Advisory Board

Dr. Balaji “Baloo” Panchapakesan

The ScienceDaily article University Of Delaware Researchers Develop Cancer “Nanobomb” said

“University of Delaware researchers are opening a new front in the war on cancer, bringing to bear new nanotechnologies for cancer detection and treatment and introducing a unique nanobomb that can literally blow up breast cancer tumors.

Balaji Panchapakesan, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at UD, has recently reported on the discoveries in the journals NanoBiotechnology and Oncology Issues.

‘Make no mistake, we are focused on eradicating cancer,’ Panchapakesan said, explaining that the nanobombs are the result of work over the past two years with carbon nanotubes, which are atoms of carbon arranged in tubular form.”

Balaji “Baloo” Panchapakesan, Ph.D. is Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Louisville. He is on the Editorial Board of NanoBiotechnology.

Baloo’s research focuses on understanding how light interacts with carbon nanotubes and creating applications as diverse as micro-opto-mechanical systems to cancer nanotechnology that utilize this phenomenon. He is the recipient of NSF CAREER award in 2005, University of Maryland, College Park Alumni Award in 2006, and Francis Alison Young Scholar Award at the University of Delaware in 2006.

He coauthored Microhotplate based chemical sensors, Nanoparticle engineered microhotplate gas sensors, Optically Driven Nanotube Actuators, Single wall carbon nanotube nanobomb agents to kill breast cancer cells, Nanotube based Micro-opto-mechanical actuators in the journal, Metallic Artificial Muscles, Nanotechnology: Promise of Tiny Technology for Cancer Care, Nanotechnology Part 2: Promise of Tiny Technology for Cancer Therapeutics, Single wall carbon nanotube with adsorbed antibodies detect cancer cells, and Photoconductivity in single wall carbon nanotube sheets.

Baloo earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park in 2001. He earned his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from the National Institute of Technology (formerly Regional Engineering College), India in 1994.

Read Nanoparticles, Nanoshells, Nanotubes: How Tiny Specks May Provide Powerful Tools Against Cancer and Nanotubes Blast Cancer Cells.