
Archive for the ‘biological’ category: Page 101

Dec 20, 2021

Where does consciousness come from? And how do our brains create it? A look at one of life’s biggest mysteries

Posted by in categories: biological, chemistry, neuroscience

General anesthesia doesn’t just work on your brain or on your mind. It works on your consciousness. By altering the delicate electrochemical balance within the neural circuitry inside your head, the basic ground state of what it is to “be” is — temporarily — abolished. In this process lies one of the greatest remaining mysteries in science, and in philosophy too.

Somehow, within each of our brains, the combined activity of billions of neurons, each one a tiny biological machine, is giving rise to a conscious experience. And not just any conscious experience, your conscious experience, right here, right now.

Dec 17, 2021

“The Google Earth of Biology” — Visually Stunning Tree of All Known Life Unveiled Online

Posted by in categories: biological, evolution, existential risks, mapping, sustainability

OneZoom is a one-stop site for exploring all life on Earth, its evolutionary history, and how much of it is threatened with extinction.

The OneZoom explorer – available at – maps the connections between 2.2 million living species, the closest thing yet to a single view of all species known to science. The interactive tree of life allows users to zoom in to any species and explore its relationships with others, in a seamless visualisation on a single web page. The explorer also includes images of over 85,000 species, plus, where known, their vulnerability to extinction.

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Dec 16, 2021

The Universe Might Be Able to Bend the Laws of Physics All By Itself

Posted by in categories: biological, cosmology, neuroscience, physics

At this point, the paper mingles cosmology, or the study of the universe and its origins, with biology. “We ask whether there might be a mechanism woven into the fabric of the natural world, by means of which the universe could learn its laws,” the authors write. In other words, a universal law might transcend all scientific fields. That means that the laws of physics, as we know them, could be subject to higher-order laws of the universe that control them—and that we can’t even comprehend.

“Exploring links between fields is crucial because knowledge is not fundamentally compartmentalized,” says Bruce Bassett, professor at the University of Cape Town’s Department of Mathematics and head of the Cosmology Group at the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences in South Africa. We humans are simply narrow-minded. “We segment and compress knowledge into biology, and physics, and sociology because of our limited brains, and the cost of that segmentation and compression is that we easily miss the commonalities and hidden universality between branches of human knowledge.”

Dec 15, 2021

The Most Realistic Robot Humanoid | Nanochip for Programming Living Matter | Technology News

Posted by in categories: biological, drones, Elon Musk, robotics/AI

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Also, the first 200 people who click this link will get 20% off a year’s Premium subscription.

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Dec 13, 2021

Dr. David Berson: Your Brain’s Logic & Function

Posted by in categories: biological, education, neuroscience

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In this episode, Dr. Huberman is joined by Dr. David Berson, Professor and Chairman of Neuroscience at Brown University. Dr. Berson discovered the neurons in your eye that set your biological rhythms for sleep, wakefulness, mood and appetite. He is also a world-renowned teacher of basic and advanced neuroscience, having taught thousands of university lectures on this topic. Many of his students have become world-leading neuroscientists and teachers themselves.

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Dec 12, 2021

New Clues about the Origins of Biological Intelligence

Posted by in categories: biological, neuroscience

A common solution is emerging in two different fields: developmental biology and neuroscience.

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Dec 11, 2021

Meet Xenobots 3.0 — World’s First Living Robots, Made of Frog Cells, That Can Reproduce

Posted by in categories: biological, entertainment, robotics/AI

I wonder how many iterations of “kinematic reproduction” would result in sentience.

Artificial Intelligence has made a landmark achievement by creating robots that can reproduce. US scientists who created the first living robots claim they can now reproduce on their own. Scientists now claim the discovery is a new form of biological reproduction that was not known to science yet. Experts say the parent robot and its babies, called Xenobots, are entirely biological.

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Dec 11, 2021

Kris Verburgh — CSO of Novos Labs views on Longevity Escape Velocity (con S/T en Español)

Posted by in categories: biological, life extension, Ray Kurzweil

Clip during an interview made by Nicholas Singh, Senior Product Manager at Novos Labs to Kris Verburgh, CSO and Co-Founder of Novos Lab.

The clip shows the answer made by Kris Verburgh to a question made by José Cordeiro, PhD, MBA, Vice-Chairman of Humanity Plus, about the prediction made by Ray Kurzweil on the availability of full body human biological rejuvenation by 2045.

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Dec 9, 2021

Study Pinpoints Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Impact Happening In Spring To Early Summer Of 66 Million Years Ago

Posted by in categories: asteroid/comet impacts, biological, existential risks, food

According to a news release by The University of Manchester, a groundbreaking study published in the journal Scientific Reports provides new evidence that helps us to understand the asteroid impact that brought an end to 75 percent of life on Earth, including non-avian dinosaurs, at the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition 66 million years ago.

This project has been a huge undertaking but well worth it. For so many years we’ve collected and processed the data, and now we have compelling evidence that changes how we think of the KPg event, but can simultaneously help us better prepare for future ecological and environmental hazards.

Time of year plays an important role in many biological functions— reproduction, available food sources, feeding strategies, host-parasite interactions, seasonal dormancy, breeding patterns, to name a few. It is hence no surprise that the time of year for a global-scale disaster can play a big role in how harshly it impacts life. The seasonal timing of the Chicxulub impact has therefore been a critical question for the story of the end-Cretaceous extinction. Until now the answer to that question has remained unclear.

Dec 9, 2021

DARPA Successfully Transitions Synthetic Biomanufacturing Technologies to Support National Security Objectives

Posted by in categories: biological, chemistry, engineering, military

Launched in 2010, DARPA’s Living Foundries program aimed to enable adaptable, scalable, and on-demand production of critical, high-value molecules by programming the fundamental metabolic processes of biological systems to generate a vast number of complex molecules. These molecules were often prohibitively expensive, unable to be domestically sourced, and/or impossible to manufacture using traditional synthetic chemistry approaches. As a proof of concept, DARPA intended to produce 1,000 molecules and material precursors spanning a wide range of defense-relevant applications including industrial chemicals, fuels, coatings, and adhesives.

Divided into two parts – Advanced Tools and Capabilities for Generalizable Platforms (ATCG) and 1,000 Molecules – the Living Foundries program succeeded not only in meeting its programmatic goals of producing 1,000 molecules as a proof-of-concept, but pivoted in 2019 to expand program objectives to working with military mission partners to test molecules for military applications. The performer teams collectively have produced over 1,630 molecules and materials to-date, and more importantly, DARPA is transitioning a subset of these technologies to five military research teams from Army, Navy, and Air Force labs who partnered with the agency on testing and evaluation over the course of the program.

“Biologically-produced molecules offer orders-of-magnitude greater diversity in chemical functionality compared to traditional approaches, enabling scientists to produce new bioreachable molecules faster than ever before,” noted Dr. Anne Cheever, Living Foundries program manager. “Through Living Foundries, DARPA has transformed synthetic biomanufacturing into a predictable engineering practice supportive of a broad range of national security objectives.”

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