Advisory Board

Geoff Barnard

The InformationWeek article NASA Plans “Nano” Satellites To Help Commercialize Space said

“NASA Ames Research Center plans to work with M2mi to develop small satellites to power telecommunications and networks in space.

‘NASA wants to work with companies to develop a new economy in space,’ NASA Ames Center director S. Pete Worden said in a news announcement Thursday. ‘M2mi has great technology that fits excellently with our goals, while enhancing the commercial use of NASA-developed technologies.’

The company will work under a cooperative research and development plan, which NASA said is the third such agreement in its history. It will build satellites that weigh between 11 and 110 pounds and create a constellation in low Earth orbit.

‘The constellation will provide a robust, global, space-based, high-speed network for communication, data storage, and Earth observations,’ M2mi CEO Geoff Barnard said in a statement. ‘Nanosatellites take advantage of the significant technological advances in microelectronics and will be produced using low-cost, mass-production techniques.’

NASA will lend its expertise in nanosensors, wireless networks, and nanosatellite technologies, while M2mi will apply its abilities in software technology, sensors, global system awareness, adaptive control, and commercialization.”

Geoff Barnard is CEO and cofounder of Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (m2mi) Corporation. Before m2mi, Geoff was Director, Grid Technologies at Oracle Corporation. He has been an advocate of grid computing for several years and has spoken about grids at conferences such as XML DevCon 200x, Grid Computing Planet 2002, and Semantic Technology Conference 200x. Geoff was also a principal architect of Oracle Message Broker.

Machine-to-Machine Intelligence (m2mi) Corp is a partner-centric company that enables companies to automate operations of vast, global networks of computers and networked equipment. Machines in an m2mi environment interoperate seamlessly, because each is augmented with knowledge of its own behavior and can communicate with all others. Information, communication, and intelligence enables global system awareness and adaptive control.

Their technology evolved from pioneering work conducted by Stanford University and DARPA. Armed with significant advances, their solutions enable machines to assess their own behavior and intelligently adapt it. They fully automate global system awareness and intelligent adaptive control. Equipped with m2mi’s situation and behavior models, m2mi-enabled systems provide human managers simple, intelligible, decision-oriented situation analysis.

m2mi’s entire solution stack rests on a secure trust model. Their technology answers the question, “How can we control our systems when their scale and speed exceed our human capacities to monitor, understand, and alter their behavior in predictable ways?” m2mi enables executives and managers to assure that their global systems behave adaptively and effectively.

Geoff earned his BSC (Honors) in Applied Computing, Performance Optimization, and Tuning of RDBMS at Manchester Metropolitan University, England. He earned his BTec ND and HNC at North Cheshire College, England.

Watch his Enterprise Data Forum conference interview. Watch KVTV FOX 2 Video – NASA Ames Research Park & m2mi Corp. Listen to his Outlook Series interview. Read NASA Ames and M2Mi Corp. to develop “Automated M2M Intelligence”. Read his LinkedIn profile.