Advisory Board

Frank W. Sudia, J.D.

Frank W. Sudia, J.D. (Juris Doctor) is a futurist, visionary, philosopher, and consultant with specializations in intellectual property management, corporate development, internet security, artificial intelligence, banking systems, and technical standards. He is listed as a Big Thinker on

He received a B.A. in Social Science from the University of Michigan (1979) and a J.D. from American University (1983). During the 1980s he worked as a consultant to various U.S. Federal Government agencies, including HHS, FDA, EPA, HUD, NIH, National Park Service, Minerals Management Service, and Office of Surface Mining. During the 1990s he worked on Wall Street, mainly at Bankers Trust Co. (since acquired by Deutsche Bank). At BT he worked on many financial systems, developed their online authentication system, cofounded (1994) BT Electronic Commerce, spun off as CertCo, Inc. (1996), and then worked at BT Ventures incubating other bank spinoffs. Since 2000 he has lived in San Francisco, researching, writing, and consulting on corporate and intellectual property development.

Frank holds 14 patents plus others pending, mainly for internet security technologies. A leading figure in the field of digital signature technology, he served on the editorial committee for the American Bar Association’s Digital Signature Guidelines, advised on the Model Notary Act, sponsored original work on the creation of Civil Law equivalent notaries in the U.S. (since enacted in Florida and Alabama), played a leading role in the development of ANSI X9 digital certificate standards, developed the technical and business model for Identrus, LLC, a consortium of over 65 of the world’s largest banks that is developing an internet security system, and advised Network Solutions on strategies that culminated in its $22 billion merger with Verisign.

His 2001 article, A Jurisprudence of Artilects: Blueprint for a Synthetic Citizen, was the basis of a symposium in the Journal of Futures Studies, appeared in Law Update, and is regularly assigned in cognitive science and ethics classes. He is presently documenting his “Theory of Analogous Transformations”, a candidate metascience grounded in information theory, cybernetics, and evolution. He is a member of the Theory Committee of the Global Consciousness Project.

Read his LinkedIn profile.