Advisory Board

Dr. Jan Jungclaus

Jan Jungclaus, Ph.D. is an entrepreneur interested in the areas of artificial and collective intelligence, computational intelligence, bio-inspired computing, ubiquitous computing, and human-computer-interaction. He has interests in synthetic biology, nanotechnology, and computational brain-sciences.

Jan was previously Instructor at Harvard GSD, Teaching Fellow at Harvard University, Part-time Consultant at One Laptop Per Child, Researcher Global Elearning at Fraunhofer IGD/IMEDIA, Researcher Multimedia at Fraunhofer CRCG/ Fraunhofer IGD, Consultant at Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung, and Purchaser at General Electrics Capital.

He coauthored XDLT: A Distance Learning Tool for consistent teaching of XML and related Technologies, Game-based Interaction Technology for Informal Education in Public Settings, Predicting the Future: Open Source CAAD?, and The Virtual Study Desk: Towards Learning-Styles Based User Modeling for Content Adaptation in Online Learning Environments, and authored Celebrating 25+ Years of Service to the IT in Education/E-Learning Community.

Jan graduated Singularity University in 2010 and earned his Doctor in Design (Technology/Artificial Intelligence) at Harvard University in 2009 with the dissertation “Consilium Urbis — A collective intelligence approach for perception-based urban analysis”. He completed his ICPNM at the Program in New Media Technology, Rhode Island School of Design in 2000. He earned his Masters in Economics at the University of Cologne, Germany in 1998 with the thesis “A Framework for an Internationalization of Ultimate Waste Disposal in the Nuclear Energy Sector”. He earned his Bachelors in Economics at the Justus-Liebig University, Germany.

Read his LinkedIn profile, his Singularity University profile, and his SpaceWiki profile.