Advisory Board

Didier Coeurnelle

Didier Coeurnelle, born in 1962, is an active member of the European Life Extension Community.

He is a funding member and co-chair of Heales, Healthy Life Extension Society, and a member of the board of the Association Française Transhumaniste (AFT) Technoprog. He is also a lifelong member of the Immortality Institute and a donor to the SENS Foundation.

As a member of Heales, Didier publishes the newsletter La mort de la mort (in French) and De dood van de dood (in Dutch). As a member of the AFT, he took part in the first two conferences of the AFT in the University La Sorbonne.

Didier is also politically active in the Green movement and is a jurist, working in a Belgian Federal Public Service and specialized in Social Security.

Watch Didier Coeurnelle Interview. Read his blog (in French): Utopian Chronicles, especially the categories “Immortalité” and “Technoprogressisme”. Visit his Facebook page. Follow his Twitter feed (in French).