Advisory Board

Dr. Peter Watts

Peter Watts, Ph.D. is a Hugo Award-winning Canadian science fiction author and former marine-mammal biologist.
Peter authored Blindsight (2007 Hugo Award Finalist), Echopraxia, Starfish (A New York Times Notable Book of the Year), Maelstrom, Behemoth: B-Max, Behemoth: Seppuku, Beyond the Rift, The Colonel: A Tor.Com Original, Crysis: Legion, Firefall, and Ten Monkeys, Ten Minutes. His The Island won the 2010 Hugo Award for Best Novelette. (Read The Island for free!)
Here are some of his short stories that you can read for free: Home, Ambassador, Bethlehem, A Niche, Flesh Made Word, Bulk Food, Fractals, The Second Coming of Jasmine Fitzgerald, Nimbus, A Word for Heathens, Mayfly, Repeating the Past, Hillcrest V. Velikovsky, The Things, Malak, Firebrand (reprinted in Neil Clarke’s Forever free inaugural issue!), Giants, Hotshot, The Colonel, and Collateral.
Peter earned his BSc (honors) in Marine Biology at the University of Guelph in 1981. He earned his MSc at the University of Guelph in 1983 with the thesis “Habitat index analysis of inshore distribution of Phocoena phocoena in the Bay of Fundy.” He earned his Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia in 1991 with the dissertation “Hauling out behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina richardsi), with particular attention to thermal constraints.”
Watch Peter Watts: Burn the Data to the Ground and Peter Watts — God, Jackboots, and Rule 34 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. Read INTERVIEW — Peter Watts on consciousness, first person narratives and how the future belongs to sociopaths. Read his Wikipedia profile. Read his blog.