Advisory Board

Dr. Martin J. Dudziak

Martin J. Dudziak, Ph.D. is Co-Director at the Institute for Innovative Study and Chief Strategist/Scientist at TETRADYN.

The Institute for Innovative Study (IIS) is grounded and focused upon consciously and deliberately linking basic, abstract, theoretical, and speculative research with directed and focused goals of linking theory with praxis, bridging from theoretical foundations to practical activities. Their goal is fruitful and meaningful success in reasoning and experiment that enables the attainment of solutions for real-world problems and needs — discoveries that are not only innovative and unique but pragmatic for our world of today and tomorrow.

Energy and Environment — solutions to optimize production process, control, yield. But TETRADYN does a lot more. The company is more like a VC portfolio of products, intellectual property, services, built by the Team. They have several products, all highly integrated, complementary, mutually supportive. The business model is one of Organic Economics, or better, EcoSymbiotics.

Martin’s papers include A Prospective New Order of Adaptive Intelligent Materials and Devices, Prediction of Flow and Direction in Complex Systems by use of Inverse Relational Maps with Remarks on Applications to Image-Guided Processing Applications, Topological Process Dynamics and Applications to Biosystems, Design of Magneto-Optic Wide-Area Arrays for Deep Space EMF Studies and Power System Control, Nondestructive Evaluation for Crack, Corrosion, and Stress Detection for Metal Assemblies and Structures, and Structural Integrity Inspection and Monitoring By Magnetooptic Sensors.

Martin earned his BA in Philosophy and Physics (with high honors) at Colgate University in 1972. He earned his MS in Philos of Physics at Johns Hopkins University, in 1988. He earned his Ph.D. in Physics at The Union Institute and University in 1993 with the dissertation “Quantum Processes in Macroscopic and Biological Systems”.

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