Advisory Board

Barry Clemson

Barry Clemson is Managing Editor for Systems Thinking World Journal (a free online professional journal), an essayist, and a novelist.

Barry worked, mostly in this order, in custom manufacturing, community development, academia (management cybernetics), software development, as the owner of a small construction firm, and as a novelist.

Barry has been fortunate to have had several transformative experiences:

  1. Growing up in the Alaskan wilderness gave him a love for nature, especially mountains.
  2. Doing voter registration in Mississippi 1964–1965 taught him that freedom is a state of mind, not some favorable situation.
  3. Stafford Beer (intellectual mentor, spirit guide, and friend) set him on the road to systems thinking.
  4. Mary (pastor, warrior, gardener, and master quilter) showed him that underneath and within everything else is Spirit and that Spirit is more powerful than anything else.
View his Facebook page. Read his LinkedIn profile.