Advisory Board

Anthony Judge, MBA

Anthony Judge, MBA is mainly known for his career at the Union of International Associations (UIA), where he has been Director of Communications and Research, as well as Assistant Secretary-General.
Tony’s many papers include Resource Insights from Plus or Minus 12 People on a Liferaft, Imagining Order as Hypercomputing, Sensing Epiterrestrial Intelligence (SETI): Embedding of “extraterrestrials” in episystemic dynamics?, Mind Map of Global Civilizational Collapse, Clustering Questions of Existential Significance, Coherent Value Frameworks, In Quest of Engaging Values, Norms in the Global Struggle against Extremism, Richer Metaphors for Our Future Survival, and Matrix Organization and Organizational Networks. Read the full list of his papers!
He was responsible at the UIA for the development of interlinked databases and for publications based on those databases, mainly the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, the Yearbook of International Organizations, and the International Congress Calendar.
Tony has also personally authored a collection of over 1,600 documents of relevance to governance and strategy-making. All these papers are freely available on his personal website Laetus in Praesens (translated from Latin: Joy in the Present). Now retired from the UIA, he is continuing his research within the context of an initiative called Union of Imaginable Associations.
His work at the UIA, from the sixties until 2007, involved the adaptation of a wide range of emerging technologies to data management and knowledge management, such as in-house computers, computer typesetting, email, extension of email access to developing countries, metadata structure, collaborative editing, machine translation, web technology, VRML, and inter-institutional data integration. A particular focus of his activities was on the possibilities of visualizing networks of organizations, world problems, and other sets of data.
Tony’s work also involved the production of many research papers relevant to the strategic position of international organizations and the organized response to world problems. He wrote papers for instance on dialogue facilitation, transformative conferencing, information system design, relevance of metaphor for governance and communication, transdisciplinarity, and concepts of human development.
Under his direction the UIA developed the most extensive databases on global civil society and its networks. Those databases contain entries on international nonprofit bodies, biography profiles, international meetings, world problems, global strategies, concepts of human development, human values, and more. Publications based on those databases include the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, the Yearbook of International Organizations, the International Congress Calendar, and many others.
Tony carried out also consulting and related activities with such institutions as the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), UNESCO, UN Environment Programme (UNEP), UN University (Tokyo), and the Commonwealth Science Council. One of his continuing research interests has been innovation in international meeting processes, especially in conferences with special problems.
Tony is an Australian national who was born in Port Said, Egypt in 1940. His father was a pilot and officer in the Royal Air Force. He was brought up in what was Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), with some schooling in the United Kingdom and Australia. He earned a degree in Chemical Engineering at Imperial College (London) and earned his MBA at the University of Cape Town. He worked at the Union of International Associations between 1961 and 1963, and from 1968 till 2007. He is still living in Belgium, his wife is German, and they have one son.
Read his Wikipedia profile.