Advisory Board

Dr. Carlo Lepori

Carlo Lepori, Ph.D. is professor for Computer Languages at the Department of Innovative Technologies of the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland and co-director of the Dalle Molle Institute of Studies in Artificial Intelligence.
Carlo completed his studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) as a theoretical physicist and dr sc. nat in 1975, and was then active as a physics teacher at various school in Ticino and as a computer science teacher at the Engineering School in Lugano, now SUPSI.
He has been collaborating with IDSIA since the creation of the institute in 1988. He has promoted the introduction of e-learning at SUPSI, and is project leader of a Swiss Virtual Campus project, “MACS: continuous education modules”, a first experiment of e-learning-based modules for the “Studio postdiploma” (Nachdipklomstudium) on Advanced Computer Science at SUPSI.