Advisory Board

Professor David Casacuberta

David Casacuberta, Ph.D. is Philosophy of Science professor in the Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain).

His current line of research is the cognitive and social impact of new media, and specially, how the inclusion of artificial intelligence and artificial emotions can produce innovative, more interactive, and radically different new types of media. He has published several books, book chapters, and papers about the subject both in electronic and printed format.

David coedited Handbook of Research on Synthetic Emotions and Sociable Robotics: New Applications in Affective Computing and Artificial Intelligence, authored La Mente Humana: Cinco Enigmas Y Cien Preguntas, Que Es Una Emocion?, and Creacion colectiva: En Internet El Creador Es El Publico, and coauthored Eureka?

His papers include Digital inclusion as social inclusion. Help from E-learning, PROPAUSE: A Syntactico-Prosodic System Designed to Assign Pauses, The R Files: Applying Relevance Model to Conspiracy Theory Fallacies, Do we need new rights in Cyberspace? Discussing the case of how to define on-line privacy in an Internet Bill of Rights, The creation of an on-line community: the Spanish case, and Labeling Melodic Movements at the Stress Group Level.

He works for Transit Projectes as project manager and scientific coordinator for several EU Projects such as E-learning for E-inclusion under the E-learning program.

David earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy and a Master’s degree in “Cognitive sciences and Language”.

Watch David Casacuberta, Crie Futuros Tecnologias e Produção Colaborativa, Geolocalizadores para voluntarios medioambientales, and Introduction to Cyberphilosophy – David Casacuberta. Visit his Facebook page and his site Neurophenomenology.