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2 Comments so far

  1. Questions are the answers to our future

    The real value of questioning is supported by the value of relativity as a theoretical model. Einstein chose to change his supporting evidence by two stars colliding to make quantum physics. The notion is grandeous in its value to describe external drive. The quantum theory elevates this by forming a suggestion of exploding stars and gaseous exchange as the overall domination of quantum physics and its reverse postulate to gain momentum on super novas. The answer is simple. Giant stars do implode causing a reverberation into the galaxy at astronomical speed. When we look at the majesty of this, the simplistic forum postulates a different scenario. What if giant stars actually do melt. The deduction is this: when we observe a classical star, the invention starts to escalate to deduce a far rather bigger implosionthat nets the cosmos into a dying vertex bigger than itself. The vertex is a gravity observation given by the consuming powers of a monstrous gas explosion. An implosion inverts the gaseous exchange causing a massive black hole. This means that the observation falls quantitatively out of order to produce a miniscule aspect of the giant star. A quarter magnitude to its reversed observation.

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