Advisory Board

Todd Huffman, MSc

Todd Huffman, MSc is cofounder of the BIL Conference. The BIL Conference is trying to make the world a better place through bold vision and action. Todd arranges a lot of the basic infrastructure for the conference, as well as coordinates the various teams in the open culture community.

Todd is also Chief Scientist for Sofcoast, a company producing field communication technologies. Their projects include: ASAP – Affordable Stationary Aerial Platform – an inexpensive aerostat for wireless repeaters, Three2Link – Mobile software for logging and information sharing in the field, and FirstKit – A systems integration platform oriented towards field communications.

He is also on the Board of Directors of Humanity+. Humanity+ is an international nonprofit membership organization which advocates the ethical use of technology to expand human capacities. They support the development of, and access to, new technologies that enable everyone to enjoy better minds, better bodies, and better lives. In other words, they want people to be better than well.

Todd has worked as a consultant for Suspended Animation and as a Field Team Member for the Alcor Life Extension Foundation. He was also a volunteer for the Methuselah Foundation.

Todd earned his Master’s in Computational Biosciences at Arizona State University and his Bachelor’s in Neuroscience at the California State University at Long Beach. He earned his Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Studies at Nanyang Technical University, Singapore.

He coauthored The Arrest of Biological Time as a Bridge to Engineered Negligible Senescence and Selective attention affects human brain stem frequency-following response. Watch BIL:PIL 2009 – Full Digital Reconstructions of Brains – Todd Huffman, TODD HUFFMAN BILconference Long Beach CA, and Chat With Todd Huffman, Feb 10th 2008. Read A Sixth Sense for a Wired World. Visit his Flickr photostream. Read his LinkedIn profile and follow his Twitter feed.