where he stated in the very first chapter: ‘…I have a simple but strong belief. The most meaningful way to differentiate your company from your competition, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd, is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose… The relentless onward march of advanced digital technology in dentistry is a fact of life in managing a dental practice,
and it is undeniably true that how we ‘…gather, manage and use information will determine whether you win or lose…’.…”

“…I [Bill Gates] work in the software industry, where change is the norm. A popular software title…gets upgraded every year or two with major new features and continuous refinements [Kaizen]. We listen to customer feedback and study new technology opportunities to determine the improvements to make …” Brackets of and by the author.

“…The most important part of my [Bill Gates’] work as chairman is recognizing [sea-changes] and articulating the opportunities they present to each person in the company. We then empower employees with as much information and as many productivity tools as possible, so they can achieve results within the framework of that vision …” Brackets of and by unknown author.

“ … Microsoft, gives readers a fascinating insight into how personal computers are in the future going to change our lives still further and how the Internet will continue to evolve. Optimistic and enthusiastic, Bill Gates takes the reader into a world of the near future. This is a world where less paper is used [a digitized one], where teachers share their work and reach more students, where businesses hold meetings across the world without anyone leaving their offices, and where someone’s house can recognize them and choose their favorite music as they enter …”



“ … I wrote my first program for a computer when I was thirteen years old. A program tells a computer to do something. My program told the computer to play a game. This computer was very big and very slow. It didn’t even have a computer screen. But I thought it was wonderful. I was just a kid, but the computer did everything I told it to do. And even today, that’s what I love about computers. When I write a good program, it always works perfectly, every time …”

(20.- of 20).- If you want to seize the undivided attention of top executives at APPLE INC., TALK TO THEM THROUGH THE NOTIONS OF AND BY industrial design with applied fine arts, engineering, novelty, and rampant perfectionism, with the utter purpose to achieve grandiose products and high-end services, as well as the wisdom below.

I am going to share with you the wisest tidbits by apple founder, with the utter objective to convey you from a deeper understanding into doing some serious business with this great American global corporation. Pay attention; You have been warned!

Remember that Apple is hugely into a purposeful dynamic narrative with its many customers and hence into outright storytelling.



“ … Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.__[.…]__ Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future.__[.…]__For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.__[.…]__You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.__[.…]__Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.__[.…]__My favorite things in life don’t cost any money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.__[.…]__Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.__[.…]__Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.__[.…]__Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.__[.…]__That’s been one of my mantras — focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.__[.…]__ Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.__[.…]__ Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations.__[.…]__Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works.__[.…]__Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.__[.…]__Stay hungry, stay foolish.__[.…]__Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionize the way we learn.__[.…]__Design is the fundamental soul of a man-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service. The iMac is not just the color or translucence or the shape of the shell. The essence of the iMac is to be the finest possible consumer computer in which each element plays together.__[.…]__The over-all point is that new technology will not necessarily replace old technology, but it will date it. By definition. Eventually, it will replace it. But it’s like people who had black-and-white TVs when color came out. They eventually decided whether or not the new technology was worth the investment.__[.…]__I have a great respect for incremental improvement, and I’ve done that sort of thing in my life, but I’ve always been attracted to the more revolutionary changes. I don’t know why. Because they’re harder. They’re much more stressful emotionally. And you usually go through a period where everybody tells you that you’ve completely failed.__[.…]__If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle …”


Check some of the fundamental of their organizational ethos and values:



Because education is a great equalizer, we’re investing heavily in helping workers throughout our supply chain learn new skills and better understand their rights. In 2013, more than 280,000 people at 18 supplier sites took courses in a range of subjects through our free education and development program. In addition, our suppliers trained more than 1.5 million workers on their rights, bringing the total number trained since 2007 to 3.8 million.

WE’VE STRENGTHENED OUR PROGRAMS TO HELP SUPPLIERS PROTECT STUDENT INTERNS AND OTHER AT-RISK WORKERS. We’re continuing our efforts to end excessive work hours. In 2013, our suppliers achieved an average of 95 percent compliance with our maximum 60-hour workweek. We’re driving responsible sourcing of minerals, and we’ve publicly released a list of smelters and refiners in our supply chain to promote transparency.

