Advisory Board

Scott Jackisch

Scott Jackisch runs The Oakland Futurist blog and is owner of Globalize Networks.

Scott lives in Oakland, CA with his girlfriend of many years, Gretchen. He grew up outside of Buffalo, NY, and also lived briefly in New Orleans, LA. He has worked with computers since 1999 and is currently exploring a new avocation as a writer.

His interest in futurism started early in his youth as he read the science fiction of authors like Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein. Later, he admired the work of William Gibson and Neal Stephenson. He is still a big sci-fi fan and Vernor Vinge, Charles Stross, and Daniel Suarez are some of his favorite contemporary authors.

Scott got into cognitive science after attending Monica Anderson’s AI Meetup, and then Dana Ream’s Cognitive Science Reading Group. He is very interested in enactivism and embodied cognition. He is an active participant and hosts his own Futurist Meetup. Some other groups he is a part of are Quantified Self and the Long Now.

He has also done a lot of work with startups and is interested in the Silicon Valley entrepreneurial scene.

Read Extreme Futurist Festival — Grinders, the Practical Transhumanists, Utopia Sucks, Writing to Create a “Good Future”, Some Will Be Living Forever (2033 Immortality Fiction Contestant), and Review of Jaron Lanier’s “Who Owns the Future” — or how to extrapolate from false premises. Read his LinkedIn profile. Follow his Twitter feed.