Jesse Merriman
Jesse Merriman is Programmer/Analyst for the
Frontier Science Foundation. Frontier Science
is a non-profit research foundation established in 1975 to advance the
application of statistical science and practice and data management
techniques in science, health care, and education.
Jesse was previously Co-op Programmer/Operator at Children’s Institute,
Co-op Software Developer at RightNow Technologies, and
Co-op Software Developer at Soleo Communications.
His programming projects have included LTF:
Linear Transformation Finder,
WebmailPGP: PGP for webmail,
Extracting video URLs from JavaScript,
Lawn Mower Cellular Automata,
Puzzle Solver: Configuration Puzzle Solver,
Educational Math Game, DMV Line:
DMV Waiting Line Simulation,
Dual Elevator Simulation, RPS: Rock, Paper,
Scissors, and Trig
Patterns: Trigonometric Grapher.
Jesse earned his B.S. in Computer Science with Honors from the
Rochester Institute of Technology in 2006.