TO ADDRESS THE SHORTAGE OF QUALIFIED ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND SAFETY (EHS) PERSONNEL, we launched the Apple Supplier EHS Academy — a formal, 18-month program we believe to be one of the most comprehensive EHS training and education programs in any supply chain. In 2013, over 240 factory personnel representing factories with more than 270,000 employees enrolled in this program, which will raise the standard for EHS management in our supply chain.

WE EXPECT OUR SUPPLIERS TO ACT IN ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE WAYS. So we’re working with industry experts to identify high-risk facilities, conduct audits focused on environmental issues, and develop methods to lessen our environmental impact. In addition, we launched a pilot of our Clean Water Program with sites that collectively use over 41 million cubic meters of water per year. We have aggressive goals to reduce freshwater usage by reusing and recycling water within the production process.

OUR SUPPLIER CODE OF CONDUCT WAS ALREADY ONE OF THE TOUGHEST IN THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY, but we’ve made it even stronger. And we ensure compliance by conducting hundreds of audits per year worldwide. Our efforts span the entire range of our supply chain — from the manufacturers of tiny components to the facilities that assemble our final products.

GET DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT OUR 18 FINAL ASSEMBLY FACILITIES. And download a list of our top 200 suppliers, including component providers and others representing at least 97 percent of procurement expenditures for materials, manufacturing, and assembly of our products worldwide in 2013.


And leading people at Apple Inc. suggest this reading list.


Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff (Aug 1, 1999)
ISBN-13: 978–0452011878

The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book That Will Change the Way You Do Business by Clayton M. Christensen
ISBN-13: 978–0062060242

Be Here Now by Ram Dass (Oct 12, 1971)
ISBN-13: 978–0517543054

Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind by Shunryu Suzuki and David Chadwick (Jun 28, 2011)
ISBN-13: 978–1590308493

Autobiography of a Yogi (Self-Realization Fellowship) by Paramahansa Yogananda (Jan 5, 1998)
ISBN-13: 978–0876120798

Diet for a Small Planet (20th Anniversary Edition) by Frances Moore Lappe (May 12, 1985)
ISBN-13: 978–0345321206

Inside the Tornado: Strategies for Developing, Leveraging, and Surviving Hypergrowth Markets (Collins Business… by Geoffrey A. Moore (Dec 14, 2004)
ISBN-13: 978–0060745813

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism (Shambhala Classics) by Chogyam Trungpa (Oct 22, 2002)
ISBN-13: 978–1570629570

Only the Paranoid Survive: How to Exploit the Crisis Points That Challenge Every Company by Andrew S. Grove (Mar 16, 1999)
ISBN-13: 978–0385483827

iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded Apple, and Had Fun Doing It… by Steve Wozniak and Gina Smith (Oct 17, 2007)
ISBN-13: 978–0393330434



Memorize and recite Apple Inc.‘s Motto:

“…Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do…”


N.B. #1: If anything of the Institutions above has a major proprietary Methodology or Problem-Solving Methodology to fundamentally tackle with Issue A, Issue B, and Issue C, and in case that you ALSO have your own major proprietary Methodology or Problem-Solving Methodology to fundamentally tackle with Challenge Alpha, Challenge Beta, and Challenge Gamma — to the greatest competitive advantage of the Institutions above —, DO NOT EVER EVER MAKE DIRECT OR INDIRECT COMPARISONS.


If you have to, go all the way to acknowledge their solution tool-kits frequently and get busied doing yours without offending anyone. Be extremely carefully.

N.B. #2: I know great c-suite consulting incumbents and other professional service providers who want to get the undivided attention of 90% of the CEOs above at once.

The majority of those CEOs are august applied scientists. They are only into applied scientific management. Ergo, they really need to get ready to be multidimensional and cross-functional and multifarious.

There is NEVER EVER an Internet resource, nor an online book or article giving you this most-profound advice.




In outright — most seriously — hard rocket science, there is not Bad Luck, but an unfavorable situation and negative dynamics, whose detailed circumstances are NOT FULLY understood, but with deep and wide knowledge can be transformed to our advantage.

In outright — most seriously — hard rocket science, there is not Good Luck, but a favorable situation and positive dynamics, whose detailed circumstances are NOT FULLY understood, but with deep and wide knowledge can be transformed to our advantage.

In outright — most seriously — hard rocket science, there is not Bad Fortune, but an unfavorable situation and negative dynamics, whose detailed circumstances are NOT FULLY understood, but with deep and wide knowledge can be transformed to our advantage.

