Advisory Board

Professor Robert Splinter

Robert Splinter, Ph.D. is Technology Officer at Splinter Consultants and Associate Professor (Adj.) and Research Lead at the Department of Physics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Robert has built his career as a scientist and engineering-technology manager in bio-medical engineering. He has dedicated his work to resolve medical (clinical) and biological issues by investigating the development of novel diagnostic techniques and treatment methods using all the aspects of the broad field of applied physics and engineering. In his work he has had to rely on the fact that physics is generally nonlinear and dynamic when applied to the 3D anatomy and functionality of living biological systems, which makes the research aspect all the more challenging and interesting.

Due to the continuously increasing clinical demands for additional details as well as a higher degree of accuracy of diagnostic and therapeutic instrument performance he cofounded several companies in biomedical engineering and worked for several established medical device companies. In addition he has worked in clinical settings, prototyping and validating devices using the full practical and theoretical knowledge of physics, biology, and engineering.

In an effort to share his experience he holds a position as Associate Professor (Adj.) at the Department of Physics and Optical Science of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Robert is coauthor of Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Second Edition and An Introduction to Biomedical Optics and edited Handbook of Physics in Medicine and Biology. Learn about his publications and patents.

Robert earned his MSc in Engineering Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e in Eindhoven, Netherlands in 1987. He earned his Ph.D. in Applied Physics, Biomedical at VU University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1994.

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