Advisory Board

Dr. Laszlo B. Kish

Laszlo B. Kish, Ph.D, DSc, 2 Hon DSc is a physicist and full professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Texas A&M University. He Authored Kish Cypher: The Story Of KLJN For Unconditional Security and coedited The Random and Fluctuating World: Celebrating Two Decades of Fluctuation and Noise Letters.

His previous long-term positions include the Department of Experimental Physics, University of Szeged, Hungary (JATE, 1982–1997), and Angstrom Laboratory, Uppsala University, Sweden (1997–2001). During the same periods, he also conducted scientific research in short-term positions, such as at the Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands, 1986, 1997), University of Cologne (Germany, 1989, 1990), National Research Laboratory of Metrology (Japan, 1991), University of Birmingham (United Kingdom, 1993), and others.

Laszlo earned his Ph.D. in Solid State Physics in 1984 and his Master’s Degree of Science in Physics from Attila József University (JATE) in 1980. He had no official Ph.D. adviser, though his mentors were Laszlo Vize and Miklos Torok.

He earned his Habilitation (Docent) in Solid State Physics from Uppsala University, Sweden in 1994. In 2001, Laszlo earned his Doctor of Science in Physics, from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

In 2011 he earned his Honorary Doctorate (Honoris Causa) in Science and Technology from Uppsala University and his Honorary Doctorate (Honoris Causa) in Natural Science and Technology from the University of Szeged in 2012.

His main research interests are unidentified problems, particularly the laws, limits, and applications of stochastic fluctuations (noise) in physical, biological, and technological systems, including nanotechnology. The applications, among others, include fluctuation-enhanced sensing; noise-based logic and computing; unconditionally secure communications; communications without emitted signals; and secure computers and hardware.

Laszlo was awarded the Medal of Merit from the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland in 2017. Between 2015 and 2018, he was Distinguished Guest Professor at Hunan University, Changsha, China, and previously Honorary Professor between 2013 and 2016 at the same Hunan University. He was the recipient of the 2001 Benzelius Prize of the Royal Society of Science of Sweden for his activities on fluctuation-enhanced chemical sensing.

He was founding editor-in-chief of Fluctuation and Noise Letters (2001–2008), where he is currently Honorary Editor (2009–present). Laszlo is also the founder of the international conference series Unsolved Problems of Noise. It is held at various locations every 3rd year since 1996 when he chaired the first meeting. He is cofounder of SPIE’s international conference series Fluctuations and Noise (with D. Abbott) and the Hot Topics of Physical Informatics (HotPI) conference series (with David K. Ferry and He Wen). He coauthored The Dancer and the Piper: Resolving Problems with Government Research Contracting.

His book The Kish Cypher clarifies the misinformation on the “Kish Cypher” (the popular but incorrect name for the Kirchhoff–Law–Johnson–Noise, KLJN, scheme), and debunks common misconceptions by using simple and clear-cut treatments to explain the protocol’s working principle — an understanding that has eluded (even) several experts of computer science, quantum security, and electrical engineering. The work also explains how the scheme can provide the same or higher level of security as quantum communicators at a thousandth of the cost.

Laszlo has often played the role of critic. His inventions and co-inventions include Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing, SEPTIC (Rapid Bacterial Detection) Method, Absolutely Secure Communications by Johnson-like Noise and Kirchhoff’s Laws, Speed Error Energy Limits of Computers, The Communication Between Signal and Zero Power, the theoretically safe computer hardware information, noise-based logic, electrical noise motors, and others.

In the search for scientific truth, with his coauthors, Laszlo successfully challenged Landauer’s principle of memory erasure, the claim that quantum computers can dissipate less than general-purpose desktops, the hopes that twisted radio waves are feasible for long-range communications, the quantum 1/f noise model, and the belief that only quantum informatics can be unconditionally secure.

Watch Q&A with Dr. Laszlo Kish [ECEN].

Read his Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing, Perspective — On the thermodynamics of perfect unconditional security, and Contrast detection is enhanced by non-stochastic, high-frequency transcranial alternating current stimulation with triangle and sine waveform.

Read An unconditionally secure time synchronization protocol. Read Information Networks Secured by the Laws of Physics. Read the Publication list of Laszlo B. Kish.

Visit his LinkedIn profile, Wikipedia page, Google Scholar page, ResearchGate profile, DBpedia page, and IEEE Xplore profile. Follow him on WorldCat Identities.