In outright — most seriously — hard rocket science, there is not Good Fortune, but a favorable situation and positive dynamics, whose detailed circumstance are NOT FULLY understood, but with deep and wide knowledge can be transformed to our advantage.

Accordingly, you can say that Bad Luck and Bad Fortune ARE A FUNCTION OF having an unprepared mind and hence being sputnikked (strategically surprised into immeasurable disruption) by the rigors and rudiments of professional life, hence undergoing one’s own all crucial NEGATIVE disadvantages by carelessness.

Consequently, you can say that Good Luck and Good Fortune ARE A FUNCTION OF having an industriously prepared mind READY IN REAL-TIME and NEVER EVER being sputnikked. Thus, NEVER EVER strategically surprised into immeasurable disruption, but, on the contrary, into overwhelming Continual Victory and Nonlinear Exponential Growth.

To underpin the above, let us consider this wise quotation:


Imagine that you start rowing in one direction. The left behind trail (the past) and the trajectory projected forward (the future), by yourself, of one own rowing effort in order to seize your Continual Success and keep seizing you Continual Success and your Increasing Growth.

Blind followers of Bad Luck and Good Fortune, so called, DO NOT follow strict Science. And Science entails the Great Observance of Laws of Nature and Laws of the Universe, never guesswork!

Stop the superstition and ignorance, become a master and get over-prepared, by preparing your won self. PREPARATION IS A SINE QUA NON INDISPENSABLY HERE.

Subsequently, practice, practice, and practice your preparation. And always remember:

“… Practice makes perfect …”


Authored By Copyright Mr. Andres Agostini

White Swan Book Author (Source of this Article)




— Coindesk

Libra announced it has raised $500,000 in a new seed round led by New York-based, seed-stage investment fund Liberty City Ventures.

The round, which coincides with the formal launch of its IRS-compliant accounting software LibraTax, also included participation from Raptor Ventures managing director James Pallotta and former Facebook software engineer and current BitGo CPO Ben Davenport.

Speaking to CoinDesk, Libra CEO Jake Benson indicated that the company intends to use the funds to build around its core product, creating a wide range of solutions for businesses and certified public accountants (CPAs) working in the bitcoin space.

Read more

Quoted: “Ethereum will also be a decentralised exchange system, but with one big distinction. While Bitcoin allows transactions, Ethereum aims to offer a system by which arbitrary messages can be passed to the blockchain. More to the point, these messages can contain code, written in a Turing-complete scripting language native to Ethereum. In simple terms, Ethereum claims to allow users to write entire programs and have the blockchain execute them on the creator’s behalf. Crucially, Turing-completeness means that in theory any program that could be made to run on a computer should run in Ethereum.” And, quoted: “As a more concrete use-case, Ethereum could be utilised to create smart contracts, pieces of code that once deployed become autonomous agents in their own right, executing pre-programmed instructions. An example could be escrow services, which automatically release funds to a seller once a buyer verifies that they have received the agreed products.”

Read Part One of this Series here » Ethereum — Bitcoin 2.0? And, What Is Ethereum.

Read Part Two of this Series here » Ethereum — Opportunities and Challenges.

Read Part Three of this Series here » Ethereum — A Summary.

Quoted: “Bitcoin technology offers a fundamentally different approach to vote collection with its decentralized and automated secure protocol. It solves the problems of both paper ballot and electronic voting machines, enabling a cost effective, efficient, open system that is easily audited by both individual voters and the entire community. Bitcoin technology can enable a system where every voter can verify that their vote was counted, see votes for different candidates/issues cast in real time, and be sure that there is no fraud or manipulation by election workers.”

Read the article here »…aacc8412c7

Quoted: “The Factom team suggested that its proposal could be leveraged to execute some of the crypto 2.0 functionalities that are beginning to take shape on the market today. These include creating trustless audit chains, property title chains, record keeping for sensitive personal, medical and corporate materials, and public accountability mechanisms.

During the AMA, the Factom president was asked how the technology could be leveraged to shape the average person’s daily life.”

Kirby responded:

“Factom creates permanent records that can’t be changed later. In a Factom world, there’s no more robo-signing scandals. In a Factom world, there are no more missing voting records. In a Factom world, you know where every dollar of government money was spent. Basically, the whole world is made up of record keeping and, as a consumer, you’re at the mercy of the fragmented systems that run these records.”

» Read the article here »…r-bitcoin/

» Visit Factom here »