Professor Curtis D. Carbonell
Curtis D. Carbonell, Ph.D., first grew interested in the intersection of science and the humanities when he presented an M.A. thesis on Frederick Turner’s Genesis: an Epic Poem about the terraforming of Mars.
Today, he writes about how the humanities disciplines need to maintain a healthy theoretical space in the face of increased influence by social and life science thinkers. A common current of investigation for him is the rise of technoscience as a dominant force that affects how human beings experience the world and that surfaces in a variety of literary texts.
From this perspective, he has published a variety of academic and online popular articles, such as Gould as a Third Culture Thinker: Revising Darwinism in Ecolga Online Journal (forthcoming); Teaching “Humanity+” to Students; The Third Culture; A Consilient Science and Humanities in Ian McEwan’s Enduring Love; Spandrels and the Institution of Evolutionary Biology: Gould and the Third Culture in The Journal of Contemporary Thought, 29: Summer, 2009; Evolutionary Literary Studies: The Failure of Literary Darwinism; The Third Culture and the Problem of the Human in Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism, 16:2: Fall-Winter, 2008; and Taking off the Gloves: Dawkins and the Root of All Evil? in Journal of Religion and Popular Culture.
To further the investigation of how the humanities intersect with the sciences — in particular, the important conversations surrounding the emergence of the transhuman and posthuman — he is co-coordinating a conference Transforming Human Nature in Science, Technology, and the Arts to be held at NYIT in Bahrain, October 2011. In addition, in the last few years he has presented papers on a wide range of topics from Literary Darwinism, to Stephen Jay Gould as a Third Culture thinker, to Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
He currently is an Assistant Professor of English for New York Institute of Technology (Bahrain) where he teaches a senior seminar on science fiction and culture. He is currently preparing a paper that looks at how theories in technoscience provide a reading of HBO’s critically acclaimed program, The Wire.
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