Advisory Board

Dr. Eiman Kanjo

The NewScientist article Cyclists’ cellphones help monitor air pollution said

“Cellphones used by bicycle couriers are monitoring air pollution in Cambridge, UK, and beaming the data back to a research lab.

The technique is made possible by small wireless pollution sensors and custom software that allows the phones to report levels of air pollutants wherever they happen to be around town.

‘Mobiles are everywhere, and now have a lot of computing power,’ says Eiman Kanjo, the computer scientist at Cambridge University, UK, leading technical development of the project. ‘They can provide an alternative to expensive custom hardware and report from places that otherwise aren’t monitored.’”

Eiman Kanjo, Ph.D. is Research Associate at the Mathematical Sciences Centre and Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge. She is also a member of Cambridge eScience Centre(CeSC).

Her research interest is in Pervasive computing systems including:

  • Mobile Computing applications
  • Location based services
  • Temporal and Spatial sensor data visualization on 3D GIS systems
  • Environmental monitoring in urban areas
  • Wireless Sensors for personal data collection and for scalable Wireless sensor networks
  • Communication between Sensors and mobile phones
  • Wireless LAN and Bluetooth application
  • Pervasive Health
  • Location based Games
  • Mobile Social Network and Mobile Social Software (MOSOSO)
  • Ad hoc and peer to peer networks
Prior to joining Cambridge University, Eiman worked at the MRL (Mixed Reality Lab), Computer Science, University of Nottingham in the area of Pervasive Computing, location based games and mobile development.

She has also worked as a researcher and developer in ICCAVE (the International Centre for Computer Games and Virtual Entertainment, University of Abertay Dundee carrying out research work in the Interactive Toys and board Games project which is sponsored by the Scottish Enterprise under the Proof of Concept Programme.

Eiman coauthored MobGeoSen: Facilitating Personal GeoSensor Data Collection and Visualization using Mobile Phones, Evaluation of the first City as Theatre Public Performance Contributors, Urban Computing and Mobile Devices, Supporting face-to-face communications through interactive toys space, Vision-Based Innovative Network Games, Interactive environment by narrative playmates toys. Read the full list of her publications!

She earned her PhD in from the Computer Science department, University of Abertay Dundee, UK, in the area of Pervasive and Tangible interfaces based on Computer Vision in 2005. She is an ACM Professional Member and holds the patent Object Tracking System.

Read Cellphones team up to become smart CCTV swarm.