Advisory Board

Farzad Hashemi

Farzad Hashemi is Board Member & Protocol Architect at BitAngels.

BitAngels is the world’s first distributed veteran entrepreneur and angel investor group. It is focused on accelerating the digital currency ecosystem.

Farzad is an aspiring human, a cyber-social nomad, and a techno-shaman of the digital counterculture. He is an ideation consultant and angel investor in bitcoin.

As a student of NODET (National Organization for Development of Exceptional Talents, Helli Tehran), he had the privilege of being associated with most unusually talented intellectual entities in the country. (Students admitted to NODET were among the top one tenth of one percent of their peers.) Later he studied at De Anza College and UC Berkeley.

Bitcoin found him on its ground floor and he found it a phenomenon impossible to ignore. A passion and a mission, he co-nurtured bitcoin out of infancy with love, care, and contributions to its development and advancement, participation in every facet of its community.

As an American of Iranian heritage he was instrumental in introducing the bitcoin concept to Iranian academia, and played an active role in initiating a bitcoin community in Iran.

Read his LinkedIn profile and his Meetup profile. Follow his Twitter feed.