Advisory Board

Robin Helweg-Larsen

Robin Helweg-Larsen is Owner of Andromeda Training.

Eliza and Robin Helweg-Larsen created Andromeda Training in 1993, and in 1996 developed the family of Income/Outcome® simulations. Income/Outcome is now used around the world by companies like Michelin, BIC, and Abbott Labs.

Income/Outcome™ team members have taught executive-level seminars on five continents and have helped tens of thousands of employees at all levels to build business acumen. Their team combines experience on the client side running training and development programs for Fortune 1000 organizations, with experience providing training programs to Fortune 1000 organizations.

Robin is currently interested in working in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and other Gulf countries, helping them with their push to create a widespread entrepreneurial and business-savvy culture as their world evolves rapidly.

He is also author of The Gospel According to the Romans: a non-believer’s view.

Watch Raise Business Acumen With Income-Outcome Business Simulations. Learn about his free Visual Finance iPad app. View his Facebook page. Read his LinkedIn profile. Read his blog. Follow his Twitter feed.