David Benjamin, M.A.
David Benjamin, M.A. is Principal of architecture firm The Living and Director of the Living Architecture Lab at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation.
The practice and the lab involve open source research and design. Recent projects include Living City (a platform for buildings to talk to one another), Amphibious Architecture (a cloud of light above New Yorks East River that glows and blinks according to water quality and public interest in the environment), Proof (a series of design studios that explore methods of testing and evolutionary computation), and Architecture Biosynthesis (a hands-on research initiative about synthetic biology, computation, and innovation in buildings).
Before earning his Master of Architecture degree from Columbia, Benjamin graduated from Harvard with a BA in Social Studies.
Watch David Benjamin Interview, 09/17/09, The Living at Pecha Kucha Seoul, David Benjamin & Soo-in Yang, Project Presentation: Amphibious Architecture, and Architectural League: Young Architects #3/The Living. Read Living Cities: From Sci-Fi to Sentient Buildings, David Benjamin and the future of architecture, and Living City — Curtain Walls, Building Science, Architecture — Architect Magazine, Life Size — David Benjamin and Soo-in Yang, and RIVER GLOW: Water Pollution Monitor / Urban Art Installation | Inhabitat — Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building. Read his LinkedIn profile.