
Mar 12, 2011

Five Results on Mini-Black Holes Left Undiscussed by CERN for 3 Years

Posted by in categories: existential risks, particle physics

1) Mini black holes are both non-evaporating and uncharged.

2) The new unchargedness makes them much more likely to arise in the LHC (since electrons are no longer point-shaped in confirmation of string theory).

3) When stuck inside matter, mini black holes grow exponentially as “miniquasars” to shrink earth to 2 cm in perhaps 5 years time.

4) They go undetected by CERN’s detectors.

5) They cannot eat neutron star cores (CERN’s life insurance argument is misleading).

For almost one year, CERN tries to produce them. Last week, CERN resumed operation while openly shunning the scientific safety conference publicly demanded for three years and most recently advised by a Cologne court.
The world’s media who do not believe that CERN betrays them are encouraged to ask one constructive question: Is a single physics nobelist ready to disprove one of the above 5 points?

i) O.E. Rossler, “Abraham-solution to Schwarzschild metric implies that CERN miniblack holes pose a planetary risk,” in: Vernetzte Wissenschaften — Crosslinks in Natural and Social Sciences (P.J. Plath and E.C. Hass, eds.), pp. 263–270. Logos-Verlag Berlin, July 2008; online:
ii) O.E. Rossler, “A rational and moral and spiritual dilemma,” in: Personal and Spiritual Development in the World of Cultural Diversity,
Vol. 5 (G.E,., Lasker and K. Hiwaki, eds.), pp.61–66. Int. Inst. Adv. Stud. Systems Research and Cybernetics, Tecumseh, July 2008; online:
iii) O.E. Rossler, TeLeMaCh theorem,…t-l-m-.pdf


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  1. Dear Otto Rössler,

    You are an inspiration, and you have my full support.

    My non-scientific contribution is here:

    I truly hope our shared concern will soon gain the momentum of a tsunami, and prevent even more devastating consequences than one.

    With high hopes,
    Stefan Hansen

  2. Otto E. Rossler says:

    Yes, this is a religious situation. Therefore we have to act rationally for once.